COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA School of Information Systems UNIT: SYS-1A4Y ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Text Processing Exercise (Spring 2003, Coursework 2) DATE SET : Friday Week 05 DATE & TIME OF SUBMISSION : Friday Week 08 - by 2:00pm RETURN DATE : Week 12 ASSIGNMENT VALUE : 10 % SET BY : Dr Ralph Elliott SIGNED: CHECKED BY : Dr Reyer Zwiggelaar SIGNED: Aim: To implement, and test a Java Text Processing interface, given a skeleton set of project files. Learning outcomes: Ability to develop classes and algorithms for a non-trivial task; proficiency in basic Java I/O facilities; ability to use basic Java class libraries; ability to devise effective software test strategies; competence in technical reporting. Assessment criteria For implementation: logical structure, intelligibility, conciseness, efficiency, effective use of the standard Java class libraries; thoroughness and effectiveness of testing; clarity and relevance of reporting. Description of assignment: Implement a given Java text-processing interface, test the implementation, and report on the outcome. Full details of the assignment, including supporting source code are available on the SYS-1A4Y Courseware pages: Detailed problem specification, and list of submission requirements, Interface definitions, some Source Code. Required: (See SYS-1A4Y Courseware page for full details.) You should submit two things: i. A paper report, including an executive summary, describing your work. The body of this report should be no more than 8 sides of A4; in addition, full source code listings and test results should be included in appendices. ii. An execuatble JAR file for your project – to be submitted electronically (see below). The paper report should be accompanied by the standard coursework coversheet, as supplied. Handing in procedure: You should post your completed paper report in the appropriate box outside the SYS General Office. Late work must be posted in the ‘late’ box. Your work will be date stamped whether you hand it in on time or not. We will accept work from you up to a week after the specified time of submission, but in this case you will be penalised, as your ‘recorded’ mark will be 0.8 times the awarded mark. Work handed in after this cut off date may be commented on, but awarded 0% unless there is good reason. Arrangements for the electronic submission will be published on the unit’s Courseware page in due course. If you have medical or other problems you can seek extensions to coursework deadlines. However, it is essential you obtain proper documentation in such cases (i.e. a medical certificate), to be handed in to the School General Office at the time of the difficulty. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the copying or close paraphrasing of published or unpublished work, including the work of another student without the use of quotation marks and due acknowledgement. Plagiarism is regarded a serious offence by the University and all cases will be reported to the Board of Examiners. Work that contains even small fragments of plagiarised material will be penalised. COURSEWORK COVERSHEET UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA School of Information Systems UNIT: SYS-1A4Y ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Text Processing Exercise (Spring 2003, Coursework 2) To be completed by the student: Name (Family name in CAPITALS please): Adviser: Registration No: Date stamped: I certify that this work is my own, undertaken wholly for this assignment, and has not been copied in whole or part from other sources, except where specifically acknowledged. Signed ............................................................ Date ............................................................ To be completed by the marker. Assessment criteria are specified below. • For the implementation: logical structure, intelligibility, conciseness, efficiency, effective use of the standard Java class libraries. • Thoroughness and effectiveness of testing. • Clarity and relevance of reporting. 1 (25%): Reporting/Presentation Quality 2 (20%): Stage 1: Text Input/Listing 3 (30%): Stage 2: Word Frequency Data Collection 4 (25%): Stage 3: Cross-Reference Data Collection Provisional Mark Awarded: % Date: Marked by: Checked by: Please be reminded that students should retain all returned coursework and have it available for External Examiners, if required. All marks are provisional until confirmed by the Board of Examiners. PLEASE ATTACH THIS SHEET SECURELY TO YOUR COURSEWORK