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Assignment 1: In-memory Data Layout 
Assigned:​ January 14th, 2020 
Due:​ January 30th, 2020, 11:59pm 
Starter Code:​ ​ 
Link to class Gradescope:​ ​ 
In this assignment, you will implement different in-memory relational stores to measure the effect of data 
layout and indexing on query performance. You will be working with a minimal query engine written in 
Java that can load or generate data tables and run four different types of queries on them (implemented as 
methods on a ​Table​ class). 
We have provided skeletons for ​RowTable​, ​ColumnTable​, and ​IndexedRowTable​ in the ​starter code​, 
which you need to fill in so that they can correctly and efficiently support the four query types we will run 
(described below). In addition, you will implement a ​CustomTable​, which can adaptively use different 
data layouts and indices depending on the query. Your ​CustomTable​ will run in a benchmark competition 
against the whole class, where the top-scoring entries will get bonus points. 
We will measure the time taken to execute the query methods (e.g. ​columnSum()​, 
predicatedColumnSum()​, etc...) on each of the tables you will implement. We will not measure loading 
time (i.e. the time taken to execute the load method) for each of the table implementations. We also will 
check the query method results for correctness using the provided correctness tests. 
The runtime of each method on each table on each specific data workload is evaluated independently. We 
measure these runtimes using the ​Java microbenchmark harness​: this will run each query method in tight 
loops repeatedly with varying warm-up runs and JVM forks. We then track the best observed runtime of 
your method. You will receive points based on the correctness and performance of your ​Table 
This is a checklist of tasks you will be responsible for in this assignment. We provide more detailed 
instructions below. 
● Finish implementing getter and setter fields in ​RowTable​, ​ColumnTable​, ​IndexedRowTable​. 
● Implement queries for each of these tables, possibly in this order: ​columnSum()​, 
predicatedColumnSum()​, ​predicatedAllColumnsSum()​, ​predicatedUpdate()​. 
● Ensure the basic correctness JUnit tests pass. 
● Run the Gradescope grader locally to compare runtime performance (note that these timing 
measurements may differ from the grading machine, but should show relative differences). 
● Implement ​CustomTable​, and check runtime performance locally (can compare to already 
implemented ​RowTable​, ​ColumnTable​, ​IndexedRowTable​) on the provided workload trace (the 
seed used on Gradescope may differ). 
● Submit to Gradescope and check your final results. 
Software Dependencies 
The assignment is written in Java. You will need a Java compiler, Java 11 and Maven (version >= 3.3.9). 
You can download ​Java 11 here​ and install ​Maven​ using your choice of package manager (brew, apt-get, 
etc). If you haven’t used Java before, you can go through the basics in ​this Oracle tutorial​; or if you are 
rusty, peruse ​this simple reference​. We highly recommend using an IDE such as ​IntelliJ community 
edition​ to develop in Java, as it is harder to do with just a text editor. 
The code can be built using your favorite IDE’s “Build” functionality or from the command line using, 
mvn package 
JUnit Tests 
JUnit tests can be run either using your favorite IDE’s “Run all tests” functionality or from the command 
line using, 
mvn test 
To run a specific test (for example, ​memstore.table.ColumnSumTest​), run 
mvn -Dtest=memstore.table.ColumnSumTest test 
With the starter code, only 3 of 17 tests will pass: ​memstore.grader.GradedTestResultTest​, 
memstore.table.RandomizedLoaderTest​, and ​memstore.table.CSVLoaderTest​. 
Setting Up the Environment on Myth 
You’re welcome to use your own machine, but if for whatever reason you don’t want to, here is how to 
install all of the dependencies on a myth machine. 
mkdir javabin 
cd javabin 
tar xvf openjdk-11.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz 
tar xvf apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz 
export JAVA_HOME=$PWD/jdk-11.0.2 
export M2_HOME=$PWD/apache-maven-3.6.3 
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin 
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$M2:$PATH" 
Then within that bash shell you will be able to run the assignment. The timings should all pass for a 
correct solution on myth: in fact myth is slightly faster than the gradescope machines. 
A CPU cache is a smaller, faster memory used by CPUs to reduce the average cost (energy and time) of 
accessing data from DRAM by storing copies of data found in frequently used main ​memory locations​. 
