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Leading the Way in 
Business Rule 
Management Systems
ILOG JRules:
White Paper
ILOG JRules:
Leading the Way in 
Business Rule 
Management Systems
White Paper
© ILOG, March 2005  –  Do not duplicate without permission.
ILOG, CPLEX and their respective logotypes are registered trademarks.
All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
The material presented in this document is summary in nature, subject to change,
not contractual and intended for general information only and does not constitute a representation.
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
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... ................. 14 
Growing customer base................................................................................................. 14 
Strength 5: Complete Offering .......................................................................................... 15 
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 15 
Additional Resources ......................................................................................................... 15 
Audience ......................................................................................................... ..
Applicable ILOG JRules Versions................................................................ ..
Introduction.................................................................................................... ..
The Five Strengths ......................................................................................... ..
Strength 1: Comprehensive Feature Set...................................................... ..
Tools............................................................................................................ ..
Rule Languages ......................................................................................... ..
Repository ................................................................................................. ..
BRE Server................................................................................................. ..
Rule Engine............................................................................................... ..
Strength 2: Reliability ................................................................................... ..
Rule execution speed ............................................................................... ..
A Scalable BRMS ...................................................................................... ..
Dedication to standards .......................................................................... ..
Strength 3: Customizability and Extensibility .......................................... ..
Customization services............................................................................ ..
Extension services .................................................................................... ..
Strength 4: Track Record.............................................................................. ..
Stability of ILOG ...................................................................................... ..
“Blue Chip” references ............................................................................ ..
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 3 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
This document is intended for those who wish to learn more about business rule 
management and business rule management systems, and to understand why 
JRules is the leading BRMS available. 
Applicable ILOG JRules Versions 
This document covers ILOG JRules 5.0.x 
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 4 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
ing business 
ent practical 
les across 
is is why it has become an essential part of the IT infrastructures of 
hundreds of businesses worldwide, and the list of customers continues to grow with 
 Times 100 
and the Crossroads A-List. It has received the Intelligent Enterprise Editor’s Choice 
ong other 
er has listed 
usiness Rule Engines in every version of the Magic 
Quadrant, and Giga, Butler Group and Bloor Research all recommend ILOG JRules 
erall leader 
 hold this commanding position among business rule 
management systems?  Put simply, ILOG JRules has strengths that – taken together 
– are unsurpassed in the marketplace. 
es’ strengths begin with its comprehensive feature set. ILOG JRules provides 
tools and rule languages that help policy managers, business analysts and 
ules, and an 
reliability. The combination of high 
performance and robustness make the product’s rule engine the one to depend on 
with mission-critical business applications, regardless of the throughput 
requirements. All the components in ILOG JRules are based on the latest standards 
for J2EE, XML, Web services and even rule engines (e.g., JSR94). It is designed to fit 
into a modern computing environment seamlessly and efficiently, so there is no 
need for a custom or proprietary interface or adapter. 
ILOG has worked for many years to make ILOG JRules the market-lead
rule management system (BRMS). JRules makes business rule managem
by providing innovative tools to author, deploy and manage business ru
the enterprise. Th
each passing quarter.  
ILOG JRules’ reputation has resulted in the BRMS’s inclusion in the SD
Award and Software Development magazine’s Productivity Award, am
top industry honors. 
Major IT research firms recognize ILOG JRules as a market leader. Gartn
it in the Magic Quadrant for B
specifically for business rule management. IDC identifies ILOG as the ov
in market share for the BRMS m
Why does ILOG JRules
The Five Strengths 
developers author, deploy and manage business rules. It also includes a r
to store and protect business rules, a powerful rule engine to execute r
extensive Java library to define and extend rule execution and m
Another major strength is ILOG JRules 
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 5 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
ILOG JRules is customizable and extensible to an unprecedented degree
every feature provided “out of the box” can be customized. The tools
and engine are all sup
. Practically 
, repository 
ported with rich APIs, and frameworks that enable their 
ral years. A 
ncial and an 
G JRules is 
the enterprise at leading companies around the world in finance, 
government, telecommunications, insurance, e-businesses and manufacturing. And 
 is not just 
ng, and its 
educational. ILOG provides maintenance 
services and technical support, classroom and onsite training, solution frameworks 
are and services needed to 
successfully apply business rule management. 
rs, business 
ts and developers author, deploy, and manage business rules. It also includes 
a repository to store and protect business rules; a powerful rule engine to execute 
an extensive Java library to define and extend the rule execution and 
management environments. Each of these major component areas is rich with 
extension programmatically.  
