
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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For most up to date schedule go to
CRS # Title Fall 08 Winter 09 Spring 09
2 Computer Literacy Franca Franca Franca
5C Introduction to Programming in C/C++ Brandt
5J Introduction to Programming in Java McDowell Helmbold
5P Introduction to Programming in Python Miller
10 Intro to Computer Science Tantalo Pohl / Staff
11 Intermediate Programming McDowell
12A/L Intro to Programming & Lab (Accelerated) McDowell Chamberlin Mackey
12B/M Intro to Data Structures & Lab Mackey Tantalo Mackey
13H/L Intro to Programming & Data Struct (Honors) & Lab
20 Game Design Experience Whitehead
60M Scientific Computation (Matlab & Maple)
80B Systems & Simulation
80C Computer Arts & Graphics
80G Introduction to UNIX
80J Technology Targeted at Social Issues
80K Foundations of Game Design Wardrip-Fruin
80S Software Innovation to Soc. Entrepreneurship Lodha
80V Creating Virtual Worlds on th Web Pang
101 Algorithms & Abstract Data Types Bailey Tantalo (Telecast) Tantalo
102 Intro to Analysis of Algorithms Van Gelder Achlioptas
104A Fundamentals of Compiler Design I Mackey
104B Fundamentals of Compiler Design II
105 Systems Programming Long
109 Adv. Programming Mackey
111 Intro to Operating Systems Long Miller
112 Comparative Prog. Languages Mackey
115 Software Methodology Werner
116 Software Design Project Whitehead
122 Computer Security
128 Distributed Systems
129 Data Storage Systems
130 Computational Models Warmuth Kolaitis
132 Computability & Computational Complexity
140 Artificial Intelligence Levinson
142 Machine Learning & Data Mining
146 Game AI Funge
148 Interactive Storytelling Mateas
160/L Intro to Computer Graphics & Lab Bailey
161/L Visualization & Comp. Animation & Lab Pang
164/L Game Engines & Lab Pang
170 Game Design Studio I Mateas
171 Game Design Studio II Mateas
172 Game Design Studio III Staff
180 Database Systems I Tan
181 Database Systems II Polyzotis
182 Introduction to Database Management Systems Polyzotis
183 Hypermedia & the Web
190X Methods of Cryptography
191 Computer Science & Technology Seminar Lodha Lodha
Computer Science Tentative Schedule 2008-2009
  LOWER DIVISION :: :: (831) 459-5840 :: 9/08/2008
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CRS # Title Fall 08 Winter 09 Spring 09
AMS 2 Pre-Statistics Mendes
AMS 3 Precalculus for Science and Engineering Mendes Mendes
AMS 5 Statistics Lee Morris Rodriguez
AMS 7/L Stat Methods for Bio,Envir,& Health Sci & Lab Draper Draper Prado
AMS 10 Mathematical Methods for Engineers I Mendes Brummell
AMS 10A Basic Mathematical Methods for Engineers I Mendes Brummell
AMS 11A Mathematical Methods for Economists Katznelson Katznelson Katznelson
AMS 11B Mathematical Methods for Economists Katznelson Katznelson Katznelson
AMS 20 Mathematical Methods for Engineers II Gong
AMS 20A Basic Mathematical Methods for Engineers II Gong
AMS 27L Mathematical Methods for Engineers Laboratory Staff
AMS 80A Gambling and Gaming
AMS 107 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics Brummell
AMS 113 Managerial Statistics
AMS 114 Introduction to Dynamical Systems Garaud
AMS 115 Stochastic Modeling in Biology Mangel
AMS 131 Intro to Probability Theory Kottas
AMS 132 Statistical Inference Rodriguez
AMS 146 Introduction to Dynamical Systems
AMS 147 Computational Methods & Applications Wang
AMS 162 Design & Analysis Comp. Simulation Experiments
AMS 205 Mathematical Statistics
AMS 206 Bayesian Statistics Lee
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CRS # Title Fall 08 Winter 09 Spring 09
BME 5 Introduction to Biotechnology Rothwell Rothwell
BME 60/L Programming for Biologists & Biochemists & Lab
BME 80G Bioethics in the 21st Century Akeson
BME 80H Human Genome Rothwell Rothwell Rothwell
BME 109 Resource-Efficient Programming
BME 110 Computational Biology Tools Gerloff Lowe
BME 123A Engineering Design Project I Laws / Petersen
BME 123B Engineering Design Project II Vesecky / Chan Laws / Petersen
BME 130 Genomes
BME 140 Bioinstrumentation Pourmand
BME 150/L Molecular Biomechanics & Lab Staff
BME 155 Biotechnology and Drug Development Berman
BME 160/L Research Programming for Biologists & Biochemists & Lab  
BME 178 Stem Cell Biology Forsberg
