11 Introduction OO Basics Lecture 1 Wednesday March 8, 2006 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 2 Agenda Administrative Course objective and outline OO Basics What’s OOAD? Functional decomposition and its problem What’s UML? Software Development Process 2COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 3 Administrative Instructor Dr. Ying ZHOU (zhouy@it.usyd.edu.au) Office: Madsen G89 Consultation: Wednesday 4-5pm Lectures Wednesday 6-8 pm Carslaw Lecture Theatre 373 Labs Wednesday 8-9 Carslaw Lab 202 B/C Course Website: http://www.cs.usyd.edu.au/~comp5028/s1_2006 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 4 Objectives Learn O-O A&D methodology Understand why a methodology is useful for real software projects Learn UML (Unified Modeling Language) Learn O-O design patterns Build something that illustrates the concepts 3COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 5 Expectations Assumed Knowledge Java or other similar OO language (C#) Java is the official language in this course Before each lecture Download and printout the lecture slides Read the related chapter and lectures notes Read the tutorial instruction Make sure you keep up with the progress Consult course staff EARLY enough for difficulties and problems! COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 6 Course Outline Four Major parts of the content Inception (2 weeks) Elaboration Iteration 1 (4 week) Analysis, basic design, design to code Elaboration iteration 2 (3 weeks) Design principles and patterns Elaboration iteration 3 (4 weeks) More design patterns 4COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 7 Assessment Components Two project assignments Assignment 1 (15%) System analysis Due on week 6 Assignment 2 (25%) System design and implementation ( Java ) Due on week 11 Demo on week 12 & 13 Results will be published on webCT two weeks after the due date, please check webCT to make sure that your results are correctly recorded. Any discrepancies should be resolved within one week after the result being published! Final Exam (60%) Closed book Sample exam will be given Should expect question regarding coding No upset in the exam COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 8 Team Work Software development is a team-oriented activity… Two assignments will work around the same project You need to work in the same team for both assignments Preferred team size: 2-3 students Form your team as early as possible 5COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 9 Team project Your client: Charites Inc. a search engine company Your goal: Design a system to collect information from weblogs Provide an interface for users to retrieve certain link information of a weblog posting Provide a web services API for applications which needs to analyze those links COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 10 Possible team tasks (subject to further refinement) Ο Write concept document, sketch architecture, list requirements questions Ο Draft requirements document, list use cases, specify user interface Ο Write use cases, model domain classes Ο Model solution (design) classes & behavior Ο Model package structure Ο Initial prototype implementation of a subset of the critical functional requirements 6COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 11 Our Textbook Craig Larman, Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object- Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall PTR, 2005 Detailed Intro to Object- Oriented Analysis & Design Unified Modeling Language (UML) Design Patterns Unified Process COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 12 Reference Books Martin Fowler, UML Distilled, 3rd edition, Addison- Wesley, 2004 Robert C. Martin, Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns and Practices, Prentice Hall, 2003 Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, Design Patterns, Addison-Wesley, 1995 Allan Shalloway ,James R. Trott Design patterns explained: A new perspective on Object-Oriented Design, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2005. Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brank, William Opdyke, Don Roberts, Refactoring, Addison-Wesley, 1999 7COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 13 Software Microsoft Visio Licensed software Installed on the lab JCreator Free Java IDE JUnit Open source software Test-driven development COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 14 Rule of Conducts Okay to discuss ideas and problem approaches All work must be your own creation Plagiarism will not be tolerated under any circumstance! What is plagiarism Copying all or part of another student’s work (with or without their knowledge) Using another person’s ideas without acknowledgement Obtaining material (code or other) from the web or a book and passing it off as your own 8COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 15 Today’s lecture topic What’s OOAD? Functional decomposition and its problem What’s UML? Software Development Process COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 16 What is Analysis and Design Analysis emphasizes an investigation of the problem rather than how a solution is defined Design emphasizes a logical solution, how the system fulfills the requirements 9COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 17 Analysis and Design (cont) Division between A & D is fuzzy A & D activities exist on a continuum Some practitioners can classify an activity as analysis while others put it into design category More analysis oriented More design oriented -what -requirements -investigation of domain -understanding of problem -how -logical solution -understanding and description of solution COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 18 What is O-O A&D? The essence of O-O A&D is to consider a problem domain and logical solution from the perspective of objects (things, concepts, or entities) O-O Analysis emphasizes finding and describing the objects – or concepts- in the problem domain O-O Design emphasizes defining logical software objects (things, concepts, or entities) that have attributes and methods 10 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 19 Object vs. Function Oriented Analysis Library Info System O-O A&D Decompose by objects and concepts Structured