ILOG JRules has achieved an impressive track record over the last seve
contributing factor is the stability of its maker -- ILOG --both from a fina
organizational standpoint. There are also its blue-chip references. ILO
employed across 
this list is growing fast. 
ILOG JRules’ fifth major strength is its complete offering. ILOG JRules
software and documentation, although the software is award winni
documentation comprehensive and 
and product consulting. ILOG provides all the softw
Strength 1: Comprehensive Feature Set 
ILOG JRules provides tools and rule languages that help policy manage
rules; and 
Feature Description 
Orchestrate the execution of rule packages 
using UML 
Decision Table Editor 
 as decision 
Author and maintain rules
Decision Table Designer Make templates for decision tables 
Decision Tree Editor 
Author and maintain rules as decision 
Decision Tree Designer Make templates for decision trees 
Graphical Business Object Model 
Diagram objects manipulated by rules 
using UML 
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 6 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
Consistency Checking undant rules Identify broken or red
Automatically check rule s
 Search for and update anything in the 
Plug-In Architecture 
eed; hide 
Work with only the tools you n
the ones you don’t need
Repository Explorer 
Browse and select rules, temp
r rules 
Browse and
Template Designer Create rule templates 
Syntactic Rule Editor 
or, read and update rules on your Auth
Web Rule Editor 
through a 
Web browser 
Author, read and update rules 
View and edit rule properties 
Evaluate the runtime perfor
Rule Validation yntax 
lates, queries, 
decision tables, Ruleflow and more 
Business Object Model Explore
 select objects manipulated by 
Template Editor 
Author, read and update template-based 
Property Sheet 
mance of a rule 
Debug rules, decision tables and Ruleflow 
as they are executed by the rule engine 
Tracer Monitor execution events as they occur  
Rule Languages 
Feature Description 
Business Action Language (BA
 rules using natural language 
L) syntax  
ILOG Rule Language (IRL) 
Author rules using Java- or XM
tion Customize the provided rule Business Rule Language Defini
languages or 
create your own 
Java Language Integration Use Java expressions directly in  the IRL 
Temporal Expressions 
Include time-based conditions and actions 
in rules 
Author rules in English, French, Japanese 
and other languages  
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 7 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
Assign versions to ru
Permission Management cess to rules and tools Control ac
Rule History 
de to rules View the history of changes ma
and rule properties 
Store rules, rule properti
Ruleflow, templates and
Automatically coordinate mu
collaboration on 
Rule Versioning 
les and decision 
es, decision tables, 
 more in files or 
base management systems 
rule authoring and 
SCC Integration 
Use third-party SCC tools to store and 
retrieve repository artifacts 
BRE Server 
Feature Description 
Integrated suite of component
executing business
J2EE application server
system adm
and Java Management Beans.
with Java Managemen
IBM Tivoli or HP Op
Builder Integration ing of 
Hot-deployment and packag
business rules from JRules Bu
J2EE Application Serve
J2EE Components s for 
 rules on production 
s and databases.  
Management Web-based inistration console 
t Bean tools such as 
AS Integration  integration with the underlying 
r for cache 
management and configuration. 
Remote Debugging  Interactive, remote debugging of rulesets 
deployed to the BRES from Rule Builder 
JIT code generation Safe Just-In-Time generation of Java byte-
code from rulesets 
Ruleset Persistence RDBMS used to persist rulesets in 
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 8 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
Suite of automation tools for 
and system administrators to
Automation Tools developers 
 perform all 
major management tasks through scripts 
or application build files 
ule Engine 
Inferencing Execution Mode 
algorithms to arbitrarily execute complex 
Apply sophisticated pattern-m
rule sets 
Sequential Execution Mode 
mple rule 
Maximize execution speed for si
XML Binding  files directly Read and write XML
Web Service Binding 
 directly from 
Invoke external Web services
Database Binding S facilitated Connection to  DBM
Context Pooling 
Manage performance usin
g pools of rule 
Support for JSR94 
Call the JRule engine by 
standard rule engine interf
using the JSR94 
Ruleset Update Management 
 without Update rule sets “on the fly”
JIT Bytecode Generation 
translating rule sets into Java bytecode 
Boost performance by automati
Enable remote connection
tool for embedded application
Conflict Resolution 
ule conflicts during 
ity and 
Automatically resolve r
execution by using refraction, prior
Share objects across multiple t
Remote Debugging 
 of debugging 
Multithreaded Architecture hreads 
Truth Maintenance System 
Use logical objects to automatically assert 
and retract conditional hypotheses 
Temporal Reasoning 
Incorporate time as a parameter during 
rule execution 
Support for Ruleflow 
Execute Ruleflow and rules in the same 
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 9 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
Strength 2: Reliability 
ther BRMSs 
ability. The three aspects of reliability most cited are rule execution speed, 
rule engine robustness, and a dedication to industry standards apparent throughout 
f the ILOG 
JRules rule engine. The rule set for the test consisted of 1,500 rules. Each rule used 
sed on the 
he test. 
