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Adding Existing Source Code in NetBeans
CS288, Autumn 2005 Lab 002 
This document will show how to incorporate existing source code within a NetBeans project. It will
also introduce the concept of calling methods from a different class. You have already set up the
Building class within the CS288 Java project using NetBeans before starting this exercise (Lab 000
and Lab 001). To continue with this exercise start NetBeans with the CS288 project open.
Note: In using this document it is possible to paste text directly into NetBeans. That means when
defining new terms in NetBeans their value can be copied directly from here, which will remove the
possibility of mistyping values. 
If you are reading the PDF version of the document, then clicking on the ‘Select’ icon activates text
Items can be selected and copied in the usual way after choosing this tool.
The DialogInput Class
The source code that we will add to the project is in the file located on the
course web site in the Lab002 section. This file needs to be copied to the same folder that NetBeans
uses to store the source code for the CS288 project. Right click on the CS288 project in NetBeans
and select project properties. This tells you the main project folder location.
The source code for the CS288 project in this example is in the 'src\CS288' subfolder of the project
folder. I.e. for the example shown above, the source code lives in the
C:\Bill\Java\NetBeans\CS288\src\cs288 folder. Note: if you did not name your project CS288 then it
will have a different path. If you have found the correct subfolder it will already contain the file
Copy to the 'src\CS288' folder. Note: the copied file MUST have exactly
the same name and extension as the original file or NetBeans will not correctly include the class
within the project. Also the copied file name must have exactly the same case structure as shown. 
If you have copied the file correctly then NetBeans
will  automatically update the project to include the
new class and methods. If this is so the project
view will also be updated and should look
something like the illustration on the right.
Double click the askUserForString method in the
DialogInput class. The purpose of the  DialogInput
class is to provide a user friendly way to get input
strings during the execution of the Building
application. The askUserForString method creates
a basic dialog box with a single text field for the
user to fill in. The argument to  askUserForString is
used as the prompt in the dialog box to display to
the user. We will use this method in the Building
class instead of the command line arguments that
we used in the previous lab exercise.
At this point of the course we have not covered
enough material to understand what the code in the
DialogInput class does. However we will still be
able to use the methods.
As another check that the new class has been
correctly added to the project it is useful to compile
the file and see that no errors are reported. Right
click on in the project view and
select 'Compile File'. If the class has been added to
the project without errors then the Output pane
should show something like this:
Compiling 1 source file to
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
The was designed as a stand alone Java class, and will not work correctly with the
NetBeans project structure without some modification. Double click the item in the
project view. In the editor pane add the line:
package cs288;
Illustration 1:Updated Project View
at the start of the file. Note: If you did not call your project cs288 then you will need to use the
appropriate name at this point. This 'package' statement ensures the NetBeans compilation script
understands that the DialogInput class is meant to be part of the same project. Strictly this is not
required by the Java programming environment when all source files are contained within the same
folder, however NetBeans does not completely comply with the Java standard.
Using the askUserForString method
Add a new private field to the Building class. To do this you can choose the 'Add Field' option from
the menu given by right clicking the Fields table in the project view. It is also possible to define a
new field by simply typing directly into the editor pane.
Open the editor window and type in (or copy) the following line: 
private DialogInput dlg = new DialogInput("Building Object");
For clarity it is best to add this line to the same part of file where the other fields have been declared.
As a check click on the 'Clean and Build Main Project' icon. If the changes were correctly made you
should see output something like this:
Deleting directory C:\Bill\Java\NetBeans\CS288\build
Deleting directory C:\Bill\Java\NetBeans\CS288\dist
Created dir: C:\Bill\Java\NetBeans\CS288\build\classes
Compiling 2 source files to
Created dir: C:\Bill\Java\NetBeans\CS288\dist
Building jar: C:\Bill\Java\NetBeans\CS288\dist\CS288.jar
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
The new line creates an object of the class DialogInput and assigns it to the variable 'dlg'. Having
created this object we can use its methods to provide a more friendly method for user input with the
askUserForString method. 
Double click the main method in the branch of the cs288 project view. Either delete or
comment out the statements that use the command line arguments to initialise the field values.
Immediately after the 'Building b1 = new Building();' line that creates the 'b1' object type
the text 'dlg.' (do not forget to type the period '.'). NetBeans will now pop up a dialogue box listing
all the fields and methods that are available for the 'b1' object. Scroll down to askUserForString
method and double click it.
Replace the 'disString' text in the method call with the string "Enter a value for the street name"
(remember to include the quotation marks). Add a ';' to correctly terminate the statement. The source
file should now contain this statement:
dlg.askUserForString("Enter a value for the street name");
Error in Source File
At this point we have an error in the source code. The new statement we have added is underlined in
red. If you click on the line and leave the mouse stationary for a moment, the following dialogue box
should appear:
Even though we have not explicitly compiled the project, NetBeans has checked the code against the
compiler in the background and is highlighting an error that will occur if we try to compile the
The error occurs because the main method must be static in a Java program. A static method is only
created once for the entire class  and is not copied to new objects that are created during execution of
the application. The Java compiler does not allow static methods to directly refer to non static fields.
A non static field may not exist at runtime because there do not have to be any objects of the
corresponding class created during runtime. However, static methods can be executed at any point
during runtime, whether objects for a class exist or not. If a static method attempted to access some
non static field when there were no corresponding objects then their would be a runtime error.
Error Resolution (1)
We only want to create a DialogInput object to access its methods. In particular so that we can create
a simple dialogue box for the user to enter a string. One solution  is not to have a 'dlg' field at all as
part of the Building class. Instead we could create a  DialogInput object for use just within the main
Right click the 'dlg' field item for the Building class in the project view. Choose the delete option.
