MKT 367-01W Spring 2018 1 Mary Anne Doty | Texas A&M University-Commerce Texas A&M University-Commerce MKT 367.01W: Selling and Sales Management COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE INFORMATION MKT 367.01W: Selling and Sales Management Spring 2018 - 3 Credit Hours Instructor Contact Information Mary Anne Doty, Instructor Office Location: BA 319 Office phone: 903-886-5692; fax: 903-886-5693 Office hours: Face-to-face and online MWF 11 to 12 or by appointment Bio - Mary Anne Doty has been a faculty member in the Department of Marketing and Business Analytics, College of Business, at Texas A&M University-Commerce since 2003. Over the past 30 years she has taught undergraduate business courses at the Universities of Arizona, Kentucky and Maryland, as well as at Eastern Kentucky University and Southern Methodist University. A generalist, Professor Doty has taught courses in Business Policy, Marketing, Retail Management, Advertising and Promotions, Sales, International Marketing, Product Management, Entrepreneurship, Channels of Distribution, and Global Consumer Behavior. Mrs. Doty received her MBA and was all but dissertation (ABD) for a Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of Kentucky. In addition to her teaching experience, she has been a marketing consultant and has worked in event planning and political marketing. Professor Doty performs market research, develops strategic plans for new product launches, and does competitive analysis in her consulting work. Previous clients included Texas Instruments, Raytheon Corporation, Analog Devices, Inc, and Nortel Networks. Mrs. Doty continues to work with industry as a consultant and a provider of executive education programs. Materials – Text Sell 5 by Ingram, LaForge, Avila, Schwepker and Williams, 2017 (Cengage Publishing). ISBN is 978-1- 305-66794-5. The text is absolutely essential to succeeding in this course. The list price is around $85 new, but you can also find used copies at a reduced price online. Do not substitute any older versions. MKT 367-01W Spring 2018 2 Mary Anne Doty | Texas A&M University-Commerce Course Description This course focuses on developing and maintaining relationships with customers and management the sales process of finding, concerting, and keeping customers while achieving the organization’s goals. Communication techniques, career planning, selling strategies and tactics, as well as sales duties, responsibilities are included. Goals / Rationale of the course: It is important that you keep track of all deadlines for exams, assignments, and projects. Curriculum includes readings, assignments, PowerPoint presentations and practice quizzes to help students apply the theory to actual sales situations. You are expected to keep up with the readings and deadlines. In addition to mastering the course content, you will develop a professional sales presentation, to be recorded and uploaded to the dropbox. Exams will be grouped in two modules: CH 1-5, worth 200 points (January 17- February 26); and CH 6-10, worth 200 points (February 28– May 9). Course Outcomes/Objectives This course aims to improve student understanding of concepts, principles, problems and applications of strategy. After completing this course: 1. Students will understand the processes and elements involved in relationship selling. 2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethical behavior in relationship selling and sales management. 3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of a sales presentation. 4. Students will understand the process of negotiation, closing methods, and time and territory management 5. Students will identify key issues in recruitment, sales training, compensation and incentives and performance evaluation. TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS The following technology is recommended to be successful in this web-enhanced course: Internet connection – high speed recommended (not dial-up) and Word Processor. Additionally, the following hardware and software are necessary to use eCollege: To fully participate in online courses, you will need to use a current, Flash enabled browser. For PC users, the suggested browser is Internet Explorer 9.0 or 10. For Mac users, the most current update of Firefox is suggested. You will need regular access to a computer with a broadband Internet connection. The minimum computer requirements are: MKT 367-01W Spring 2018 3 Mary Anne Doty | Texas A&M University-Commerce 512 MB of RAM, 1 GB or more preferred Broadband connection required courses are heavily video intensive Video display capable of high-color 16-bit display 1024 x 768 or higher resolution You must have a: sound card, which is usually integrated into your desktop or laptop computer. Both versions of