th bytecode 
ly advanced 
 algorithm to efficiently match rule conditions to the sales items. During 
able when 
 the rules to 
. (Bytecode 
nhancement for the inferencing mode.) 
tion. In this 
 and the rule 
ategy was discarded. 
Usually, the characteristics of a rule set mak ith either inferencing or 
seq s case, the test r  was designed so that 
bot ution modes could lied and compared. 
Execution Mode  Execution Speed (rules per second) 
Another primary reason why ILOG customers select ILOG JRules over o
is its reli
the software. 
Rule execution speed 
In a recent lab test, ILOG personnel measured the execution speed o
five conditions to assign one of five actions to a sales item, ba
characteristics of the item. A total of 10,000 sales items were included in t
Three execution modes were run in the test: inferencing, inferencing wi
generation, and sequential. Rule execution by inferencing used the high
inferencing, all the rules were reactive to data change and became applic
the conditions were verified. A rule selection strategy was used to select
Inferencing with bytecode generation added a just-in-time optimization step tha
translated test evaluations into efficient Java bytecode before execution
generation is an optional e
Sequential execution applied a brute-force approach to the rule evalua
mode, rules were evaluated and executed in a predefined order,
selection str
e it executable w
uential mode, but not both. In thi ule set
h inferencing and sequential exec  be app
Inferencing  22.7K 
Inferencing w/ bytecode generation 68.6K 
Sequential  384K 
K = Thousand (Tests conducted on a Sun Blade 1000 running Solaris 8 with 1.5 GBytes of memory) 
Running the test produced an execution speed of 22,700 rules per second for pure 
inferencing. Adding bytecode generation produced a 3X increase to 68,600 rules per 
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 10 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
second. Switching to sequential mode increased performance enorm
execution speed of 384,000 rules per second. 
ously, to an 
ns varying 
s illustrated 
OG JRules 
ype ing Profile 
A Scalable BR
ILOG JRules is being successfully applied across business applicatio
greatly in operating profile and performance requirements. This point i
in the following table of examples taken from real deployments by IL
Application T Rules Operat
Straight Through Processi
Validation, Confirmation, Orde
ng: Data 
rs/day, 2M 
Routing and Message Transf tion 
1K 2-2.5K orde
Asset Management: Validation and 300 300K validations/hour 
Credit Qualification 8K records/sec, 130K rules/sec 50 2.
Automatic Trading les/sec 30 15 ru
Automatic Trading 120 50 trades/sec 
Order Validation and Routing ers/day 60 2K ord
Mediation 6K 10M transactions/hour 
Claim Assignment 450 225K claims/day 
Welfare Benefit Eligibility s/sec 300 >300 rule
200 5M 
Claim Validation and Routing /sec, 1M 
360 0.25 claims
Transaction Validation and Routin ions/day g 8K 120K transact
Order Management 1.8K 20K transa
Loan Acquisition and Servicing loans/day 
Content Routing 15 150K-250K messages/day 
Automobile Financing 100 Up to 40K requests/day 
Reservation Data cleansing 1.6K 16K reservations/day 
K = Thousand       M = Million   
ILOG JRules has been proven stable and reliable from proof of concept to deployment of 
mission-critical business applications operating in a 24x7x365 environments.  