BME 205 Bioinformatics Models and Algorithms Karplus (Telecast)
BME 210 Application and Analysis of Microarrays Lowe
BME 211 Computational Systems Biology Stuart
BME 220/L Protein Bioinformatics & Lab Karplus
BME 230/L Computational Genomics & Lab  Haussler/Stuart
Applied Math & Statistics Tentative Schedule 2008-2009
Biomolecular Engineering Tentative Schedule 2008-2009
  LOWER DIVISION :: :: (831) 459-5840 :: 9/08/2008
For most up to date schedule go to
CRS # Title Fall 08 Winter 09 Spring 09
1 Hands on Computer Engineering Hughey Larrabee Larrabee
3 Personal Computer Concepts Moulds Moulds Moulds
8 Robot Automation: Intelligence through Feedback Control Dunbar Elkaim
12/L Computer Systems & Assembly Language & Lab DiBlas Ferguson
13/L Computer Systems and C Programming & Lab Hughey
16 Applied Discrete Mathematics Larrabee Garcia-Luna
80A Universal Access: Disability, Technology, and Society Manduchi Kurniawan
80E Engineering Ethics Moriarty
80H History of Modern Computing 
80N Intro to Networking & Internet Gomez Larrabee Gomez
80U Ubiquitous & Mobile Computing Tao
100/L Logic Design & Lab Schlag Guthaus
107 Math Methods of Systems Analysis: Stochastic Brandwajn Brandwajn
108 Data Compression Manduchi
110 Computer Architecture DiBlas
112 Computer and Game Console Architecture DiBlas
113 Parallel & Concurrent Programming
117/L Embedded Software & Lab
118/L Introduction to Mechatronics & Lab Elkaim
121/L Microprocessor System Design & Lab Petersen Petersen
123A Engineering Design Project I Chan Petersen
123B Engineering Design Project II Chan Petersen
125/L Logic Design with Verilog & Lab Chan Guthaus
126/L Advanced Logic Design & Lab 
*127 Comp-Aid Syn VLSI Cir.
131 Human-Computer Interaction Kurniawan
150/L Intro. To Computer Networks & Lab Mantey
151 Network Administration Obraczka
153 Digital Signal Processing
156/L Network Programming & Lab  
167/L Sensing and Sensor Technologies & Lab
173/L High Speed Digital Design & Lab Chan
174 Introduction to EDA Tools for PCB Design Petersen
177 Applied Graph Theory & Algorithms
185 Technical Writing Larrabee Moulds
233 Human Factors Kurniawan
Computer Engineering Tentative Schedule 2008-2009 :: :: (831) 459-5840 :: 9/08/2008
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CRS # Title Fall 08 Winter 09 Spring 09
70/L Intro to Electronic Circuits & Lab  Liu Kubby
80J Renewable Energy Sources Shakouri
80S Sustainability Engineering & Practice Shakouri
80T Modern Electronic Technology & How it Works Pedrotti 
103 Signals & Systems Friedlander Sadjadpour
115 Intro to MEMS Design Kubby
123A Engineering Design Project I Vesecky/Chan Laws/Petersen
123B Engineering Design Project II Vesecky/Chan Laws/Petersen
130/L Intro.Optoelectronics & Photonics & Lab Gu
135/L Electromagnetic Fields & Waves & Lab Wiberg
136 Engineering Electromagnetics Segal
145/L Properties of Materials & Lab Kobayashi
151 Communications Systems Staff
152 Intro to Wireless Communications
153 Digital Signal Processing 
154 Feedback Control Systems Rosen
157/L New communications course Petersen
171/L Analog Electronics & Lab  Liu
172 Advanced Analog Circuits Pedrotti
178 Device Electronics Pedrotti
180J Renewable Energy Sources Shakouri  
211 Introduction to Nanotechnology
212 Introduction to BioMEMS
221 Adv. Analog Integrated Circuits Pedrotti
230 Optical Fiber Communication Gu
231 Optical Electronics Gu
241 Intro to Feedback Control Systems Rosen
250 Digital Signal Processing cancelled  
251 Principles of Digital Communications
252 Wireless Communications Friedlander (Telecast)
262 Statistical Signal Processing I Milanfar (Telecast)
264 Image Processing & Reconstruction Milanfar (Telecast)
Liu Liu
270 Neural Implant Engineering W & S Course W & S Course
Enroll in Winter Only Enroll in Winter Only
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CRS # Title Fall 08 Winter 09 Spring 09
50 Business Information Systems Musacchio Staff
58 Systems Analysis and Design Zhang
80C Starting a New Technology Company Desa
101 Management of Technology Seminar Desa Desa Desa
105 Management of Technology I Desa
125 Management of Technology II Desa
158 Business Strategy and Information Systems Staff
Electrical Engineering Tentative Schedule 2008-2009 :: :: (831) 459-5840 :: 9/08/2008
Technology & Information Management Tentative Schedule 2008-2009