1 COMP9103 Software Development in Java Tutorial and Lab 07 OBJECT-ORINETED DESIGN The key topic for this week is Software Development procedure File IO. NOTE: Everyone is strongly encouraged to complete all the tutorials questions, lab exercises and homework! TASK 1. Experience design and development procedure 2. Practice File IO. LABORATORY EXERCISES Exercise1: Car class Consider the following Car class: public class Car { private double speed; private double accelerationPower; private double brakePower; private boolean acceleratorOn; private boolean brakeOn; private double position; private String name; private static double lowerSpeedLimit = 80.0; private static double upperSpeedLimit = 110.0; public Car(String n, double s, double p, double a, double b){ name = n; position = p; accelerationPower = a; brakePower = b; speed = 0.0; acceleratorOn = true; brakeOn = false; } public double getPosition(){ return position; } public double getSpeed(){ return speed; } public String getName(){ return name; } private boolean tooFast(){ return (speed>upperSpeedLimit); } private boolean tooSlow(){ return (speed