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Lab 5: Android Development Environment
The goal is to download the kernel sources, a cross compiler, some tools for accessing an Android OS, and an emu-
lator. A new kernel for the ARM architecture will be built from the kernel sources and ARM kernel modules will be
built and loaded into the running kernel. The kernel under test will be run from an emulator before it is pushed to
an android phone. The following directories will be created - a description of their contents is given.
Directory Description
.android-studio location of the Studio IDE
.android-sdk-linux location of the SDK, platform-tools and tools
.android/avd location of android virtual devices
Install and set up build tools
Official guide:
Host OS: 64 bits, instructions below assume Ubuntu Linux
OS utilities: use apt-get install, one at a time
git, gnupg, flex, bison, gperf, build-essential, zip, wget, libc6-dev,
libncurses5-dev:i386, x11proto-core-dev, libx11-dev:i386, g++-multilib,
libgl1-mesa-glx:i386, libgl1-mesa-dev, libreadline6-dev:i386, mingw32,
python-markdown, tofrodos, libxml2-utils, xsltproc, zlib1g-dev:i386
Java 1.8 from Oracle (if not already installed)
Visit, click Java SE 8 Update, click JDK download
Accept license, get jdk-8uXX-linux-x64.tar.gz
prompt> sudo tar xf jdk-8uXX-linux-x64.tar.gz
prompt> sudo mkdir /usr/java (if it’s not there)
prompt> sudo mv jdk1.8.0 XX /usr/java
prompt> cd /usr/local
prompt> sudo ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.8.0 XX java
make the following change to ~/.bash profile:
export PATH=".:/usr/local/java/bin:$PATH"
prompt> source ~/.bash profile
Android SDK, emulator
Visit and download
from Section “All Android Studio Packages”
Assume downloads go to directory Downloads
prompt> cd ~/Downloads
prompt> unzip
prompt> mv android-studio ~/.android-studio
prompt> ~/.android-studio/bin/
No sdk will be found - click ’Next’, in the Android SDK Location field type this:
Click ’Next’, then ’Finish’
prompt> ~/.android-studio/bin/
Click ’Configure’ then ’SDK Manager’
Update or install a platform, sdk build tools, sdk tools
Click the ’Launch Standalone SDK Manager’ link at the bottom of
the SDK manager and install ’ARM EABI v7a System Image’
Also check out various configurations, settings, etc.
make the following change to .bash profile:
export PATH=".:~/.android-sdk-linux/Sdk/platform-tools:
(all on one line), then
prompt> source ~/.bash profile
Create a virtual device for the emulator
Find a target to tie a virtual device to
prompt> android list targets
id: 1 or "android-23"
Name: Android 6.0
Type: Platform
API level: 23
Revision: 2
Skins: ...
ABIs : armeabi-v7a
Make the virtual device, with name avd1 tied to id 1 from above
The device information will be created in ~/.android/avd/avd1.avd
prompt> android create avd -n avd1 -t 1
Run the emulator on the virtual device
prompt> emulator -avd avd1
This takes a really long time to start the first time
Check to see what is running
prompt> adb devices
emulator-5554 offline
After a while
prompt> adb devices
emulator-5554 device
Identify the kernel that will be downloaded
prompt> adb shell
root@generic:/ # cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.4.67-00992-gb1dfee2 (
(gcc version 4.8 (GCC) ) #39 PREEMPT Mon Jul 13 11:06:17 PDT 2015
Leave the emulator running and open another shell
Download, set up the kernel sources and cross compiler
In the new shell, get the sources using the above information
prompt> mkdir ~/.android-os
prompt> cd ~/.android-os/
prompt> git clone
prompt> cd goldfish
prompt> git checkout -b local-goldfish-3.4 -t origin/android-goldfish-3.4
prompt> ls
Get a configuration file from the running emulator
prompt> adb pull /proc/config.gz
prompt> gunzip config.gz
prompt> mv config .config
in .config change ’#CONFIG MODULES is not set’ to ’CONFIG MODULES=y’
prompt> cd ~/.android-os
prompt> ln -s ../android-sdk-linux/ndk-bundle/toolchains
prompt> ls toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86 64/bin
arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line* arm-linux-androideabi-gcov-tool*
prompt> sudo apt-get install binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi cpp-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi \
gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi-base gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
Compile the kernel
prompt> cd ~/.android os/goldfish
prompt> export ARCH=arm
prompt> export CROSS COMPILE=~/.android os/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/ \
prebuilt/linux-x86 64/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
prompt> make
Note in future compiles some kernel pieces will be compiled as modules as indicated
in edits to .config. In that case this should be followed up with:
prompt> make modules ; make modules install
Check that the compiled image is present
prompt> ls arch/arm/boot
zImage* ...