Java (32 bit and 64 bit) must be installed and up to date on your machine. Java can be downloaded at: Current anti-virus software must be installed and kept up to date. You will need some additional free software for enhanced web browsing. Ensure that you download the free versions of the following software: Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash Player At a minimum, you must have Microsoft Office 2013, 2010, 2007 or Open Office. Microsoft Office is the standard office productivity software utilized by faculty, students, and staff. Microsoft Word is the standard word processing software, Microsoft Excel is the standard spreadsheet software, and Microsoft PowerPoint is the standard presentation software. Copying and pasting, along with attaching/uploading documents for assignment submission, will also be required. If you do not have Microsoft Office, you can check with the bookstore to see if they have any student copies. For additional information about system requirements, please see: COURSE REQUIREMENTS Exams: (40% of total course grade) Closed book exams will cover the required textbook reading and the content of the Power points. Exams consist of 100 multiple-choice questions (worth 2 points each for 200 points/exam), with 90 minutes allowed to complete each exam. Both exams will be given online on the day listed on the syllabus. Midterm Exam (CH 1-5) is on Monday, February 26; Final Exam (CH 6-10) is on Wednesday, May 9. Sales Interview Assignment and Prospecting Assignment (10% of total grade for each assignment) The Sales Interview Assignment (due Monday, February 19) requires you to conduct a face-to-face or telephone interview with two sales professionals. At least one must be involved in Business-2-Business selling, but the other interview may be someone involved in selling to consumers. Topics covered include an explanation of their current job, their training and previous experience, how they are compensated, what they sell and who their customers are. The Prospecting Assignment (due Wednesday, March 21) will require researching for potential B2B prospects for an assigned industry. The prospecting will include finding the names of companies in a specified geographic region who may have a need for the product, and then investigating possible points of contact within those companies. MKT 367-01W Spring 2018 4 Mary Anne Doty | Texas A&M University-Commerce Professional Development (5% of total grade) There are also numerous opportunities for professional development on this campus. Some are offered through the College of Business Career Services office, while others are offered by the TAMUC Campus Career Services. You will need to attend and participate in two of these activities to receive the other half of your participation grade. I will provide a list of activities, along with dates, times and places. One of these opportunities may be met by writing a book review of an approved popular sales book. Case (10% of total grade) Students will apply sales ethics concepts to a written case assignment. Sales Presentation (20% of total course grade) Beginning in March, every student will prepare a comprehensive sales presentation. I will give you a choice of products and target markets to research. The presentation will include a sales dialogue template, and the development of a sales aid (such as a comparison graph, a business case, or a product demonstration). Other students will take the role of potential customers, so each student will have experience as a professional salesperson as well as a potential buyer. Teams will be assigned after the second exam, based on how close you live or work from your partner. Assessment Method: You will be graded over the paper presentation you submit, as well as the oral presentation/demonstration. See grading rubric at the end of this syllabus. Quizzes: (5% of total class grade) There will be a Core Concept quiz over key terms that will be covered in the textbook. I will give you a list of terms to study about 2 weeks before the quiz on Tuesday, April 24 or Wednesday, April 25. There will also be true/false quizzes which do not affect your grade. These quizzes are a study tool to give you quick feedback about what you understand from the readings. Once you have read the chapters, and reviewed the Power Point presentations, the quiz will help you identify areas that need further review. Grading Total Points Possible = 1000 900 – 1000 = A 800 – 899 = B 700 – 799 = C 600 – 699 = D Below 600 points = F Weights for Assessment Core Concept Quiz 5% Exams (2 @ 200 points each) 40% Professional Development 5% Sales Professional Interview 10% Prospecting Assignment 10% Sales ethics case 10% Partner Sales Presentation 20% MKT 367-01W Spring 2018 5 Mary Anne Doty | Texas A&M