A&D Decompose by functions and processes Catalog Librarian Book Library System Record Loans Add Resource Report Fines COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 20 Functional Decomposition A very simple development case You are asked to write code to access a list of shapes that were stored in a database then display them What steps we need to achieve this? 1. Locate the list of shapes in the database 2. Open up the list of shapes 3. Sort the list according to some order 4. Display the individual shapes on the monitor 11 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 21 Functional Decomposition We might breakdown some step further a. Identify the type of shapes b. Get the location of the shape c. Call the appropriate function that will display the shape, giving it the shape’s location This is called functional decomposition because the analyst breaks down (decomposes) the problem into the functional steps that compose it. COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 22 How do people do things Case: You are an instructor at a seminar. People in your seminar have another class to attend following yours, but don’t know where it is located. One of your responsibilities is to make sure everyone knows how to get to the next class. 12 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 23 A “software like” option Steps: Get list of people in the class For each person on this list, do the following: Find the next class he or she is taking Find the location of that class Find the way to get from your classroom to the persona’s next class Tell the person how to get to his or her next class Procedures needed: A way of getting the list of people in the class A way of getting the schedule for each person in the class A program that gives someone directions from your classroom to any other classroom A control program that works for each person in the class and does the required steps for each person COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 24 A “human like” option What’s the alternatives? Post a directions to go from this classroom to the other classrooms and tell everyone in the class I have posted the locations of the other classes following this in the back of the room, as well as the locations of the other classrooms. Please use them to go to your next classroom. Assume everyone knows what his or her next class is 13 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 25 Difference? Option 1: giving explicit directions to everyone – pay attention to lots of details. You are responsible for everything Option 2: giving general instructions and then expect each person will figure out how to do the task individually Key point: Shift of responsibility! COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 26 Dealing with changing requirements Impact What if you need to distinguish postgraduate students from undergraduate students? Option 1: change the control program a lot Option 2: add an additional routine for graduate students to follow The second case can minimize changes 14 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 27 Dealing with changing requirements What makes it happen? The people are responsible for their own behavior The control program can talk to different types of people as if they were exactly the same The control program does not need to know about any special steps that students might need to take when moving from class to class COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 28 Unified Modeling Language “A language for specifying, visualizing and constructing the artifacts of software system” [Booch, Jacobson, Rumbaugh] It is a notational system aimed at modeling systems using O-O concepts … not a methodology … not a process 15 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 29 Ways of using the UML UML as sketch Developers use the UML to communicate some aspects of a system: selectivity Forward engineering Reverse engineering UML as blueprint: completeness CASE tools: do code generation or build diagrams from code UML as programming language Draw UML diagrams that are compiled directly into executable code. COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 30 UML diagrams Use case diagram Class diagram Behavior diagrams: statechart diagram activity diagram interaction diagrams: Sequence diagram Collaboration diagram Implementation diagrams: component diagram deployment diagram 16 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 31 What is legal UML? Legal UML is what is defined as well formed in the specification Prescriptive rules A language with prescriptive rules is controlled by an official body that states what is or isn’t legal in the language and what meaning you give to utterances in that language Descriptive rules A language with descriptive rules is one which you understand its rules by looking at how people use the language in practice COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 32 Key Steps in OOAD [1] Use Case: a textual description or “story” describing the system Example: Play A Dice Game: “A player picks up and rolls the dice. If the dice face values total seven, they win; otherwise, they lose.” Define domain model Define interaction diagrams Define design class diagramsDefine use cases 17 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 33 Key steps in OOAD [2] Domain Model: diagram(s) showing domain concepts, attributes, and associations Example: Player name DiceGame Die faceValue Rolls Plays Includes 2 2 1 1 1 1 Define domain model Define interaction diagrams Define design class diagramsDefine use cases COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 34 Key steps in OOAD [3] Interaction Diagram: shows the flow of messages between software objects (method invocation) Define domain model Define interaction diagrams Define design class diagramsDefine use cases :DiceGame play() die1 : Die fv1 := getFaceValue() die2 : Die roll() roll() fv2 := getFaceValue() Example: 18 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 35 Key steps in OOAD [4] Define domain model Define interaction diagrams Define design class diagramsDefine use cases Class Model: shows attributes, methods and associations for software (solution) objects (not domain objects!) 