Now double click the main method. Modify the body of the method so that it looks like this:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            Building b1 = new Building();
            DialogInput dlg = new DialogInput("Building Object"); 
            dlg.askUserForString("Enter a value for the street name");
            System.out.println("Occupant name is " + b1.getOccupantName());
            System.out.println("Street Name is " + b1.getStreetName());
            System.out.println("Street Number is " + b1.getStreetNumber());
Note we have now declared 'dlg' as a local variable which only has meaning within the main method,
and not as a field that can be accessed from any part of the class. Check that the code correctly
compiles by clicking the 'Clean and Build Main Project' icon.
Run the application. You should see a dialogue box something like this:
Enter any value and click OK. The output should look like:
Occupant name is null
Street Name is null
Street Number is null
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 9 seconds)
Note because we have not assigned any value to the Building fields they remain 'null'. Modify the
main method to this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
            Building b1 = new Building();
            DialogInput dlg = new DialogInput("Building Object"); 
            String tmp_string =
                    dlg.askUserForString("Enter a value for the street name");
            System.out.println("Occupant name is " + b1.getOccupantName());
            System.out.println("Street Name is " + b1.getStreetName());
            System.out.println("Street Number is " + b1.getStreetNumber());
Notice we have now assigned the string value returned by the  dlg.askUserForString method to the
local variable tmp_string. Then we have used the  setStreetName method to assign a value to the
b1 object field streetName.
Run the application again. This time the value you type into the dialogue box will appear in the
output view.
Now modify the code so that the streetNumber and occupantName are also assigned values by using
the  dlg.askUserForString method.
Error Resolution (2)
For this solution we will keep 'dlg' as a field in the Building class. Right click the fields item in the
project view and add a new field 'dlg' of type DialogInput. Then edit the 'dlg' declaration so that it
private DialogInput dlg = new DialogInput("Building Object");
Next define a new method for the Building class. Right click the methods item in project view and
select new method. In the dialogue box enter userSetStreetName and click OK. Double click the new
method in the project view. Edit the body of the method so that it looks like this:
 public void userSetStreetName() {
        String tmp_string =
             dlg.askUserForString("Enter a value for the street name");
Now edit the main method to this:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            Building b1 = new Building();
            System.out.println("Occupant name is " + b1.getOccupantName());
            System.out.println("Street Name is " + b1.getStreetName());
            System.out.println("Street Number is " + b1.getStreetNumber());
Clean and build the application, then run. This time whatever value you type in the dialogue box will
be assigned to the streetName field. To see how this works try adding breakpoints in the main
method and then running the debugger as we did in Lab000.
Add other new methods to the Building class in the same way, so that the user can input values for
the Street Number and Occupant Name. Call these new methods userSetOccupantName and
userSetStreetNumber. Note: the second method requires some conversion between types in order to
use an input String to define the Double field value of streetNumber. If you get stuck with this there
is a solution near the end of this document.
The error was resolved in this case by removing direct access to the 'dlg' field and wrapping it in a
method call of the 'b1' object. The 'b1' object will always exist since it is created as part of a static
method, namely the main method of the class. 
Error Resolution (3)
One other solution to the original error is to make the DialogInput methods askUserForString and
showInFrame be declared static. Then they can be called without creating an object for the
DialogInput class. For example by invoking  
DialogInput.askUserForString(“Some String or Other”)
Edit the DialogInput class and the main method of the Building class to implement this solution.
Hint: in changing the declaration of these methods to static, you will then cause other errors to
occur which will then require various fields in the DialogInput class to also be declared static.
User Output
For this section it is assumed you have implemented
Resolution 2 above for the static error. The DialogInput
class has a method for displaying an output string in a
simple frame. This section shows how to use this to
display the field values of the 'b1' object.
Double click the main method for the Building class in
the project view. Comment out the lines that print the
field values to standard output. Right click the methods
item and select new method. Call the new method
Edit the body of the new method so that it looks like
    public void showStreetName() {
        "The Street Name is",
This method can now be called for the 'b1' object in the
main method. Double click the main method, and edit
to this:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            Building b1 = new Building();
The main method indirectly calls the methods for the DialogInput class from methods for the 'b1'
object. Clean build and run the application. Assuming you enter  'Smith St' in the dialogue box for
entering the street name, then you should see a frame something like this after you click OK:
Now modify the Building class so that it has new methods that show the street number and occupant
name in their own frames. Call these new methods showStreetNumber and showOccupantName.
The userSetStreetNumber and showStreetNumber methods
The definition of the userSetStreetNumber and showStreetNumber methods are non-trivial since
they require defining a 'Double' value from a given 'String' value and vice-versa. In your final
solution your methods should look something like this:
 public void userSetStreetNumber() {
        String tmp_string =
            dlg.askUserForString("Enter the street number");
        Double tmp_Dbl = new Double(tmp_string);
public void showStreetNumber() {
            dlg.showInFrame("The Street Number is:", 
In the first method notice that we create a new object 'tmp_dbl' of type 'Double'. Then we use the
value of this new 'Double' object as the street number in the  setStreetNumber method. Since users
are limited to inputting values as String objects this kind of conversion within a method is quite
In the second method we can not pass the  streetNumber value directly to the
dlg.showInFrame method since it is not a String. To convert the value to a String object we
apply the static Double method toString.
The lab has shown how to add existing source code to the NetBeans project, and modified the code
so that it will compile correctly with the configuration scripts of the NetBeans IDE. The lab has
shown how to create an object of one class within another and then access its methods. The lab has
also illustrated the difference between static and non static use of methods and fields.