When the processor needs to read or write a location in memory, it first checks for a corresponding cache 
entry in any cache lines that might contain that address (a cache line is typically 64 bytes of contiguous 
memory). If the processor finds the memory location in the cache, a cache hit occurs, avoiding a slower 
DRAM access. However, if the processor does not find the memory location in the cache, a cache miss 
occurs, and the processor needs to go to DRAM to fulfill the request. In either case, CPUs read and write 
entire cache lines at a time, amortizing the cost of loading contiguous regions of memory. 
Caches on modern machines can provide performance benefits when used wisely. Many database queries 
are bottlenecked on DRAM bandwidth. Therefore, database developers must consider ​cache locality 
when making design decisions: the fewer ​accesses the system has to make to main memory, the faster it 
will operate (since read and write latencies with caches are far lower than with DRAM)​. Ideally, data 
accesses that are adjacent in the ​program sequence​ should also be adjacent in ​memory​ so that they are 
loaded into cache together as a single cache line and the program suffers fewer cache misses, 
consequently leading to better performance. 
Row Store 
Row stores lay out data row-wise. That is, a row store lays out data in the following format: 
| row0, col0 | row0, col1 | … | row0, colM | row1, col0 | … | row1, colM | … | 
We assume that each field in the table takes B bytes, and that a table has N rows and M columns. In this 
assignment, you can assume B=4 because we are storing 32-bit integers. Then, one can compute the byte 
offset of the field in row i and column j (assuming zero-indexing) using the formula, 
B * ((i * M) + j) 
Column Store 
Column stores lay out data column-wise so that consecutive values in a column are adjacent in memory. 
Different columns do not need to be adjacent in memory, but in this assignment we will assume that they 
are. That is, our column store lays out data in the following format: 
| row0, col0 | row1, col0 | … | rowN, col0 | row0, col1 | … | rowN, col1 | … | 
One can compute the byte offset of the field in row i and column j using a similar formula to the row 
Indexed Store 
We can also use an index on top of a row store to speedup the evaluation of predicates. For example, we 
can maintain a data structure that stores the row indexes of all rows that contain a certain value in a 
column. In this assignment we would like indices to accelerate queries with comparison predicates (e.g., 
WHERE x > 10​, or ​WHERE x < 10​). 
You are provided a ​TreeMap​, which is a ​Red-Black tree​ (a type of binary search tree) mapping elements 
in the ​columnIndex​ column to a list of the IDs of the rows that contain them. For example, consider the 
following table, 
rowId col0  col1  col2 
0     0     1     2 
1     3     2     5 
2     9     3     4 
3     2     4     7 
4     9     4     6 
Its index on col0 would look like the following, 
/ \ 
/   \ 
           (9:[2, 4]) 
You can use this index to quickly determine all rows with col0 value less than (or greater than) a certain 
threshold. For highly selective predicates, indices can be useful since they avoid loading many complete 
rows; however, they can lead to more random reads and worse performance for less selective predicates. 
Performance Tradeoffs 
Row, column, and indexed stores are efficient for different types of queries. For example, in a table with a 
large number of columns, using a column store for queries that only look at a single column in the table is 
much more efficient than using a row store. For a query with a highly selective predicate (low number of 
matching rows) over a table with a large number of rows, using an indexed store is more efficient since it 
prevents the need to look at all rows. However, there are also queries where indices and column stores 
impose overheads with few benefits. 
Supported Queries 
We want all your table implementations to support the following queries, 
SELECT SUM(col0) FROM table; 
Returns the sum of all elements in the first column of the table. 
predicatedColumnSum(int threshold1, int threshold2) 
SELECT SUM(col0) FROM table WHERE col1 > threshold1 AND col2 < threshold2; 
Returns the sum of all elements in the first column of the table, subject to the passed-in predicates. 
predicatedAllColumnsSum(int threshold) 
SELECT SUM(col0) + ... + SUM(coln) FROM table WHERE col0 > threshold; 
Returns the sum of all elements in the rows which pass the predicate. 
predicatedUpdate(int threshold) 
UPDATE table SET col3 = col3 + col2 WHERE col0 < threshold; 
Returns the number of rows updated. If col2 happens to be zero, the row is still considered updated. 
