
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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Zybook	Table	of	Contents	
1.	Introduction	to	Java	
			1.1	Programming	(general)	
			1.2	Programming	basics	
			1.3	Comments	and	whitespace	
			1.4	Errors	and	warnings	
			1.5	Computers	and	programs	(general)	
			1.6	Computer	tour	
			1.7	Language	history	
			1.8	Problem	solving	
			1.9	Why	programming	
			1.10	Java	example:	Married-couple	names	
			1.11	zyLab	training:	Basics		
			1.12	zyLab	training:	Interleaved	input	/	output		
			1.13	LAB:	Formatted	output:	Hello	World!	
			1.14	LAB:	Formatted	output:	No	parking	sign	
			1.15	LAB:	Input	and	formatted	output:	House	real	estate	summary	
			1.16	LAB:	Input	and	formatted	output:	Right-facing	arrow	
			1.17	LAB:	Warm	up:	Hello	world		
			1.18	LAB:	Warm	up:	Basic	output	with	variables		
			1.19	LAB*:	Program:	ASCII	art		
2.	Variables	/	Assignments	
			2.1	Variables	and	assignments	(general)	
			2.2	Variables	(int)	
			2.3	Identifiers	
			2.4	Arithmetic	expressions	(general)	
			2.5	Arithmetic	expressions	(int)	
			2.6	Example:	Health	data	
			2.7	Floating-point	numbers	(double)	
			2.8	Scientific	notation	for	floating-point	literals	
			2.9	Constant	variables	
			2.10	Using	math	methods	
			2.11	Integer	division	and	modulo	
			2.12	Type	conversions	
			2.13	Binary	
			2.14	Characters	
			2.15	Strings	
			2.16	Integer	overflow	
			2.17	Numeric	data	types	
			2.18	Random	numbers	
			2.19	Reading	API	documentation	
			2.20	Debugging	
			2.21	Style	guidelines	
			2.22	Java	example:	Salary	calculation	
			2.23	Java	example:	Salary	calculation	with	variables	
			2.24	Java	example:	Married-couple	names	with	variables	
			2.25	LAB:	Divide	by	x	
			2.26	LAB:	Caffeine	levels	
			2.27	LAB:	Driving	costs	
			2.28	LAB:	Expression	for	calories	burned	during	workout	
			2.29	LAB:	Using	math	methods	
			2.30	LAB:	Phone	number	breakdown	
			2.31	LAB:	Simple	statistics	
			2.32	LAB:	Musical	note	frequencies	
			2.33	LAB:	Welcome	message	
			2.34	LAB:	Mad	Lib	
			2.35	LAB:	Warm	up:	Variables,	input,	and	casting		
			2.36	LAB*:	Program:	Painting	a	wall		
3.	Branches	
			3.1	If-else	branches	(general)	
			3.2	If-else	
			3.3	More	if-else	
			3.4	Equality	and	relational	operators	
			3.5	Detecting	ranges	(general)	
			3.6	Detecting	ranges	with	if-else	statements	
			3.7	Logical	operators	
			3.8	Example:	Toll	calculation	
			3.9	Order	of	evaluation	
			3.10	Switch	statements	
			3.11	Boolean	data	type	
			3.12	String	comparisons	
			3.13	String	access	operations	
			3.14	Character	operations	
			3.15	More	string	operations	
			3.16	Conditional	expressions	
			3.17	Floating-point	comparison	
			3.18	Short	circuit	evaluation	
			3.19	Java	example:	Salary	calculation	with	branches	
			3.20	Java	example:	Search	for	name	using	branches	
			3.21	LAB:	Remove	gray	from	RGB	
			3.22	LAB:	Largest	number	
			3.23	LAB:	Interstate	highway	numbers	
			3.24	LAB:	Seasons	
			3.25	LAB:	Exact	change	
			3.26	LAB:	Leap	Year	
			3.27	LAB:	Name	format	
			3.28	LAB:	Warm	up:	Text	message	abbreviation	decoder	
			3.29	LAB*:	Program:	Text	message	decoder		
			3.30	LAB*:	Program:	Text	message	expander		
4.	Loops	
			4.1	Loops	(general)	
			4.2	While	loops	
			4.3	More	while	examples	
			4.4	For	loops	
			4.5	More	for	loop	examples	
			4.6	Loops	and	strings	
			4.7	Nested	loops	
			4.8	Developing	programs	incrementally	
			4.9	Break	and	continue	
			4.10	Variable	name	scope	
			4.11	Enumerations	
			4.12	Java	example:	Salary	calculation	with	loops	
			4.13	Java	example:	Domain	name	validation	with	loops	
			4.14	LAB:	Convert	to	binary	
			4.15	LAB:	Mad	Lib	-	loops	
			4.16	LAB:	Varied	amount	of	input	data	
