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SNAP: Stanford Network Analysis Project SNAP for C++ SNAP C++ Main Page SNAP C++ Download SNAP C++ Documentation SNAP for Python Python Main Page Python Download Python Documentation SNAP Datasets Large networks Web datasets Other resources BIOSNAP Datasets What's new People Papers Projects Activity Inequality AGM BetaE BIFI-LMCritic CAW COMET Conflict ConNIe Counseling CRank Distance-encoding Decagon F-FADE GIB GNN-Design GNN-Explainer GNN-pretrain GRAPE GraphSAGE GraphWave G2SAT HGCN Higher-order ID-GNN Disinformation InfoPath JODIE LIM MAPPR MAMBO MARS Memetracker NCP NE NETINF NIFTY node2vec Ocean OhmNet ORCA Pathways P-GNN QA-GNN Query2box QUOTUS Ringo SEISMIC SNAP SnapVX NeuroMatch SPMiner Temporal Motifs TICC TIPAS Tree of Life TVGL Citing SNAP Links About Contact us Open positions We are inviting applications for open undergraduate and graduate research positions and for postdoctoral positions in Machine Learning And Public Policy, Network Analytics and Machine Learning, and Knowledge Graphs and Natural Language Processing. Stanford Network Analysis Project SNAP for C++: Stanford Network Analysis Platform Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library. It is written in C++ and easily scales to massive networks with hundreds of millions of nodes, and billions of edges. It efficiently manipulates large graphs, calculates structural properties, generates regular and random graphs, and supports attributes on nodes and edges. SNAP is also available through the NodeXL which is a graphical front-end that integrates network analysis into Microsoft Office and Excel. SNAP for Python is a Python interface for SNAP. It provides performance benefits of SNAP, combined with flexibility of Python. Most of the SNAP C++ functionality is available via in Python. Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection A collection of more than 50 large network datasets from tens of thousands of nodes and edges to tens of millions of nodes and edges. In includes social networks, web graphs, road networks, internet networks, citation networks, collaboration networks, and communication networks. Recent Events We gave a tutorial on Deep Learning for Network Biology at the annual international conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) in Chicago, on July 6, 2018. We gave a tutorial on Representation Learning on Networks at The Web Conference in Lyon, France, on April 24, 2018. We organized Wiki Workshop at The Web Conference in Lyon, France, on April 24, 2018. Publications Papers on the structure and evolution of large networks, models to think about them and algorithms to computationally analyze the network structure. Tutorials Tutorials on using SNAP, on methods to analyze large network data, on ways how to think about networks and how to model them at the level of network structure, and on methods to study evolution and dynamics of diffusion and cascading behavior in networks. Tutorial on Meta-learning for Bridging Labeled and Unlabeled Data in Biomedicine will be held at ISMB/ECCB conference in July, 2021. More info. Tutorial on Deep Learning for Network Biology was held at the annual international conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) in Chicago, on July 6, 2018. Tutorial on Representation Learning on Networks was held at The Web Conference in Lyon, France, on April 24, 2018. More info. Tutorial on Malicious Behavior on the Web: Characterization and Detection was held at WWW2017 conference, Perth, Australia, April 3, 2017. More info. Tutorial on Large Scale Network Analytics with SNAP was held at WWW-15 conference, Florence, Italy, May 18, 2015. More info. Tutorial on Large Scale Network Analytics with SNAP was held at ICWSM-14 conference, June 2014. More info. Tutorial on Social Media Analytics was held at ACM SIGKDD conference, August 2011. More info. Tutorial on Analytics & Predictive Models for Social Media was held at the ACM WWW '11 conference. More info. Events Workshop on MIS2: Misinformation and Misbehavior Mining on the Web was held at WSDM 2018. Wiki Workshop was held at WWW 2017. Wiki Workshop was held at WWW 2016 and ICWSM 2016. Workshop on Wikipedia, a Social Pedia: Research Challenges and Opportunities was held in conjunction with ICWSM 2015. Workshop on Frontiers of Network Analysis: Methods, Models, and Applications was held in conjunction with Neural Information Processing Systems conference (NIPS 2013). 3rd Stanford Conference on Computational Social Science. Eleventh Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs was co-located with KDD 2013. Workshop on Social Network and Social Media Analysis: Methods, Models and Applications was held in conjunction with Neural Information Processing Systems conference (NIPS 2012). Workshop on Networks Across Disciplines in Theory and Applications was held in conjunction with Neural Information Processing Systems conference (NIPS 2010). Workshop on Social Media Analytics was held in conjunction with the 16th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2010). Analyzing Networks and Learning with Graphs was held in conjunction with Neural Information Processing Systems conference (NIPS 2009).