CSE114 Spring 2016 Lab Exercise 1 of Week 8 Object-Oriented Programming: A Student Registration System Chen-Wei Wang 1 Problem In a (simplified) student registration system, each student’s record consists of their: student id, first name, last name, program of study, year of entrance, expected year of graduation, and a list of registered courses. Each course that a student takes consists of: a name, the number of credits, if it is mandatory or elective, and the final letter grade (e.g., A, B, etc.) that the student obtains. At the end of the semester, a letter grade is set for each of the student’s courses. A student may register for a new course, change their program of study, delay their year of graduation, and obtain the latest numerical value of their GPA. The following table specifies how letter grades are converted into their corresponding grade points: Letter Grade Grade Point A 8.0 B 7.0 C 6.0 F 5.0 2 Your Tasks 1. Translate the templates of entities, attributes, and behaviours that are indicated in the above problem statement into classes, attributes, and methods in Java. 2. Create a separate class RegiatrationSystemTester that simulates the possible scenarios. For example, two student who registers similar sets of courses, pass some courses, fail some courses, and observe how their GPA values might differ. 3. Can you think of any more entities, attributes, or behaviours that are relevant to a student regis- tration system? 1