University-Commerce ACCESS AND NAVIGATION Access and Log in Information This course was developed and will be facilitated utilizing eCollege, the Learning Management System used by Texas A&M University-Commerce. To get started with the course, go to: You will need your CWID and password to log in to the course. If you do not know your CWID or have forgotten your password, contact Technology Services at 903.468.6000 or COMMUNICATION AND SUPPORT Interaction with Instructor Statement Email is the best way to contact me. I generally check my email several times each day and most questions will be answered within 24 hours. My replies will be sent to your myLeo email address. If you have a question that affects the entire class, use the Virtual Office to clarify the answer. That way I can explain myself once instead of answering the same question multiple times. Always check your home page for Announcements when you login. I expect students will check their email daily. If you don’t respond to emails or login over a prolonged period (10 days) without an explanation, I will assume you intend to drop the course. Student Support Texas A&M University-Commerce provides students technical support in the use of eCollege. The student help desk may be reached by the following means 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Help: Click on the 'Help' button on the toolbar for information regarding working with eCollege (i.e. How to submit to dropbox, How to post to discussions etc.). Chat Support: Click on 'Live Support' on the tool bar within your course to chat with an eCollege Representative. Phone: 1-866-656-5511 (Toll Free) to speak with eCollege Technical Support Representative. COURSE AND UNIVERSITY POLICIES Academic Integrity Students at Texas A&M University-Commerce are expected to maintain high standards of integrity and honesty in all of their scholastic work. For more details and the definition of academic dishonesty see the following procedures. Undergraduate Academic Dishonesty 13.99.99.R0.03 Two problems seem to come up in online classes. The first is students who attempt to cheat on exams. Exam questions are randomized in order, and a time limit is set. If you try to extend the time by claiming your computer was timed out before you can submit the exam, be aware that I can see how many questions you have answered and how long you were online. The second problem is plagiarism. Texas A&M University-Commerce does not tolerate plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. Conduct that violates generally accepted standards of academic honesty is defined as academic dishonesty. "Academic dishonesty" includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism (the appropriation or stealing of the ideas or words of another and passing them off as one's own), cheating on exams or other course assignments, collusion (the unauthorized collaboration with others in preparing course assignments), and abuse (destruction, defacing, or removal) of resource MKT 367-01W Spring 2018 6 Mary Anne Doty | Texas A&M University-Commerce material. All projects will be turned in through "" to screen for plagiarism. THE PENALTY FOR CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM IS AN F IN THE COURSE. All students must download the College's Statement on Academic Honesty, sign it, and return it. I will post instructions on this in Week 1. Drop a Course A student may drop a course by logging into their myLEO account and clicking on the hyperlink labeled 'Drop a class' from among the choices found under the myLEO section of the Web page. January 31 is the last day to drop a class with 100% refund; April 2 is the last day to drop with a grade of Q, and Thursday, April 22 is the last day to withdraw from all classes this semester. Incompletes Incompletes are only given when a student has completed all work up to the last 3 weeks of the term, and has an extenuating circumstance. Students only have access to the eCollege course for two weeks following the final day of the term. Therefore, incompletes are rarely given. Administrative Withdrawal Students who do not login during the first 2 days of the semester may be administratively dropped from the class. Students who stop participating for over 5 days, and do not answer emails from the instructor may also be administratively dropped. Student Conduct All students enrolled at the University shall follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior conducive to a positive learning environment. The Code of Student Conduct is described in detail in the Student Guidebook. Students should also consult the Rules of Netiquette for more information regarding how to interact with students in an online forum: Netiquette TAMUC Attendance For more information about the attendance