			4.17	LAB:	Count	characters	
			4.18	LAB:	Checker	for	integer	string	
			4.19	LAB:	Password	modifier	
			4.20	LAB:	Remove	spaces	
			4.21	LAB:	Count	input	length	without	spaces,	periods,	or	commas	
			4.22	LAB:	Countdown	until	matching	digits	
			4.23	LAB:	Output	range	with	increment	of	10	
			4.24	LAB:	Print	string	in	reverse	
			4.25	LAB:	Palindrome	
			4.26	LAB:	Brute	force	equation	solver	
			4.27	LAB:	Warm	up:	Drawing	a	right	triangle		
			4.28	LAB*:	Program:	Drawing	a	half	arrow	
5.	Arrays	
			5.1	Array	concept	(general)	
			5.2	Arrays	
			5.3	Array	iteration	drill	
			5.4	Iterating	through	arrays	
			5.5	Multiple	arrays	
			5.6	Swapping	two	variables	(General)	
			5.7	Loop-modifying	or	copying/comparing	arrays	
			5.8	Debugging	example:	Reversing	an	array	
			5.9	Two-dimensional	arrays	
			5.10	Enhanced	for	loop:	Arrays	
			5.11	Java	example:	Annual	salary	tax	rate	calculation	with	arrays	
			5.12	Java	example:	Domain	name	validation	with	arrays	
			5.13	LAB:	Output	numbers	in	reverse	
			5.14	LAB:	Middle	item	
			5.15	LAB:	Output	values	below	an	amount	
			5.16	LAB:	Adjust	list	by	normalizing	
			5.17	LAB:	Word	frequencies	
			5.18	LAB:	Contains	the	character	
			5.19	LAB:	Elements	in	a	range	
			5.20	LAB:	Two	smallest	numbers	
			5.21	LAB:	Warm	up:	People's	weights		
			5.22	LAB*:	Program:	Soccer	team	roster		
6.	User-Defined	Methods	
			6.1	User-defined	method	basics	
			6.2	Return	
			6.3	Reasons	for	defining	methods	
			6.4	Methods	with	branches/loops	
			6.5	Unit	testing	(methods)	
			6.6	How	methods	work	
			6.7	Methods:	Common	errors	
			6.8	Array	parameters	
			6.9	Scope	of	variable/method	definitions	
			6.10	Method	name	overloading	
			6.11	Parameter	error	checking	
			6.12	Using	Scanner	in	methods	
			6.13	Perfect	size	arrays	
			6.14	Oversize	arrays	
			6.15	Methods	with	oversize	arrays	
			6.16	Comparing	perfect	size	and	oversize	arrays	
			6.17	Using	references	in	methods	
			6.18	Returning	arrays	from	methods	
			6.19	Common	errors:	Methods	and	arrays	
			6.20	Java	documentation	for	methods	
			6.21	Java	example:	Salary	calculation	with	methods	
			6.22	Java	example:	Domain	name	validation	with	methods	
			6.23	LAB:	Miles	to	track	laps	
			6.24	LAB:	Step	counter	
			6.25	LAB:	A	jiffy	
			6.26	LAB:	Driving	cost	-	methods	
			6.27	LAB:	Swapping	variables	
			6.28	LAB:	Max	magnitude	
			6.29	LAB:	Flip	a	coin	
			6.30	LAB:	Count	characters	-	methods	
			6.31	LAB:	Remove	spaces	-	methods	
			6.32	LAB:	Convert	to	binary	-	methods	
			6.33	LAB:	Max	and	min	numbers	
			6.34	LAB:	Acronyms	
			6.35	LAB:	Leap	year	-	methods	
			6.36	LAB:	Exact	change	-	methods	
			6.37	LAB:	Even/odd	values	in	an	array	
			6.38	LAB:	Contact	list	
			6.39	LAB:	Sort	an	array	
			6.40	LAB:	Output	values	below	an	amount	-	methods	
			6.41	LAB:	Adjust	list	by	normalizing	-	methods	
			6.42	LAB:	Word	frequencies	-	methods	
			6.43	LAB:	Replacement	words	
			6.44	LAB:	Warm	up:	Text	analyzer	&	modifier		
			6.45	LAB*:	Program:	Authoring	assistant		
7.	Objects	and	Classes	
			7.1	Objects:	Introduction	
			7.2	Using	a	class	
			7.3	Defining	a	class	
			7.4	Mutators,	accessors,	and	private	helpers	
			7.5	Initialization	and	constructors	
			7.6	Choosing	classes	to	create	
			7.7	Defining	main()	in	a	programmer-defined	class	
			7.8	Unit	testing	(classes)	
			7.9	Constructor	overloading	
			7.10	Objects	and	references	
			7.11	The	'this'	implicit	parameter	
			7.12	Primitive	and	reference	types	
			7.13	Wrapper	class	conversions	
			7.14	ArrayList	
			7.15	Classes,	ArrayLists,	and	methods:	A	seat	reservation	example	
			7.16	ArrayList	ADT	
			7.17	Java	documentation	for	classes	
			7.18	Parameters	of	reference	types	
