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University of Florida EEL 4712 - Fall 2004 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz 
Electrical & Computer Engineering Revision 3 8-Oct-04 
Page 1/4 Lab 4: 8-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)  
The purpose of this lab is to study the Arithmetic 
Logic Unit (ALU) with an Accumulator Register.  
This ALU will be used in later assignments. 
• Bin-Tek BT-U Board 
• ByteBlaster Cable 
• SPDT switch, 2 resistors 
• Oscilloscope (in lab) 
• Logic Analyzer (in lab) 
1. Prepare a VHDL design file that describes a 1-
bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).  
The ALU supports the operations shown in the 
table below.  A 3-bit input fsel selects the 
function to be performed. The 1-bit output of the 
ALU is f.  The adder signals from the previous 
lab, a, b, cin, blk_g, and blk_p are also needed in 
the ALU.  Some new inputs and outputs to 
support the shift functions are also needed.  Use 
sli and sri as shift-left and shift-right inputs, 
respectively. The shift-left and shift-right 
outputs will be called slo and sro. The entity 
statement for our component should be called 
alu1.  Your VHDL file should always begin with 
a comment containing your name and your 
section number as well as a canonical truth table 
that specify the values of all of the outputs 
relevant to that function as a function of all of 
the inputs.  
0 Add with carry input (f = a + b + ci) 
1 Subtract (b-a) with borrow (f = /a + b + ci)* 
2 Bit-wise AND (f = a and b) 
3 Bit-wise OR (f = a or b) 
4 Bit-wise XOR (f = a xor b) 
5 Shift left (f = b << 1) 
6 Shift right (f = b >> 1) 
7 Zero (f = 0) 
* The ci for subtraction is the borrow input. 
The ALU may be conceptually viewed as shown 
in Figure 1.   It is possible to implement this 
figure as a structural file using port map 
statements.  If this approach is used, create 
separate VHDL behavioral descriptions of the 
multiplexers (of 2 different sizes). The 
multiplexers should be written using the VHDL 
“” statement.  These design files will 
be used together with the add1 file from Lab 3 
to create the structural description of alu1. 
Compiling and testing proceeds as for other 
complex projects. Be sure to designate the 
project correctly -- use “Project | Set as Top 
Level Entity” to designate the top-level network 
as alu1.  (A short-cut key sequence is 
The VHDL architecture body may also be 
written in behavioral form using only 
assignment and statements. 
Organize the file into sections separated by 
comments. Assume that there is a section for 
each function depicted in Figure 1. Note that the 
subtract function in Figure 1 is implemented by 
inverting the a input as it is sent into the adder. 
The AND, OR, and XOR functions have already 
been created in implementing the adder 
(remember the g, p, and the s outputs). The shift 
left and shift right operations can be 
implemented merely by rerouting the bus 
carrying the b input to the left or right one bit 
position. When all of the equations have been 
written for each section, build the multiplexer as 
shown at the bottom center of Figure 1 to select 
(based on fsel) the desired result.  Notice that the 
adder and subtracter fit into this model as a 
single unit. Whether using the structural or 
behavioral VHDL description, name the project 
and assign the device appropriately. Compile 
and remove any errors until a suitable VHDL 
file is produced. Prepare suitable test vectors and 
simulate to verify that the output is identical to 
the truth table specified in the design. Please 
capture the test vectors in a .tbl file for use in the 
lab write-up.  
University of Florida EEL 4712 - Fall 2004 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz 
Electrical & Computer Engineering Revision 3 8-Oct-04 
Page 2/4 Lab 4: 8-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)  
2. Prepare a logic diagram showing the structure of 
an 8-bit Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) based on 
the alu1 component described above and the 
lca_gen component from Lab 3. Use text boxes 
to label the many external and internal signals. It 
is very important that all internal signals be 
labeled in order to support the following steps. 
The drawing is almost identical to the 8-bit 
LCA drawing from Lab 3. Suitable editing of a 
copy of the lab 3 design should result in a 
drawing for the 8-bit ALU with Look-Ahead 
Carry. Note the locations of the LCELLs that 
need to be embedded to retain the look-ahead 
carry structure. It is expected that the remaining 
signals within the alu1 network will be flattened 
(reducing the structure to single macrocells -- 
one for f, one for sro, and one for sri).  