2 Die faceValue : int getFaceValue() : int roll() DiceGame die1 : Die die2 : Die play() 1 Example: COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 36 Iterative and Evolutionary Development Iterative development Development is organized into a series of short, fixed-length mini-projects called iterations. The outcome of each is a tested, integrated, and executable partial system. Known as iterative and incremental development 19 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 37 Iterative and evolutionary development Requirements Design Implementation & Test & Integration & More Design Final Integration & System Test Requirements Design 4 weeks (for example) The system grows incrementally. Feedback from iteration N leads to refinement and adaptation of the requirements and design in iteration N+1. Iterations are fixed in length, or timeboxed. Time Implementation & Test & Integration & More Design Final Integration & System Test COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 38 Handle change on iterative project Early iterations are farther from the "true path" of the system. Via feedback and adaptation, the system converges towards the most appropriate requirements and design. In late iterations, a significant change in requirements is rare, but can occur. Such late changes may give an organization a competitive business advantage. one iteration of design, implement, integrate, and test 20 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 39 How long should an iteration be? Most iterative methods recommend an iteration length between two and six weeks. Iteration are timeboxed, or fixed in length Date slippage is illegal If it seems difficult to meet the deadline, the recommended response is to de-scope – remove tasks or requirements from the iteration, and include them in a future iteration COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 40 The oldest waterfall lifecycle Attempt to define all or most of the requirements before programming. To create a thorough design before programming Strongly associated with high rates of failure, lower productivity, and higher defect rates. 45% of the features in waterfall requirements are never used, early waterfall schedules and estimates vary up to 400% from the final actuals. 21 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 41 Mini workshop Which one of the following is true iterative development I’ve done five iterations on requirement collection and the client finally satisfied and signed off the requirement document. We take iterative method to achieve good database design. After the first interview with the client, we make an initial design of the database and brought this to the client. We got valuable feedback from them and made according changes, we repeat this process for four times and now have our final version of the database design COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 42 How to do iterative and evolutionary analysis and design 22 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 43 Agile Methods and attitudes Agile development methods usually apply timeboxed iterative and evolutionary development, employ adaptive planning, promote incremental delivery and include other values and practices that encourage agility – rapid, and flexible response to change. Example programming in pairs test-driven development COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 44 Agile Modeling Adopting an agile method does not mean avoiding any modeling The purpose of modeling and models is primarily to support understanding and communication, not documentation Don’t model or apply the UML to all or most of the software design Use the simplest tool possible 23 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 45 Agile modeling (cont) Don’t model alone Create models in parallel Use “good enough” simple notation while sketching with a pen on white Know that all models will be inaccurate Developers themselves should do the OO design modeling, for themselves, not to create diagrams that are given to other programmers to implement. COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 46 What is the UP A software development process describes an approach to building, deploying, and possibly maintaining software A popular iterative software development process Provide an example structure for how to do OOA/D Is flexible and open, can be applied in a lightweight and agile approach 24 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 47 What are UP Phases Inception – Approximate vision, business case, scope, vague estimates Elaboration – refined vision, iterative implementation of the core architecture, resolution of high risks, identification of most requirements and scope, more realistic estimates Construction – iterative implementation of the remaining lower risk and easier elements, and preparation for deployment Transition – beta tests, deployment COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 48 UP phases (cont) 25 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 49 What is an agile UP Prefer a small set of UP activities and artifacts. All UP artifacts are optional Requirements and designs are not completed before implementation Apply the UML with agile modeling practices No detailed plan for the entire project Phase Plan: high-level plan Iteration Plan: only plans with greater detail one iteration in advance. COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 50 Layers and texbook case study User Interface Sale Payment Logging ... Database Access ... application logic layer other layers or components minor focus explore how to connect to other layers primary focus of case studies explore how to design objects secondary focus 26 COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 51 Case study strategy Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Introduces just those analysis and design skills related to iteration one. Additional analysis and design skills introduced. Likewise. COMP5028 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (S1 2006) © Dr. Ying Zhou, School of IT, The University of Sydney 52 Cases Case one: The NextGen POS system A POS system is a computerized application used (in part) to record sales and handle payments Hardware: computer, bar code scanner Software Interfaces to service applications: tax calculator, inventory control Case Two: The Monopoly Game System