Computer Science Courses Offered at TJHSST for 2015-2016 One credit in Computer Science is required in order to graduate. Students may elect to take up to six years of Computer Science. Freshmen with little or no programming experience. Foundations of Computer Science Java: classes & objects, loops, if, arrays, files, graphics Freshmen with one year of programming experience. Fr es hm en Foundations of Computer Science (Accelerated) Python: abstraction, object-oriented programming, algorithmic thinking, data processing, modeling, and simulation. AP Computer Science plus Data Structures Java: recursion, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, maps, sets, graphs, heaps Pre-requisite is Foundations or the TJ Placement Test. Apply by June 1, 2015; test will be administered in August 2015. So ph om or es Ju ni or s & S en io rs Computer Systems Lab Senior Research Project or Mentorship Pre-requisite is APCS+DS. AI and Parallel also strongly recommended. Artificial Intelligence 1 Python: graphs, heuristics, constraint solvers, game trees Artificial Intelligence 2 Python: machine vision, genetic algorithms, learning, agents Pre-requisite is APCS+DS. Parallel Computing 1 C: MPI, distributed memory Parallel Computing 2 C: threads, shared memory Pre-requisite is APCS+DS. Mobile App Development Android: Java based, phone, tablet, embedded Web App Development PHP, JavaScript, SQL CSS, HTML, the DOM Pre-requisite is APCS+DS. Students may take either course, or both in any order. Mobile and Web Application Development Lab Senior Research Project or Mentorship Pre-requisite is APCS+DS. Co-requisite is Mobile App or Web App, or both. Se ni or s