3. Prepare a VHDL structural description of the 8-
bit Look-Ahead Carry ALU. To accomplish this 
step in an efficient manner, prepare a VHDL 
structural description of a 2-bit ALU with Look-
Ahead Carry (alu2). This will involve 2 major 
components (alu1 and lca_gen) and the LCELL 
to preserve the internal signals associated with 
the Look-Ahead Carry structure. Insert LCELL 
instances on the g and p signals at all levels in 
the VHDL description. According to the 
drawing of a 2-bit ALU, there should be two 
instances of the alu1, one instance of lca_gen, 
and 4 instances of LCELL. The next step after 
alu2 is tested, is to build a 4-bit wide ALU 
having the same structure (alu4). There will be 
two instances of alu2, one instance of lca_gen, 
and four instances of LCELL. A final iteration 
produces an 8-bit ALU (alu8).  A truth table is 
too extensive for inclusion in the VHDL files for 
alu2, alu4, or alu8. However, do include the 
function table. Remember to include your name 
and section number as a comment. Place the 
component statements for the three components 
in the design file. 
4. Compile each project (alu2, alu4 and alu8) in 
order from the bottom of the hierarchy to the 
top, eliminate errors, and simulate the design. 
Look at the equations in the “.eqn” to verify that 
the appropriate look-ahead carry adder, as part 
of the ALU, was actually produced. It should be 
noted that without using LCELL components, 
the internal signals would have been minimized 
out of the design and the adder would look 
significantly different. Write a set of test vectors 
for each hierarchy level that will verify that each 
of the internal signals changes when expected. A 
complete set of test vectors will not be used in 
this assignment. Short runs of the waveform 
over a region of interest would be most 
effective.  Show that the internal carries 
produced by the lca_gen components in the 
design still work. A test vector that shows when 
each of these carries changes to 1 is also needed. 
Figure 1: 1-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit 
University of Florida EEL 4712 - Fall 2004 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz 
Electrical & Computer Engineering Revision 3 8-Oct-04 
Page 3/4 Lab 4: 8-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)  
Provide several well-chosen test vectors that 
show that all of the functions for each ALU 
5. Use the Timing Analyzer to get estimates of the 
propagation times for the various paths in the 8-
bit ALU design. With the help of the Waveform 
Editor, the equations in the report file, and the 
logic diagram for the 8-bit Look-Ahead Carry 
Adder based ALU, verify that the timings are 
consistent with the intended design. 
6. Add four single-bit output signals to the 8-bit 
ALU. These signals, called flags, inform the 
user of various bits of information about the 
result produced by the ALU. 
• C - Carry Flag (equal to Cout) 
• Z - Zero Flag (true when f = 0) 
• S - Sign Flag (the value of f7) 
• V- Overflow Flag (2’s-comp. overflow) 
The Overflow Flag is determined by comparing 
the carry into the most significant bit of the 
adder with the carry out of that bit. If the two 
carries are the same, then there is no overflow 
(V=0). If the carries are different, then there is a 
2’s complement overflow (V=1). Provide a new 
component that contains the necessary inputs, 
outputs, and logic equations to generate the 
desired signals. Test the component separately to 
verify that it works in simulation.  
7. Adapt the structural file of the 8-bit ALU to 
contain these new flag components. The port 
statement for the ALU will need to be enlarged 
to let C, V, Z, and S be visible. Repeat the tests 
used for the ALU in the steps above to verify 
that the ALU performs properly using the new 
8. Design a component that behaves like an 8-bit 
register. This VHDL file will contain the first 
PROCESS block used in the course. The process 
block is used to contain an IF statement which is 
a sequential statement. Refer to Appendix A of 
the text for more information.  Statements in a 
process block are executed sequentially (the 
same as for C or Java). The register should be 
synchronously loadable from its 8-bit input d, on 
the rising edge of the clock. Simulate the register 
design using a small number of well-chosen test 
vectors to show that the device performs as 
required.  One sequence of vectors that is very 
important is to show that loading occurs on the 
rising edge of the clock and that the register will 
not be loaded if load_enable is false. 
9. An accumulator is shown in Figure 2. Use the 
adapted ALU and the register created above to 
build the accumulator. Write a structural VHDL 
file containing the two components mentioned.  
Since q comes out of the design and is used 
inside, it should be declared as a buffer. After 
the design is compiled, examine the equations 
that are placed in flip-flops in the FPGA.  