policy please visit the Attendance webpage and Procedure 13.99.99.R0.01. Nondiscrimination Notice Texas A&M University–Commerce will comply in the classroom, and in online courses, with all federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination and related retaliation on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, genetic information or veteran status. Further, an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression will be maintained. Campus Concealed Carry Statement Texas Senate Bill - 11 (Government Code 411.2031, et al.) authorizes the carrying of a concealed handgun in Texas A&M University-Commerce buildings only by persons who have been issued and are in possession of a Texas License to Carry a Handgun. Qualified law enforcement officers or those who are otherwise authorized to carry a concealed handgun in the State of Texas are also permitted to do so. Pursuant to Penal Code (PC) 46.035 and A&M-Commerce Rule 34.06.02.R1, license holders may not carry a concealed handgun in restricted locations. MKT 367-01W Spring 2018 7 Mary Anne Doty | Texas A&M University-Commerce For a list of locations, please refer to the Carrying Concealed Handguns On Campus document and/or consult your event organizer. Pursuant to PC 46.035, the open carrying of handguns is prohibited on all A&M-Commerce campuses. Report violations to the University Police Department at 903-886-5868 or 9-1-1. Students with Disabilities The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact: Office of Student Disability Resources and Services Texas A&M University-Commerce Gee Library- Room 132 Phone (903) 886-5150 or (903) 886-5835 Fax (903) 468-8148 Email: Website: Office of Student Disability Resources and Services COURSE OUTLINE Week 1 (January 16-21) Syllabus/Course Requirements Week 2 (January 22 - 28) Chapter 1: Overview of Personal Selling; Begin Sales Professional Interview Assignment (due February 19). Week 3 (January 29-February 4) Chapter 2: Building Trust and Sales Ethics. Week 4 (February 5-11). Chapter 3: Understanding Buyers Week 5 (February 12-18). Chapter 4: Communication Skills Week 6 (February 19-25). Interview Assignment due in dropbox on Monday. Chapter 5: Strategic Prospecting and Preparing for Sales Dialogue (Wed). Begin Prospecting Assignment (due March 19th) Week 7 (February 26- March 4). Midterm Exam over CH 1-5 on Monday. Begin Sales Case assignment (due March 29) Week 8 (March 5-11). Chapter 6: Planning Sales Dialogues and Presentations Spring Break March 12-18, 2018 Week 9 (March 19-25). Chapter 7: Sales Dialogue: Creating and Communicating Value. Submit Prospecting Assignment in Dropbox by 10 pm Monday. Begin Sales Presentation Assignment (due May 2). MKT 367-01W Spring 2018 8 Mary Anne Doty | Texas A&M University-Commerce Week 10 (March 26 – April 1). Chapter 8: Addressing Concerns and Earning Commitment Week 11 (April 2-8). Sales ethics. Cases due April 4. Week 12 (April 9-15) Chapter 9: Expanding Customer Relationships Week 13 (April 16- 22). Chapter 10: Adding Value: Self Leadership and Teamwork. Continue working on Sales presentations, due May 2. All Professional Development activities submitted by April 23. Week 14 (April 23 - 29). Rehearse Sales presentations, due on Wednesday, May 2. Core Concept Quiz on Tuesday, April 24 or Wednesday, April 25 Week 15 (April 30- May 6). Recorded Sales Presentations and Papers due on Wednesday, May 2. Week 16 (May 9). Final Exam over CH 6-10 is on Wednesday (worth 200 points). Rubric for Sales Presentations Criteria 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Sales Dialogue Template Some elements of template are incomplete or not appropriately applied Template is complete and all elements are appropriate for the situation Template is thoroughly developed with exceptional application of sales concepts Sales Presentation Aid Minimal effort is made to implement presentation aid Sales aid is appropriate to dialogue and strategy but not particularly useful in making the point. Sales aid is professional and is an integral part of the presentation. Demonstrates LAARC Ignores or misstates customer objections. Response to objections would not satisfy most customers. Uses LAARC but does not understand or address objections effectively (approach too “canned”) Uses LAARC to understand and address sales resistance effectively Commitment/Closing Follow Up Plan Technique is a poor match or easy for customer to ignore Follow up plan is missing or vague Tries one or more appropriate techniques to gain commitment Follow up plan is complete Commitment technique correctly matches the situation. Uses 1 or more techniques to close sale Follow up plan is thorough (including needed contacts and schedule), and offers opportunity to build the relationship in the future