ITNP090 - Lectures University | Computing Science | Modules | ITNP090 | Lectures ITNP090 Object Oriented Software Design Spring 2017 Home Organisation Syllabus Schedule Materials Lectures Practicals Tutorials Assessment Assignment Exam Reference Text Books Plagiarism Java Class Library Exam Technique ITNP090 Spring 2017 Object Oriented Software Design Home Organisation Syllabus Schedule Materials Lectures Practicals Tutorials Assessment Assignment Exam Reference Text Books Plagiarism Java Class Library Exam Technique Lectures PDF versions of the lecture notes will be made available here. For course material in an alternative format, please ask the Co-ordinator. Intro - [ Zero ] Software Engineering - [ One - ] & [ Two - ] Project Management - [ One ] UML - [ One Two Three Four Five ] Case Studies - [ One Two Three ] State Diagram - [ One ] Design Patterns - [ One - Two ] Email - Web - Tel 01786 467446 - Fax 01786 464551 Mail Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, FK9 4LA