Perform suitable tests to show that the 
accumulator works. We will need an estimate of 
its speed when it is tested in lab and when it is 
used in a more complex system. 
10. Look at your 3701 notes to design and build a 
debounced switch using an SR latch, two 
resistors and a SPDT switch.  An SR latch can 
be made out of two NAND gates or two NOR 
Figure 2: Accumulator 
University of Florida EEL 4712 - Fall 2004 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz 
Electrical & Computer Engineering Revision 3 8-Oct-04 
Page 4/4 Lab 4: 8-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)  
1. Design a test fixture that allows the propagation 
time for the worst case signal path through the 8-
bit ALU to be measured. Using the Timing 
Analyzer on alu8 can identify this path.  
Measure the propagation time for changes at the 
input signal to this path. Compare the measured 
values with the values for the same path 
produced by the Timing Analyzer and your use 
of the Waveform Editor and Simulator. A table 
should be prepared that shows this value for the 
alu8, add8 (LCA), and add8ripple (with ripple-
carry).  Include this table in the lab report. 
2. Construct the 8-bit accumulator in the FPGA. 
The accumulator contains the 8-bit ALU with 
flags and the 8-bit register. Design a test fixture 
that allows the accumulator circuit to be 
exercised. This means that all of the functions of 
the ALU should be tested in meaningful 
combinations with reasonable data. For example, 
to test the AND function, a number must be 
placed in the register from input a using the 
ALU. Another number that clearly shows the 
action of the AND function is then placed on 
input a. The clock of the register is pulsed while 
the AND function is selected in the ALU. A 
cautionary note is in order concerning the choice 
of clock source for the register. If the clock is 
pulsed more than once, then the accumulator 
will produce incorrect results for the test desired. 
The Prototyping board in the lab has at least one 
de-bounced push button that will put out a single 
pulse each time it is pushed.  (These switches 
have been known to have some problems.)  
Alternatively (and probably preferably), you 
may want to Construct your own debounce 
circuit using the SPDT switch in your lab kit 
along with some resistors and an SR-latch.   
1. List the names of the inputs to the 8-bit ALU 
(with flag network) and mark the number of bits 
in each signal. How many test vectors would be 
needed to test the complete 8-bit ALU? 
2. What is an efficient test to show that all of the 
inter-bit carries were correct in the 8-bit ALU? 
The point here is to identify one or more test 
vectors that show the inter-bit carries take on the 
proper ‘0’ or ‘1’. Where, in all of the test data, is 
this information presented? 
3. If the accumulator had been set up in lab using a 
non-debounced switch for the clock input, how 
could the number of times that the clock was 
pulsed be determined? Hint: you will need to 
specify the inputs to the accumulator and then 
interpret the results. 
4. The text, in Figure 5.27, shows a form of the 
port map statement that should not be used in 
EEL 4712. Contrast this form with the other 
form shown in lecture. Specifically deal with 
how to specify which signals the port map 
connects the component in each case, how 
unused connections are shown, and justify why 
one or the other form is more likely to contribute 
to error-free coding. 
5. We have built a subtraction network by 
exploiting the features of number representation. 
What feature did we exploit to replace the 
subtracter with an adder? What feature of what 
number system did we exploit to justify the 
network hooked to the a input of the FullAdder 
component in Figure 1? When we do subtraction 
with the alu8 network, we obviously apply 8-bit 
numbers to inputs a and b and set the input fsel 
= 1. If a = 0x15 and b= 0x9f, what are the values 
of all inputs needed to compute f = a - b? What 
are the values of produced on f and each of the 
6. Consider the shift network in the 8-bit ALU. 
Make a drawing in which only the specific 
subcomponents that create the 8-bit shift 
network are shown. Include the necessary 
interconnections. Include only the relevant part 
of fsel to control the network. The actual 
components used in Figure 1 and your 8-bit 
ALU drawing to construct the 8-bit shift 
network are not used in the drawing requested. 
They are stripped-down and flattened to contain 
only the specific components that do the shifting 
work. Hint: Each bit of the data path reduces to a 
simple and easily recognizable component 
described in EEL3701 and chapter 6 of the text. 
7. Consider the 8-bit register. Compare the code 
that you produced with that shown in Figure 
7.40 for a resettable flip-flop. 
8. Show the VHDL code needed to make the load 
control on the register asynchronous (load 
happens whenever the load_enable is true 
regardless of the value of the clock).