Dedication to standards 
ILOG JRules conforms to the current and emerging standards of the Object Management 
Group (OMG), Java Community Process (JCP) and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 11 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
• Repositories  
• Rule engines  
• XML  
eb Rule Builder  
ted by ILOG JRules include: 
type  Implemented in ILOG 
JRules by  
• Web serv
• W
Standards implemen
Standard  Version  Standard Standard 
M 1.4  G  odel 
siness del  OF  OM Object m Bu  Object Mo
I  XML r  ry file 
Re ry Mode
XM 1.1  OMG   gramma Reposito
JMI  1.0  JCP  API  posito l API  
JSR-94  1.0  JCP  API  Rule engine server  
Standards supported by ILOG JRules include: 
Standard  Version  Standard 
S ed in 
ILOG JRules by  
JDK  1.3.1, 1.4.1, JCP API  All modules  
JDBC  2.0  JCP API  Repository 
J2EE  JC API  ule engine EJB 
1.3  P R
EJB  1.1, 2.0  JC API  Rule engine EJB 
JAXP  1.1  JC API  ML parsers,  
SLT invocation  
P All X
 binding  1.0  3C XML
WSDL  1.1  W3C XML 
Web service 
Rule engine 
SOAP  1.1  W3C XML Web service 
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 12 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
gram ng,  
mar  bindi
Servlet  2.2, 2.3  JC Web Rule Builder P API  
mar  Web Rule
 Str th 3: miz ilit Extensibili
ing and ex
JSP  1.1, 1.2  JC Web Rule Builder 
CSS  2  W3C Gram  Builder 
ok and feel  
eng  Custo ab y and ty  
ILOG JRules provides mechanisms for customiz tending all its 
components, including its tools, languages, repository and engine. The 
customization services make it easy to adjust the performance, functionality and 
appearance of components provided with ILOG JRules, while the extension services 
default with ILOG 
• Installing or uninstalling tools using a plug-in architecture 
tion properties 
ok and feel of ILOG JRules Web components via CSS 
ILO ed in several ways: 
• Adding a custom tool or function using the plug-in architecture 
• Adding custom functionality via ILOG JRules Application Programming 
• Adding a custom business rule language 
• Embedding ILOG JRules Web components in custom user interfaces 
• Embedding ILOG JRules Java Beans in custom Java applications 
make it possible to add capabilities that are not provided by 
Customization services 
ILOG JRules can be customized in several ways: 
• Changing configura
• Customizing the lo
(Cascading Style Sheets) 
Extension services 
G JRules can be extend
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 13 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
Strength 4: Track Record 
Stability of ILOG 
For more than 10 years, ILOGʹs innovative enterprise-class software components 
ximize their business agility and improve 
e e than 300 leading 
tion and visualization 
technologies to achieve dramatic returns on investment, create market-defining 
en their competitive edge. ILOG has had the same 
ive since the company’s inception, and its employee turnover rate is well 
erage. For R&D in particular, it is well below 5 percent. 
other key reasons.” 
ian Guaranty 
actively playing at a time that used to be slow. And I say to myself, 
romotions I 
     y, CIO, Harrah’s Entertainment 
“Using ILOG JRules, we will have a solution that will scale as our 
treetʹs need to 
Growing customer base 
ILOG’s customer base for ILOG JRules has experienced double-digit growth in the 
last three years, with no letup in sight. It includes EBay, Freddie Mac, , Disney, 
Sabre and many other leading Global 2000 companies, and governments worldwide.  
and services have helped companies ma
op rating efficiency. Over 1,000 global corporations and mor
software vendors rely on ILOGʹs business rule, optimiza
products and services, and sharp
chief execut
below the industry av
“Blue Chip” references 
Here are what CIOs of major companies have to say about ILOG JRules: 
“We selected ILOG JRules because of its rich user interface, and its 
business approach that puts the power of the customization in the 
user’s hands. The performance and scalability of ILOG JRules w
              – Liz Shuttleworth, CIO, Rad
“Sometimes I walk out of my office and see a group of cust
they wouldn’t be here now if it weren’t for the one-off p
can do with our rules system.” 
         – Tim Stanle
business requirements change while supporting CitiS
exchange and manage employee information in real tim
 - Andy Marsh, CIO, Total Benefits Outsourcing, C
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 14 - 
ILOG Business Rules     ILOG JRules 
ILO oftware and comprehensive, 
ructional documentation. It is also fully backed with maintenance and support 
services, classroom and onsite training, and solution frameworks and consulting 
ces. Together, they add up to a complete solution for 
business rule management. 
ILOG JRules leads in the business rule management marketplace because of its 
3. Extensibility and Customizability 
4. Track Record 
eteness of Offering 
More information on ILOG JRules, including datasheets, specifications, case studies 
e near you or 
the ILOG JRules Web pages, at  
rength 5: Complete Offering 
G JRules includes more than just award-winning s
from our professional servi
1. Comprehensive Feature Set 
2. Reliability 
5. Compl
Taken together, these five strengths make ILOG JRules the right choice in
Additional Resource
and white papers, can be obtained from an ILOG Sales Representativ
© 2004 ILOG S.A. All rights reserved. - 15 -