UCLA Mobility Lab HOME RESEARCH Cyber-Physical Vehicular and Transportation Systems Modeling and Control of Dynamic, Complex Systems in Smart Cities Enhancing the State of the Practice Lab Overview TEACHING PUBLICATIONS PROJECTS PEOPLE JIAQI MA Select Page Welcome to the UCLA Mobility Lab We are a research lab dedicated to harnessing system theories and tools, such as artificial intelligence, control theory, robotics, machine learning, and optimization, to innovate and develop advanced mobility technologies and solutions for smart cities, particularly intelligent vehicular and transportation systems. Extensive research has been conducted, with the support from government agencies (e.g., U.S. DOT, state DOTs, National Science Foundation), and private sectors, in improving transportation system sustainability with advanced technologies and management solutions. We leverage the university environment and work with external partners to perform research and development and prepare future workforce for competitive advantage in the following areas: Advanced vehicular technologies, vehicle automation, and electrification Urban analytics for future mobility and smart cities Resilient, secure, smart transportation and logistics infrastructure Thank you for your interest in our work. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions. We also welcome any type of collaboration! Cheers! “To pursue the discoveries and inventions for the better of humankind, to work on the frontiers of applied knowledge, and to communicate to the next generation the excitement of science.” Teresa A. Sullivan 8th President, University of Virginia Follow US: ResearchGate GitHub LinkedIn Twitter Hiring: Multiple Research Positions Available at the UCLA Mobility Lab We are looking for multiple new team members (Ph.D. students, Post-doc researchers) to join the lab. The expected start date is between Winter 2022 and Fall 2022 (January 2022 – September 2022). Funding will be available, and the salary will be based on past experiences and qualifications. Selected candidates will work on the following areas: cooperative driving automation, cyber-physical transportation systems, transportation systems resilience, intelligent transportation systems, artificial intelligence and advanced computing applications in automated transportation. Specifically, the candidates may work with physical connected/automated vehicles to test various perception, planning, and control algorithms, or perform analysis, modeling, simulation, control, and deployment of future mobility systems. Candidates with backgrounds in artificial intelligence, data science, robotics, and control theories are encouraged to contact Dr. Ma directly at jiaqima@ucla.edu. Strong computer programming skills (e.g., C++, Java, Python, with provable large project-level experiences, not at course/beginner level) are required. Engineer Change. UCLA Samueli School of Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Los Angeles, CA 90095 Contact Jiaqi Ma Asscociate Professor, CEE Faculty Lead in New Mobility, UCLA ITS 4731G Boelter Hall Phone: (310) 206-3212 Email: jiaqima@ucla.edu Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) UCLA Samueli School of Engineering UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies (UCLA ITS) The Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences Terms of Use © 2020 UCLA Mobility Lab