			7.19	Static	fields	and	methods	
			7.20	Using	packages	
			7.21	Java	example:	Salary	calculation	with	classes	
			7.22	Java	example:	Domain	name	availability	with	classes	
			7.23	LAB*:	Warm	up:	Online	shopping	cart	(Part	1)	
			7.24	LAB*:	Program:	Online	shopping	cart	(Part	2)		
8.	Memory	Management	
			8.1	Introduction	to	memory	management	
			8.2	A	first	linked	list	
			8.3	Memory	regions:	Heap/Stack	
			8.4	Basic	garbage	collection	
			8.5	Garbage	collection	and	variable	scope	
			8.6	Java	example:	Employee	list	using	ArrayLists	
			8.7	LAB:	Warm	up:	Contacts		
			8.8	LAB*:	Program:	Playlist		
9.	Input	/	Output	
			9.1	OutputStream	and	System.out	
			9.2	InputStream	and	
			9.3	Output	formatting	
			9.4	Streams	using	Strings	
			9.5	File	input	and	output	
			9.6	LAB:	Warm	up:	Parsing	strings		
			9.7	LAB*:	Program:	Data	visualization		
10.	Inheritance	
			10.1	Derived	classes	
			10.2	Access	by	members	of	derived	classes	
			10.3	Overriding	member	methods	
			10.4	The	Object	class	
			10.5	Polymorphism	
			10.6	ArrayLists	of	Objects	
			10.7	Is-a	versus	has-a	relationships	
			10.8	Java	example:	Employees	and	overriding	class	methods	
11.	Abstract	Class	and	Interfaces	
			11.1	Abstract	classes:	Introduction	
			11.2	Abstract	classes	
			11.3	UML	for	abstract	classes	
			11.4	Abstract	classes	and	polymorphism	
			11.5	Interfaces	
			11.6	Java	example:	Employees	and	instantiating	from	an	abstract	class	
12.	Recursion	
			12.1	Recursion:	Introduction	
			12.2	Recursive	methods	
			12.3	Recursive	algorithm:	Search	
			12.4	Adding	output	statements	for	debugging	
			12.5	Creating	a	recursive	method	
			12.6	Recursive	math	methods	
			12.7	Recursive	exploration	of	all	possibilities	
			12.8	Stack	overflow	
			12.9	Java	example:	Recursively	output	permutations	
13.	Exceptions	
			13.1	Exception	basics	
			13.2	Exceptions	with	methods	
			13.3	Multiple	handlers	
			13.4	Exception	handling	in	file	input/output	
			13.5	Java	example:	Generate	number	format	exception	
14.	Generics	
			14.1	Comparable	Interface:	Sorting	an	ArrayList	
			14.2	Generic	methods	
			14.3	Class	generics	
			14.4	Java	example:	Map	values	using	a	generic	method	
15.	Collections	
			15.1	Enhanced	for	loop	
			15.2	List:	LinkedList	
			15.3	Map:	HashMap	
			15.4	Set:	HashSet	
			15.5	Queue	interface	
			15.6	Deque	interface	
16.	GUI	
			16.1	Basic	graphics	
			16.2	Introduction	to	graphical	user	interfaces	
			16.3	Positioning	GUI	components	using	a	GridBagLayout	
			16.4	GUI	input	and	ActionListeners	
			16.5	GUI	input	with	formatted	text	fields	
			16.6	GUI	input	with	JSpinners	
			16.7	Displaying	multi-line	text	in	a	JTextArea	
			16.8	Using	tables	in	GUIs	
			16.9	Using	sliders	in	GUIs	
			16.10	GUI	tables,	fields,	and	buttons:	A	seat	reservation	example	
			16.11	Reading	files	with	a	GUI	
17.	JavaFX	
			17.1	Introduction	to	graphical	user	interfaces	with	JavaFX	
			17.2	Positioning	GUI	components	using	a	GridPane	
			17.3	Input	and	event	handlers	
			17.4	Basic	graphics	with	JavaFX	
18.	Searching	and	Sorting	Algorithms	
			18.1	Searching	and	algorithms	
			18.2	Binary	search	
			18.3	O	notation	
			18.4	Algorithm	analysis	
			18.5	Sorting:	Introduction	
			18.6	Selection	sort	
			18.7	Insertion	sort	
			18.8	Quicksort	
			18.9	Merge	sort	
19.	Additional	Material	
			19.1	Do-while	loops	
			19.2	Engineering	examples	
			19.3	Engineering	examples	using	methods	
			19.4	Command-line	arguments	
			19.5	Command-line	arguments	and	files	
			19.6	Additional	practice:	Output	art	
			19.7	Additional	practice:	Grade	calculation	
			19.8	Additional	practice:	Tweet	decoder	
			19.9	Additional	practice:	Dice	statistics	
			19.10	zyBooks	built-in	programming	window