R: Read from or Write to a Socket read.socket {base} R Documentation Read from or Write to a Socket Description read.socket reads a string from the specified socket, write.socket writes to the specified socket. There is very little error checking done by either. Usage
read.socket(socket, maxlen=256, loop=FALSE)
write.socket(socket, string)
Arguments socket a socket object maxlen maximum length of string to read loop wait for ever if there is nothing to read? string string to write to socket Value read.socket returns the string read. Author(s) Thomas Lumley See Also close.socket, make.socket Examples
finger <- function(user, host = "localhost", port = 79, print = TRUE)
if (!is.character(user))
stop("user name must be a string")
user <- paste(user,"\r\n")
socket <- make.socket(host, port)
write.socket(socket, user)
output <- character(0)
ss <- read.socket(socket)
if (ss == "") break
output <- paste(output, ss)
if (print) cat(output)
finger("root") ## only works if your site provides a finger daemon
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