Kill the running emulator and run the emulator on the new kernel
root@generic:/ # exit
prompt> emulator -kernel ~/.android-os/goldfish/arch/arm/boot/zImage -avd avd1
Leave the emulator running
Make, load, test, and unload a kernel module
Open a new shell and create a module
prompt> cd ~/.android-os
prompt> mkdir modules
prompt> cd modules
Edit tester.c to have the following content:
int init module(void) {
printk(KERN INFO "tester: Module loaded successfully\n");
return 0;
void cleanup module(void) {
printk(KERN INFO "tester: Module unloaded successfully\n");
Edit Makefile to have the following content:
obj-m := tester.o
CCOMP=~/.android-os/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86 64/bin/ \
make $(FLGS) -C $(DIR) M=$(PWD) ARCH=arm CROSS COMPILE=$(CCOMP) modules
make -C $(DIR) M=$(PWD) clean
Compile the module
prompt> make
Push the module to the running emulator; load and test it
prompt> adb push tester.ko /data/
prompt> adb shell
root@generic:/ # insmod /data/tester.ko
root@generic:/ # dmesg
tester 1: module loaded successfully
Unload the module
root@generic:/ # rmmod tester
root@generic:/ # dmesg
tester 1: module unloaded successfully
Get busybox utilities to augment the toolbox
The pre-packaged toolbox is pitiful. At the cost of about 1MB you can
have a much better toolbox to work with. Get it like this:
prompt> cd ~/.android os
prompt> wget 24 2.tar.bz2
prompt> tar xf busybox-1 24 2.tar.bz2
prompt> cd busybox-1 24 2
prompt> ARCH=arm
prompt> CROSS COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-
prompt> make menuconfig
de-select Networking Utilities -> Support RPC services
save and exit menuconfig
prompt> make ARCH=arm CROSS COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-
Push and run:
prompt> adb push busybox /data/
prompt> adb shell
root@generic:/ # /data/busybox (lists all commands)
root@generic:/ # /data/busybox ls
I will send a working busybox to you if the above does not work
One way to make the commands easier to use:
root@generic:/ # /data/busybox vi /data/aliases
Edit the file to look like this:
alias ls=’/data/busybox ls’
alias df=’/data/busybox df’
alias ifconfig=’/data/busybox ifconfig’
alias chown=’/data/busybox chown’
Save using : then wq
Source the file and run commands:
root@generic:/ # source /data/aliases
root@generic:/ # ifconfig
Connect the Android Phone
The emulator is used for testing to prevent screwing up the Android phone. But ultimately it is
necessary to push compiled products to the phone. This section shows the basics of how to do
that. For details and troubleshooting see instructions in
Turn on the phone
Plug the phone into a USB port on the computer
Open the phone’s app drawer
Tap the Settings icon
Scroll down looking for “Developer Options”
Do the following if this is not found:
Scroll down and select “About Phone”
Scroll down to “Build Number” and tap seven times
Hit return and look for “Developer Options”
Select “Developer Options” and enable “USB Debugging”
From the computer run
prompt> adb devices
This returns something like
List of devices attached
3001e1b device
The easiest way to root the android phone is via Windows:
After the phone is rooted, click on the Superuser app icon
Then download and use qtadb for the interface
Build an Android project in Android Studio
Launch Android Studio
prompt> ~/.android-studio/bin/
Set up a (default hello world) project
Click ’Start a New Android Project’
In the ’Application Name’ field, name the project ’First’
In the ’Company Domain’ field, change to
In the ’Project Location’ field, replace ’AndroidStudioProject’ with ’.android-studio-projects’
Click on Next
Click on Next
Choose ’Blank Activity’
Click on Next
Click on Finish
Note: it will be quite a while before the project is created
Explore the result
Look at First -> app -> java -> ->
Look at First -> app -> res -> layout -> activity main.xml
Edit String
Navigate to the content main.xml tab
Click and drag the ”Hello, world!” to the center of the screen
Double-click the ”Hello, world!” to open an edit box
Append “hi there folks” to “Hello world!”
