Help Information on the Lab Practices Help Information on Lab Practices Making use of existing package For this module, you are encouraged to make use of Nick Efford’s software on the CD that attached to the recommended book (Nick Efford, Digital Image Processing, A Practical Introduction using Java, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0201596237, May 2000). With the author’s agreement of using the codes for our lab sessions, we put the content on the CD on a secured site so that you can download the codes and practise some tasks based on the software. Be aware that when you download the codes and unzip the files, you may need to disable “read-only” property: 1. Right click on the program folder and select ‘properties’. 2. Another window will be appeared please unchecked ‘Read-only’ and select ‘OK’. Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 1 Help Information on the Lab Practices 3. In ‘Confirm Attribute Changes’ window, please select ‘Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files’ and press ‘OK’. 4. After pressing ‘OK’ in the final window, the folder, its subfolders and its files will be writable. How to run an existing code Adding classes and libraries: For running source codes in the books in the Netbeans IDE 3.6, you can ‘mount’ libraries/classes (those classes that most programs in the book are using) and programs (the order of mounting can be important). You mount the file/directory where the classes(libraries) are located. 1. Open NetBeans 3.6, click menu File, choose ‘Mount Filesystem’. Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 2 Help Information on the Lab Practices 2. Choose local directory, and click ‘Next’. 3. Browse to the file directory you want, eg, …\Java sample by Nick Efford\Apps\Classes, and then click Finish. Mounting programs: Now, you need mount the file/directory where the programs are located (in this example, we use chapter 5). 1. Open NetBeans 3.6, click menu File, choose Mount filesyste. 2. Choose local directory, and click ‘Next’. Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 3 Help Information on the Lab Practices 3. Browse to the file directory you want, eg, …\Java sample by Nick Efford\Apps\Chapter5, and then click Finish. Preparing for execution: For running, you can set up your program parameters (in this example is ‘’). 1. Activate your program Click on your program (here is ImageViewer in chapter 5) in the left side of Neatbeans IDE 3.6 2. Right-click on the program (ImageViewer) and click on ‘Properties’. Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 4 Help Information on the Lab Practices In the windows of ‘Properties…’, you can set arguments of your main function (this is equal to previously when you ran your program in ‘command prompt’ the arguments could be added as “java program argument1 argument2…” used by ‘main’ function, which is known as argv[i]). Setting argument can also be done by choosing from menu Build, and then select “set arguments…”. 3. Click on ‘...’ in front of ‘ Arguments’. 4. In new window you can write your arguments and press ‘OK’ (which, in this example, it is ‘mattgrey.jpg’). In the windows of ‘Properties…’, you can set the working directory of your program to a specific directory which helps you to use files of that folder without using ‘full-path’ of files and it will be used for saving program outputs by Netbeans IDE 3.6. In order to do such setting: 5. Click on ‘...’ in front of ‘Executor’. Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 5 Help Information on the Lab Practices 6. In new windows, click on ‘...’ in front of ‘Working Directory’. 7. Select your favourite folder (in this case we select ‘…\Java sample by Nick Efford\images’ which can help us use all sample images). 8. By right-click on your program (ImageViewer) and selecting ‘Execute’ (or just directly press F6)you can run the program. 9. The result will be the window of your program (in this example is an image viewer window). Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 6 Help Information on the Lab Practices o Important Practice: Try to apply same routine for Dither program in chapter 5 (‘’), after successful finishing your practice, we may modify the program in next step for your coursework: How to modify the existing program and create you own application Attached here is the code that I have changed from Dither program, in order to achieve the task to produce a mirror image that I have shown you during one of the lectures. You can make a careful comparison between this code and the code for Dither, to see where I have changed. By doing so, I hope you will be able to continue to do the rest of the coursework. Although this is not an elegant way to write a program, at least this will give you a sense of how to manipulate java codes in order to achieve your own tasks. Most importantly, I hope this will help you get familiar and comfortable with programming in Java and perhaps gradually learn to write elegant object oriented software. You can make a hardcopy of Dither first, and change the new content/class name within NetBean environment. /*************************************************************************** copied from Given an image filename as a command line argument, this program reads the image stored in that file and produce the mirror image horizontally The original image and the mirrored images are displayed in a tabbed pane, so it is easy to switch back and forth between them. Colour images are converted to greyscale images before the mirror change. Example of use: java mirrowXReflection greyimg.jpg Dither was Written by Nick Efford. mirrorXReflection is modified by LT pyright (c) 2000, Pearson Education Ltd. All rights reserved. