CSE114 Fall 2015 Lab Exercise 1 of Week 4 Use Breakpoints and Debugger in Eclipse Chen-Wei Wang Problems Create a new Java project CSE114 Week04 Lab1. Then create a new class ProcessArrays under CSE114 Week04 Lab1 with the proper main method header. In the main method, start with the following line of code that initializes an array numbers of integers: public class ProcessArrays { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] numbers = {1, 2, -3}; } } You may later alter the contents of the array numbers to test your software. For each of the following tasks: – Write a fragment of Java code that fulfills the task – Try at least 3 different values of the contents of numbers and make sure that the outputs are correct. – Put breakpoints at the critical lines of your code and launch the Eclipse debugger to slowly walk through the execution of your program. – Pay special attention to the Variables and Expressions views in the Debug perspective. Add expres- sions that matter for your program’s execution (e..g, stay conditions of loops) to the Expressions view and observe how their values change. 1. Write a while loop that prints positive values only from numbers. 2. Write a for loop that prints the contents of numbers backwards. 3. Write a while loop that prints if numbers is sorted in a non-decreasing order. 4. Write two nested for loop that prints all possible pairs of values from numbers. e.g., For the numbers array above, your program should print: (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, -3) (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, -3) (-3, 1) (-3, 2) (-3, -3) 1