A Multidisciplinary Digital Control Systems Laboratory Gregory L. Plett, David K. Schmidt University of Colorado at Colorado Springs ABSTRACT We describe a multidisciplinary digital control systems lab- oratory under development. Its use is shared by Electri- cal and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) students. The lab comprises interesting and stimulating physical de- vices: the Educational Control Products Magnetic Levita- tion and Control-Moment Gyroscope systems. Control is accomplished using a digital computer running the Real Time Linux operating system, via MathWorks’ Mat- lab/ Simulink/ the Real Time Workshop (RTW) and Quality Real-Time Systems’ Real Time Linux Target (RTLT). GOALS FOR THE NEW LAB Hands-on: Promote control-systems education with exper- imental control of a physical device. Lab projects are de- signed to complement and synchronize with lecture topics in order to best reinforce concepts. Economy: A multidisciplinary ECE/MAE facility allows ef- ficient use of space and equipment, better use of available funds, and elimination of overlap among individual depart- mental labs. Focusing experiments on one or two devices results in economies of space, money and student time. CHOICE OF LAB DEVICES We decided to base our new lab primarily around the Mag- netic Levitation (MagLev) and Control-Moment Gyroscope units by Educational Control Products (ECP); see Fig. 1. Both provide dramatic and interesting demonstrations and may be configured in a variety of ways; see Table 1. Figure 1 Main lab devices: ECP MagLev on the left and Gyro on the right. Table 1 Attractive attributes of the selected dynamical devices. Desirable dynamic attribute MagLev Gyro 1. Linear single-variable, stable Y Y 2. Linear single-variable, unstable Y Y 3. Nonlinear single-variable, stable Y Y 4. Nonlinear single-variable, unstable Y Y 5. Linear multi-variable, little I/O interaction Y N 6. Nonlinear multi-variable, large I/O interaction N Y 7. Dynamically rich system N Y 8. Electromechanical system Y Y A generic PC (running RTLinux, Matlab, Simulink, RTLT) is used as the controller via D2A and A2D circuits connected to a “breakout box” that the student can access. Power am- plifier/sensor conditioner boxes drive the devices. See Fig. 2. This configuration allows investigation of digital effects: dif- ferent sampling rates, fixed-point math, discrete-time com- putational structures. Gyroscope Power Amplifier Breakout Box MagLev Power Amplifier ON DAC2 DAC/ DAC/ ADC4 ADC/ADC3 ADC/ADC2 ADC/ADC1 DAC/ DAC/ Gyroscope Plant MagLev Plant ON BRAKE ON BRAKEec p M od el 7 50 Co nt ro l− M om en t Gy ro sc op e ec p M od el 7 30 Le vi ta tio n De vi ce M ag ne tic De vi ce AXIS 3 PWR OFF DAC1 AXIS 4 PWR DAC1 DAC2ADC/ ecp ecp Educational Control Products A D C/ A D C/ A D C/ A D C/ A D C1 A D C2 A D C3 A D C4 D A C1 D A C2 D A C/ D A C/ D A C/ D A C/ D A C1 D A C2 Educational Control Products Model 730 Model 750 Se rv oT oG o M od el 2 I/ O B oa rd Standard PC Hardware RTLinux Operating System Matlab Environment Simulink RTW RTLT St ud en t Figure 2 System setup including hardware and software integration. A sample Simulink diagram for discrete time multi-input multi-output control of the MagLev is shown in Fig. 3. This control system is compiled and executed without writing a line of code! Bottom Coil Top Coil Scale reference input for good steady−state error. Estimate the state value using measurements of the output y[k]. Compute state feedback by multiplying state estimate by K. r2−source r1−source z 1 Scope K Matrix Gain (Cd) K Matrix Gain (Bd) K Matrix Gain (Ad) K Matrix Gain inv(Kdc) K Matrix Gain (L) K Matrix Gain (K) HW Adapter yrawycal Fix Top Sensor yrawycal Fix Bottom Sensor D/A Digital To Analog Converter1 D/A Digital To Analog Converter Demux Demux y2o y1ou1o u2o A/D Analog To Digital Converter1 A/D Analog To Digital Converter0 u[k] kxhat xhat[k] y Figure 3 Simulink diagram for discrete-time MIMO control. COURSE ORGANIZATION We have developed two lab courses: undergraduate Digi- tal Control Laboratory, and graduate Digital Flight Control. Both cover similar topics, although the graduate class leaves more of the theory development to the student. A Gantt chart showing the relative phasing of undergraduate lecture and lab curriculum is shown in Fig. 4. INITIAL EVALUATION We wanted to test two hypotheses with the new lab: Hypothesis 1: Hands-on learning improves basic under- standing. Therefore, students taking the lecture course only (the lab is not required) will do more poorly in the lecture course than those students taking the lab as well. Results: Over four semesters, students taking both the lec- ture and lab courses did 11% better than students taking only the lecture course. Hypothesis 2: An experimental lab provides better learning than a lab based on simulation. Results: Students in the experimental lab did 11% better than students in a simulation-based lab (although not enough data is available for this result to be statistically significant). 1. Introduction to digital control. Sp rin g Br ea k V ac at io n Unit 4: State−Space Controller Design In − cl as s e xa m I (to pic s 1 −6 ) In − cl as s e xa m II (t op ics 7− 9)Review of continuous−time control. Emulation of analog controllers (I). The z−transform. Emulation of analog controllers (II). Sampling and reconstruction. Discrete−time systems. Stability analysis techniques. Digital controller design (transfer fns). State space−−continuous time. State space−−discrete time. Discrete estimator design. Review. Discrete−time simulation with Simulink. Time−domain controller emulation. Frequency−domain controller emulation. Sampling, aliassing, zero−order hold. Discrete−time plant modeling. Filter stucture & finite−precision effects. Frequency−response control design. Numeric optimal PID control design. Ragazzini’s direct control design method. State−space model verification (disc.−time). State−feedback control design. Unit 3: Transfer−Function Controller Design Unit 2: Digital Effects Unit 1: Design by Emulation Laboratory Orientation 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Laboratory Topic Lecture Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Week of Semester 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 4 Synchronization between lecture topics and lab topics. ADDITIONAL STUDENT FEEDBACK Additional student feedback indicates that real learning is taking place. Some students become so involved in the lab that they try experiments that are not required. Other com- ments validate the belief that the lecture and lab courses are well coordinated. CONCLUSION We have developed a multidisciplinary analog and digital control-systems laboratory, focused on the ECP MagLev and Gyro plants, using Matlab/ Simulink/ RTW and RTLT soft- ware, on the RTLinux operating system. We have written a lab manual for the undergraduate Digital Control Labora- tory, which uses the MagLev device and is available on the Internet. The lab schedule coordinates with the Digital Con- trol Systems senior-elective class so that experiments com- plement and illuminate the theory. We have also developed a graduate Digital Flight Control class. Initial evaluation in- dicates that the laboratory experience has significantly aided learning of control-systems concepts.