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 7 Help Information on the Lab Practices SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ***************************************************************************/ import*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import javax.swing.*; import*; import com.pearsoneduc.ip.gui.*; public class mirrorXReflect extends JFrame { private BufferedImage sourceImage; // image to be mirrored private ImageView[] views; // image display components public mirrorXReflect(String imageFile) throws IOException, ImageDecoderException { super("xReflect: " + imageFile); readImage(imageFile); views = new ImageView[2]; views[0] = new ImageView(sourceImage); views[1] = new ImageView(xReflectionInPlace(sourceImage)); JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabbedPane.add(new JScrollPane(views[0]), "input"); tabbedPane.add(new JScrollPane(views[1]), "xReflect"); getContentPane().add(tabbedPane); addWindowListener(new WindowMonitor()); } /* * Read an image from a named file, converting * to greyscale if necessary. */ public void readImage(String filename) throws IOException, ImageDecoderException { ImageDecoder input = ImageFile.createImageDecoder(filename); sourceImage = input.decodeAsBufferedImage(); if (sourceImage.getType() != BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY) { System.err.println("Converting colour image to greyscale image..."); ColorConvertOp op = new ColorConvertOp( ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), null); BufferedImage greyImage = op.filter(sourceImage, null); sourceImage = greyImage; } } Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 8 Help Information on the Lab Practices /* * Compute and return a dithered version of the source image, * using the supplied dither matrix. */ public BufferedImage xReflectionInPlace(BufferedImage image) { BufferedImage reflectedImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(),image.getHeight(),image.getType()); for (int y=0; y0) { try { JFrame frame = new mirrorXReflect(argv[0]); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); System.exit(1); } } else { System.err.println("usage: java xReflectedInPlace "); System.exit(1); } } } Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 9 Help Information on the Lab Practices Possible problems and solutions: You should be able to see the file system in NetBeans on the left-hand side. You may see some red lines in the program if you choose one of the program (eg, Dither) and double click the program name and program will be shown on the right. Red colour underneath a sentence in the program means that there is a compiling error. In this case it is because the NetBeans cannot find those packages mentioned here. We need to set the classpath and mount the package files (or mounting libraries as we did in the beginning of this guidance). Red colour underneath a sentence in the program means that there is a compiling error. In this case it is because the NetBeans cannot find those packages mentioned here. We need to set the classpath and mount the package files. If you run the program without setting any arguments (if you do not do preparing for execution step in this document), just by pressing F6, you may find from the output window, it says: usage: java Dither This means you need to provide argument “imagefile” in order to run the program. So we set the argument by the following steps: Choose from menu Build, and then select “set arguments…”, then you will see this dialogue. You can type mattgrey.jpg (if your working directory is “Java sample by Nick Efford\images”; however, if your working directory is somewhere else, e.g., under Chap05, then you can type ..\..\Images\mattgrey.jpg Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 10 Help Information on the Lab Practices as the argument.) In a nutshell, you need to give the ‘full-path’ of the argument so that the program can find the image from the current working directory. You can either use the sample images from the download files (under images directory) or you can use your own images as input (for this Dither program, it has to be grey level image). If get confused, you can simply copy any image to be used to your working directory and just use image name as argument without involving using ‘full-path’ of files. And then you can run the program once again by pressing F6 or choose command from menu Build -> Execute F6. Quick start of Netbeans IDE 3.6 11