Queries are called by calling the respective method. 
Suggested Implementation Order 
We suggest implementing methods for ​all tables​ in the following order, 
● getIntField()​ / ​putIntField()​: After implementing these methods, ​TableLoadTest​ should 
now pass. 
● columnSum()​: After implementing these methods, tests in ​ColumnSum*Test​ should now pass. 
● predicatedColumnSum()​: After implementing these methods, tests in 
predicatedColumnSumTest​ should now pass. 
● predicatedAllColumnSum()​: After implementing these methods, tests in 
predicatedAllColumnSumTest​ should now pass. 
● predicatedUpdate()​: After implementing these methods, tests in ​predicatedUpdateTest 
should now pass. 
Feel free to add more unit tests to test your implementation. For example, you might want to write a unit 
test to test your index when implementing the ​IndexedRowTable​. 
The main ​GraderRunner​ class is the same grader that will be run on Gradescope, but we reserve the right 
to use different seeds. Unless otherwise announced due to bugs or important patches, results visible on 
gradescope after your submission completes reflect the grade we will actually assign your submission, 
though we will tabulate bonus points for the leaderboard at the end. 
Custom Table 
Real world workloads involve many different kinds of queries on the same table, and database designers 
are forced to optimize data layout and indexes over the data in order to obtain good average case 
performance on this query mix -- it is too expensive to try to move data into a new layout every time a 
new query comes in. In this assignment, you will write a ​CustomTable​ implementation that executes a 
provided query mix as fast as possible. 
You can make the following assumptions about the workload we will test you on, 
● Total size of all fields in the table is ~100-150MB. 
● Number of columns pulled from a uniform distribution [4, 1004). 
● Number of rows is computed as the greatest integer function of (tableSize / numCols). 
● Each integer in the table is in the range [0, 1024). 
● Thresholds for ​predicatedColumnSum()​, ​predicatedAllColumnsSum()​, ​predicatedUpdate() 
drawn independently from a uniform distribution [0, 1024). 
● Queries: 100 queries each of ​columnSum()​, ​predicatedColumnSum()​, 
predicatedAllColumnsSum()​, ​predicatedUpdate()​. 
The code that creates this query mix is in 
You may reuse your existing ​RowTable​, ​ColumnTable​, and ​IndexedRowTable​ implementations if you 
like. One possible approach is to determine the threshold ranges where these different table 
implementations work well, and then default to the corresponding table’s implementation. However, there 
are probably more clever (and more efficient) approaches! 
To run the autograder tests locally, you can run 
mvn clean 
mvn package 
java -Xmx1328m -Xms500m -jar target/benchmarks.jar -m all -i 60 -ci 10 
The last line of the output shows how many points were earned on each test.  
Note that this runs the non-​CustomTable​ tests 60 times each, and the ​CustomTable​ tests 10 times each -- 
you can reduce these numbers down to 1 or 2 when testing locally. 
More detailed instructions for compiling and running tests are in ​​, including instructions on 
how to replicate the scripts we will use for final grading on your local machine. 
Important note on performance tests 
For the basic 3 tables you implement, we will only use a single workload to performance test each query. 
You are free to tailor each individual method in each table for the workload tested. Each workload is 
summarized below, but you can also view the benchmarks in ​src/main/java/memstore/benchmarks/​.  
PredicatedAllColumnSumBench​ (Calls ​predicatedAllColumnsSum​) 
 * Queries that perform operations on many columns for a large fraction of the rows will benefit from 
row-based layouts due to memory locality. 
PredicatedColumnSumBench​ (Calls ​predicatedColumnSum​) 
 * Highly selective predicates should allow indexes to perform very well. 
PredicatedUpdateBench​ (Calls ​predicatedUpdate​) 
 * Highly selective predicates should allow indexes to perform very well. Note that the updates in this 
query do not affect the columns being filtered or added. 
Submission Instructions 
When done, run the ​​ script to produce a ​​ file -- upload 
this file on Gradescope. Note that this script should only contain five files (​​, ​​,​, ​​, ​​), so please put whatever code you 
implemented in these five files. 
Note that this assignment is to be done individually. We encourage students to form study groups, but all 
code must be written independently.