Add a Button
Click and drag ’Button’ under ’Widgets’ to below the text
Double click the ’Button’ and change text to ’Next Page’
Add a Second Page
Right click on ’app’ at the top left
Navigate to New -> Activity -> Blank Activity
Change the activity name to ’Second’
Click ’Finish’
Wait for activity second.xml to appear
Drag a large text object to the screen
Double click the text object
Change the ’id’ field to @string/second page, the text to ’Second Page’
Open strings.xml
Insert the line: Second Page
Edit the Button’s onClick method
Add the following at the end of the onCreate method:
Button button = (Button) findViewById(;
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Add the following method to the bottom of the MainActivity class:
private void goToSecond() {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, Second.class);
Add the following to the list of import statements:
import android.content.Intent;
import android.widget.Button;
Try it
Connection to the phone should be established as above
Hit the green arrow in Android Studio
Choose the phone - takes a while to compile and load
Export the signed app as a .apk file (see key making instructions on the next page)
Drop the ’Build’ menu in Android Studio
Choose Generate Signed APK
Enter the path to your keystore (e.g. /home/franco/.keystore)
Enter the password for the keystore
Enter the password for the key to use
Enter the key alias
Click ’Next’, observe the destination of the apk file
Click ’Finish’
Install the app
prompt> mv ~/.android-studio-projects/First/app/app-release.apk ~/first.apk
prompt> adb install ~/first.apk
There may be a harmless error message - use adb shell then su to search in /data/local/tmp
Find the app on the phone and run it
On the left is a screenshot showing the app icon labeled ’First’
On the right is a screenshot showing the app on the second page
Make a key
prompt> keytool -genkeypair -keystore ~/.keystore -keyalg "RSA" -keysize 2048 -alias franco
Enter keystore password: 
Re-enter new password: 
What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: John F
What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: EECS
What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: U. Cinci
What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: Cinci
What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: Ohio
What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: US
Is CN=John F, OU=EECS, O=U. Cinci, L=Cinci, ST=Ohio, C=US correct? [no]: yes
Enter key password for 
(RETURN if same as keystore password): 
Make a certificate
prompt> keytool -selfcert -keystore ~/.keystore -alias franco
Enter keystore password: 
See what you did
prompt> keytool -list -keystore ~/.keystore
Enter keystore password: 
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
franco, Mar 23, 2014, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 4D:A6:71:ED:A9:C1:AA:D1:73:52:AA:7A:4C:...
Export the certificate
prompt> keytool -exportcert -keystore ~/.keystore -alias franco -file franco.cer
Enter keystore password: 
Certificate stored in file 
Print the certificate
prompt> keytool -printcert -file franco.cer
Get and use the apktool and aapt tools
Download and install the package (decompiler and apk manager)
prompt> cd ~/.android-os
prompt> mkdir apktool
prompt> cd apktool
prompt> wget 2.0.3.jar
prompt> wget
prompt> chmod a+x apktool
prompt> ln -s apktool 2.0.3.jar apktool.jar
Edit the PATH value in ~/.bash profile and source it
export PATH="~/.android-os/apktool:$PATH"
prompt> source ~/.bash profile
Download a large apk file
prompt> cd ~/.android-os
prompt> mkdir apk
prompt> cd apk
prompt> wget
Decompile the file
prompt> apktool decode Browser.apk
Look at some files
prompt> cd Browser
prompt> ls
prompt> more AndroidManifest.xml
prompt> ls res
prompt> ls smali/com/google/common/base
Use aapt to examime the apk file
To /etc/apt/sources.list add deb vivid main universe
prompt> sudo apt-get update
prompt> sudo apt-get install aapt
prompt> cd ~/.android-os/apk
prompt> aapt l Browser.apk
prompt> aapt d badging Browser.apk
prompt> aapt d permissions Browser.apk
prompt> aapt d xmltree Browser.apk AndroidManifest.xml
Get and use dex2jar and jd-gui tools
Download and try dex2jar (decompiles apk or dex to a jar file)
prompt> cd /.android os
Download dex2jar from redirect
prompt> mv ~/Downloads/ .
prompt> unzip
prompt> cd dex2jar-2.0
prompt> chmod a+x *.sh
prompt> ../apk/Browser.apk
prompt> jar tf Browser-dex2jar.jar
Download and try jd-gui on First-dex2jar.jar (view class files as java source)
prompt> cd ~/.android-os
prompt> wget
prompt> tar xf jd-gui.tar
prompt> jd-gui/jd-gui dex2jar-2.0/Browser-dex2jar.jar
Click on any file, for example as shown below