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CSC263 Fall 2006 Assignment 2
October 18, 2006
Due Date : Thursday, October 26th at 10am
Late Due Date ( - 25%) : Friday, October 29th at 10am
Your work must be shown for all questions unless otherwise stated.
1 Written Question 1 (20 marks)
(a) Can the black-heights of nodes in a red-black tree be maintained as fields in the nodes of the
tree without affecting the asymptotic performance of any of the red-black tree operations?
Show how or argue why not.
(b) Can the depths of nodes in a red-black tree be efficiently maintained as fields in the nodes of
the tree? Show how or argue why not
(c) We wish to augrment red-black trees with an opertaion RB-ENUMERATE(x, a, b) that
outputs all the keys k such that a ≤ k ≤ b in a red-black tree rooted at x. Describe how
RB-ENUMERATE can be implemented in Θ(m + log n) time where m is the number of keys
that are output and n is the number of internal nodes in the tree.
2 Written Question 2 (15 marks)
Consider a hash table using open addressing with linear probing. Give an efficient algorithm for
deletion so that deleting a key leaves the table exactly as it would have been had that key not been
inserted. Prove that your algorithm is correct. Your algorithm should be as efficient as possible,
although correctness is most important.
3 Written Question 3 (20 marks)
Consider the following data structure for representing a set. The elements of the set are stored in
a singly linked list of sorted arrays, where the number of elements in each array is a power of 2 and
the sizes of all the arrays in the list are different. Each element in the set occurs in exactly one
array. The arrays in the linked list are kept in order of increasing size.
To perform SEARCH, perform binary search separately on each array in the list until either
the desired element is found or all arrays have been considered.
To insert a new element x into the set (given the precondition that x is not already in the set),
perform the following algorithm:
create a new array of size 1 containing x
insert this new array at the beginning of the linked list
while the linked list contains 2 arrays of the same size
merge the 2 arrays into one array of twice the size
(a) What is the worst case time, using asymptotic notation, for performing SEARCH when the
set has size n? Justify your answer.
(b) What is the worst case time, in asymptotic notation, for performing INSERT when the set
has size n? Justify your answer.
(c) Use the accounting method to prove that the amortized insertion time of a sequence of m
insertions, starting with an initially empty set, is O(log m).
4 Written Question 4 (20 marks)
Consider two hash tables, T1 and T2, with the same number of buckets. With T1, we use chaining
to resolve collisions, where each chain is a doubly-linked list and insertions are done at the front of
the list. With T2, we use linear probing to resolve collisions, and deletions are done by replacing
the item with a special “deleted” item. For both tables, we use the same hash function.
(a) Let S = S1, S2, ..., Sn be a sequence of INSERT and DELETE operations. Suppose that we
perform S on both T1 and T2. For 1 ≤ i ≤ n, let C1,i be the number of item comparisons
made when performing Si on T1, and let C2,i be the number of item comparisons made when
performing Si on T2. Show that for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, C1,i ≤ C2,i.
(b) Explain why the claim in part (a) is no longer true if the sequence S also contains SEARCH
(c) Let S be as in part (a). Suppose we perform S on both T1 and T2, then do a SEARCH
operation where each item in the table is equally likely to be searched for. Let E1 be the
expected number of item comparisons made when performing the SEARCH operation on T1,
and let E2 be the expected number of item comparisons made when performing the SEARCH
operation on T2. Prove that E1 ≤ E2.
5 Programming Question (25 marks)
Your task for this question is to implement a hash table using an open addressing scheme. First,
download the file HashTable.tar.gz from the course website. In it, you will find 6 files:
• - This class is mostly empty as you receive it. You are responsible for filling
in the insert, search and delete functions. This class has a single constructor which takes a
ProbeSequence which dictates what the hash function and the probe sequence are for this
hash function.
• - This class is the type of object that is stored in the hash table. This class
should be extended in order to store other data in the hash table.
• - This class extends the Record class and stores a String variable.
• - This interface contains a single function with signature int probe(int
i, int key, int m). Any class that implements this interface must provide such a function
which given a key, an index in the probe sequence and a table size m, returns the table index
to probe.
• - This class implements the ProbeSequence interface and
provides a probe sequence using the multiplication method for the hash function and linear
probing for the probe sequence.
• - This class shows how to use the HashTable class.
You should begin by implementing the insert and search functions. The hash table should use
a dynamic array such that when an element is inserted and the hash table is already full, the array
size is doubled. Keep in mind that these functions must support arbitrary hash functions and probe
sequences. However, if the probe sequence does not cover all entries in the table, the behaviour is
undefined (i.e. don’t worry about it).
When you are finished implementing the insert and search functions, you should implement the
delete function that you described in Question 4. This delete function will only ever be called when
the ProbeSequence that is used to instantiate the HashTable uses the linear probing technique.
Note: You should assume throughout this assignment that duplicate keys are not allowed.
You should build a test suite to test your code and put these tests in such that
when a command such as java Tester is run, your test suite is run. Write a very short report
outlining why you chose the tests that you chose and which of your tests your code failed (if any).
Your tests should include classes which implement ProbeSequence other than MyLinearProbeSequence.
You should include one probe sequence that uses quadratic probing and one that uses double hash-
ing in and You may
use any good hash functions for the hash functions in these classes.
You are responsible for handing in the following files:
• - Contains your HashTable implementation
• - Contains your implementation of a probe sequence that
uses quadratic probing
• - Contains your implementation of a probe sequence
using double hashing
• - Contains your test suite
6 Handing In
Handing in your assignment will take place in two parts:
• Drop box handin in BA 2220
Your first page should be the cover sheet for this assignment found on the course web page
under the assignments. Then, your answers to the written questions should follow. Next,
you should include a copy of your report for the Programming Question. Finally, you should
include a printout of the files that you modified.
• Electronic submission on cdf
You should submit your code on the cdf systems using the submit -c csc263h -a A2 files.ext