ITNP090 - Syllabus University | Computing Science | Modules | ITNP090 | Syllabus ITNP090 Object Oriented Software Design Spring 2017 Home Organisation Syllabus Schedule Materials Lectures Practicals Tutorials Assessment Assignment Exam Reference Text Books Plagiarism Java Class Library Exam Technique ITNP090 Spring 2017 Object Oriented Software Design Home Organisation Syllabus Schedule Materials Lectures Practicals Tutorials Assessment Assignment Exam Reference Text Books Plagiarism Java Class Library Exam Technique Syllabus Learning Outcomes The student should know and understand how to: analyse and model requirements and develop software using object-oriented analysis and design, express object models in UML use CASE tools for software design. work as a member of a team. In order to complete the module, you should be able to demonstrate the ability to apply related theory and techniques to unseen problems without reference to notes, to work independently and under a time constraint. Transferable Skills The unit will develop skills in problem solving, the use of case tools and group working. Content The software development process. Object concepts. The Unified Modelling Language (UML): class diagrams, use case diagrams, interaction diagrams, state diagrams. Use of a CASE tool. Analysis and design models. Case studies in use-case modelling, object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design. Components and re-use in software engineering. Assessment Group Project (50%) Exam (50%) Coursework Submission and Exam Regulations If you are unable to attend the main examination, you must apply promptly to Student Programmes for a Deferred examination. If this is not granted, the examiners may allow a Resit examination. Coursework, i.e. the group project, will be accepted up to seven days after the submission date (or expiry of any agreed extension) but the mark will be lowered by three points per calendar day or part thereof (e.g. if you are three days late and the assignment is marked as 69, then you will receive 60 to penalise lateness). After seven days the piece of work will be deemed a non-submission, and will result in the award of Fail for the module as a whole. This rule may be relaxed for students who can show good cause for failure to submit. 'Good cause' may include illness (for which a medical certificate or other evidence will be required). Work which is submitted for assessment must be your own work. All students should note that the University has a formal policy on plagiarism. Plagiarism means presenting the work of others as though it were your own. The University takes a very serious view of plagiarism, and the penalties can be severe. Specific guidance on computing assignments may be found in the Postgraduate Student Handbook. Attendance recording Attendance at lectures, tutorials and practical classes will be recorded. If you are unable to attend a class, please email the module organizer, and submit a self-certification of absence via the Portal, if appropriate. The University has a policy of monitoring attendance. Repeated absence will be followed up in order to identify any problems at an early stage and to offer students appropriate support. Email - Web - Tel 01786 467446 - Fax 01786 464551 Mail Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, FK9 4LA