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CS106A CS106A Lectures 1. Welcome Assignments Section Handouts Syllabus CS106A: Programming Methodologies Stanford University | Fall 2021 Monday, Wednesday, Friday | Live Lectures 1:30pm - 2:30pm PT in Hewlett Teaching Center Room 200 Teaching Team Nick Parlante Lecturer nick.parlante@cs Mon 3:00-4:00pm Tues 11:30am-2:00pm Weds 3-4:30pm In Durand office 311 Juliette Woodrow Head TA jwoodrow@ Tues 4-6pm Thurs 9-11am PT Tues hours in Durand office 311 Thurs Zoom Link Section Leaders SL help starts Week 2 Announcements Course Tactics 2021091921 Welcome to CS106A! We will have live in-person lectures every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:30-2:30pm PT in Hewlett Teaching Center Room 200. We have a large class this quarter, even more students than there are chairs in the classroom we have been assigned. As such, each lecture will be recorded and posted on Canvas approximately two hours after the live class so you can watch those if you do not want to attend in person (we do think coming in-person is neat but of course we would say that). We recommend that you bring your laptop to class if you can as there will be many times where you can follow along and practice coding something. There will be weekly discussion sections starting week two. These must be attended live. There are many available times, but the scheduling of that is done by CS106A staff, so don't worry about it in axess. We will open signups for section on Thursday evening. There is a midterm and final exam. The midterm will be Monday, October 25th at 7pm PT. The final will be Monday, December 6th at 8:30am PT. Please email Juliette ( asap if you are not able to make these times. If you have an OAE accommodation, please send that information to Juliette ( If you have questions during the class or want to see other questions that have been posted, please checkout the thread on the Ed discussion form for a given lecture (see announcement below for more information). Ed 2021091921 This quarter, we're using Ed Discussion for class Q&A both during and outside of lecture. Ed During Lecture: During each lecture, we will create a thread titled with the lecture number. Post a comment on that thread if you want to ask a question during lecture and Juliette or one of the section leaders will answer it. It is super important that you post your comment on that specific thread if you want it answered during lecture as that is the only one we will be monitoring at that time. Of course you can also raise your hand and ask your question out loud if you want to do that instead. Ed Outside of Lecture: On Ed, you can send a message to the staff by making it private, or you can send questions, or posts to the entire group. In short, it's a great forum for administrative questions, quick conceptual questions about office hours or understanding what an error message means. Join the Ed discussion forum for CS106A! Apply to the ACE Section 2021091921 CS100A, also known as CS106A ACE, is a 1-unit supplementary section designed to build a stronger foundation in computer science. Students participating in ACE will attend an additional weekly section and participate in exam review sessions and individual tutoring. Section will take place Thursdays 1:30-3:30pm PT in person. ACE is one of the School of Engineering’s Equity and Inclusion Initiatives. We especially want to provide an opportunity for students who come from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds or for anyone who feels they might need additional support in order to succeed. We limit enrollment to enable small classes that allow students to have one-on-one interactions with the TA. If you are interested in joining the ACE section, please apply at this link due Friday, September 24th at 5pm PT. If you have any questions about ACE, feel free to reach out to Brian Zeng (CS106A ACE TA) at Welcome! 2021091921 Welcome to CS106A! We're gearing up for a fun quarter beginning on Monday, September 20th. Class will take place in the Hewlett Teaching Center Room 200. Until then, reach out to Juliette, the Head TA, with any questions you have. © Stanford 2020 | CS106A has been developed over decades by many talented teachers. Website designed by Chris Piech. Resources CA time: Getting Help Sign up for LaIR Experimental Server Bit Reference Python Guide Videos on Canvas Ed Discussion Forum Paperless Course Values Everyone is welcome. Intellectual joy. Be kind. Be humane. Social connection. Learn by doing. Thrill of building. Adapt to new contexts. Especially in a hard time. --> CS106A Lectures 1. Welcome Assignments Section Handouts Syllabus CS106A: Programming Methodologies Stanford University | Fall 2021 Monday, Wednesday, Friday | Live Lectures 1:30pm - 2:30pm PT in Hewlett Teaching Center Room 200 Teaching Team Nick Parlante Lecturer nick.parlante@cs Mon 3:00-4:00pm Tues 11:30am-2:00pm Weds 3-4:30pm In Durand office 311 Juliette Woodrow Head TA jwoodrow@ Tues 4-6pm Thurs 9-11am PT Tues hours in Durand office 311 Thurs Zoom Link Section Leaders SL help starts Week 2 Resources CA time: Getting Help Sign up for LaIR Experimental Server Bit Reference Python Guide Videos on Canvas Ed Discussion Forum Paperless Announcements Course Tactics 2021091921 Welcome to CS106A! We will have live in-person lectures every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:30-2:30pm PT in Hewlett Teaching Center Room 200. We have a large class this quarter, even more students than there are chairs in the classroom we have been assigned. As such, each lecture will be recorded and posted on Canvas approximately two hours after the live class so you can watch those if you do not want to attend in person (we do think coming in-person is neat but of course we would say that). We recommend that you bring your laptop to class if you can as there will be many times where you can follow along and practice coding something. There will be weekly discussion sections starting week two. These must be attended live. There are many available times, but the scheduling of that is done by CS106A staff, so don't worry about it in axess. We will open signups for section on Thursday evening. There is a midterm and final exam. The midterm will be Monday, October 25th at 7pm PT. The final will be Monday, December 6th at 8:30am PT. Please email Juliette ( asap if you are not able to make these times. If you have an OAE accommodation, please send that information to Juliette ( If you have questions during the class or want to see other questions that have been posted, please checkout the thread on the Ed discussion form for a given lecture (see announcement below for more information). Ed 2021091921 This quarter, we're using Ed Discussion for class Q&A both during and outside of lecture. Ed During Lecture: During each lecture, we will create a thread titled with the lecture number. Post a comment on that thread if you want to ask a question during lecture and Juliette or one of the section leaders will answer it. It is super important that you post your comment on that specific thread if you want it answered during lecture as that is the only one we will be monitoring at that time. Of course you can also raise your hand and ask your question out loud if you want to do that instead. Ed Outside of Lecture: On Ed, you can send a message to the staff by making it private, or you can send questions, or posts to the entire group. In short, it's a great forum for administrative questions, quick conceptual questions about office hours or understanding what an error message means. Join the Ed discussion forum for CS106A! Apply to the ACE Section 2021091921 CS100A, also known as CS106A ACE, is a 1-unit supplementary section designed to build a stronger foundation in computer science. Students participating in ACE will attend an additional weekly section and participate in exam review sessions and individual tutoring. Section will take place Thursdays 1:30-3:30pm PT in person. ACE is one of the School of Engineering’s Equity and Inclusion Initiatives. We especially want to provide an opportunity for students who come from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds or for anyone who feels they might need additional support in order to succeed. We limit enrollment to enable small classes that allow students to have one-on-one interactions with the TA. If you are interested in joining the ACE section, please apply at this link due Friday, September 24th at 5pm PT. If you have any questions about ACE, feel free to reach out to Brian Zeng (CS106A ACE TA) at Welcome! 2021091921 Welcome to CS106A! We're gearing up for a fun quarter beginning on Monday, September 20th. Class will take place in the Hewlett Teaching Center Room 200. Until then, reach out to Juliette, the Head TA, with any questions you have. Course Values Everyone is welcome. Intellectual joy. Be kind. Be humane. Social connection. Learn by doing. Thrill of building. Adapt to new contexts. Especially in a hard time. --> © Stanford 2020 | CS106A has been developed over decades by many talented teachers. Website designed by Chris Piech.