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University of Florida EEL 4744 – Spring 2007 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz 
Electrical & Computer Engineering  Casey T. Morrison, TA 
Page 1/3 Revision 2 April 18, 2007  
Lab 8: Automatic Execution and Programming in C 
• To experience how easy it is to implement 
microprocessor concepts already learned using 
assembly language with a high-level language like C. 
• To modify the start-up behavior of the UF-6812 
development board. 
• To put together some of the systems you have used 
this semester and use them to create an application-
specific microprocessor-based system. 
• All parts from labs 5 and 6. 
• Read the ENTIRE lab handout. 
• Complete the GNU installation instructions outlined 
in the “C-Language Environment Set-up” section. 
• Write complete, syntax error-free programs to meet 
the program requirements. 
• Be prepared to demonstrate your programs and 
• Bring to lab: 
1.  Printout of the syntax error-free C file(s) and 
“memory.x” file. 
2.  All .c, .x, and .s19 files on a flash, CD, or 
3.  Answers to the pre-lab questions. 
Throughout the semester, you have been writing code in 
Motorola assembly language and translating that code 
into machine code targeted for the Freescale 68HC12 
microcontroller. This translation was performed by the 
MiniIDE assembler. While this design flow is suitable in 
many circumstances, i.e., writing a simple device driver 
or a Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), many embedded 
microcontroller-based systems are developed using high-
level languages. 
When a high-level language is used in the design flow, a 
compiler becomes necessary to translate the source code 
into a lower-level language (i.e., assembly code or object 
code). Many of today’s microcontrollers (Texas 
Instruments’ MSP430 series, Atmel AVR series, etc.) are 
sold with development tools capable of translating high-
level programming languages (C, C++, Java, etc.) into 
machine code targeted to their particular architecture. 
Depending on the application, software development may 
be done entirely in assembly, entirely in a higher-level 
language, or in a combination of the two. 
In this lab, we will make use of a GNU development 
chain to compile and assemble C-language programs for 
the Freescale 68HC12. 
Follow these steps to set up a C-language software 
development environment: 
1. Download the GNU Development chain for the 
Freescale 68HC12 micro-controller: 
• GCC 68HC12 Windows Package Release 2.2:
2.2.exe .  Use folder c:\gnu instead of the default 
of c:\usr. 
• GNU development chain website (for reference):
Follow the installation instructions for installing gnu-
68hc1x-2.2.  I suggest that you install this software in 
“C:\gnu\”; if you do not install the software here, 
make sure the path does not contain any spaces. 
2. Download a make utility: 
• GNU make:
make-3.80.0-3.exe?download . Use folder 
c:\gnu instead of  the default of c:\mingw. 
I suggest that you install this in the “C:\gnu\” 
directory.  If you do, then the file “mingw32-
make.exe” should end up in the “C:\gnu\bin\” 
directory.  Rename this file to “make.exe”. 
Follow these steps to download, compile, and execute the 
example program “hello.c” to make sure that your 
environment set-up is complete. 
1. Place the files in the example archive “” (see 
link on the Labs page) into the “C:\gnu\hello\” 
2. Right mouse click on “My Computer”, then select 
“Properties”, then select the “Advanced” tab.  The 
select “Environment Variables”.  Under “System 
variables” select for “Path” and then select “Edit”.  
Add the following to the end of the “Variable value:” 
Select “OK”, then “OK”, then “OK” again. 
3. Open a “Command Prompt” window. 
• One way to do this is by using the Windows 
shortcut.  Press the “Windows Key” (often 
between the Ctrl and Alt keys) and R (Win-R) at 
the same time.  The type “cmd” and hit the 
“Enter” key. 
• Alternatively, Select “Start | Programs | 
Accessories | Command Prompt”. 
4. Change directories (cd) to where you placed the 
example code, “hello.c”: 
University of Florida EEL 4744 – Spring 2007 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz 
Electrical & Computer Engineering  Casey T. Morrison, TA 
Page 2/3 Revision 2 April 18, 2007  
Lab 8: Automatic Execution and Programming in C 
C:\...> cd c:\gnu\hello 
5. Edit the “memory.x” file (using Notepad or another 
text editor) to describe the available program and 
data memory on your UF-6812 development board.  
The “memory.x” file provided in this example 
archive describes a typical memory set-up.  Note that 
“0x” is a prefix for hexadecimal. 
6. Compile, link, and assemble the example C-language 
program, “hello.c” into both an elf file (hello.elf) and 
an s19 file (hello.s19).  
C:\...> make hello 
The file elf file is a binary file in the ELF/DWARF-2 
standard format.  It contains 68HC12 binary code, 
symbols, and debugging information.  This is also 
known as an object file. The .s19 file is known as a 
machine code file and can be downloaded and 
executed on your EEL 4744 development board.  
Verify that these two files were generated. 
7. Run the following command to take the elf object file 
and convert it to a readable assembly language 
m6811-elf-objdump -d -S hello.elf > hello.lst 
where hello.lst is the list file containing the assembly 
language of the object file.  This file also has the C 
source-code included in the file.  (Without the “>”, 
which is know as a redirection, the output would go 
to the screen instead of to hello.lst.) 
Execute the program by itself to get a choice of 
possible options, i.e., “m6811-elf-objdump”    
Execute the program by itself to get a choice of 
possible options, i.e., “m6811-elf-objdump”    
To view the memory contents, execute: 
m6811-elf-objdump -s hello.elf > hello.txt 
8. Compare the hello.c file to the hello.lst file with the 
hello.txt file.  Annotate (circle and label) on printouts 
of these three files where a single instruction (or set 
of instructions) exist in the each of these files.  For 
example “clr  c0” in the hello.lst file corresponds to 
in the hello.c file and the “7900c0” on the line 
labeled 0970 in the hello.txt file.  Do this for three 
different instructions (or sets of instructions). 
9. Download and execute “hello.s19” on your UF-6812 
development board. You will need to “GO” at the 
address you have defined as the beginning of 
program (code) memory in your “memory.x” file. 
If you have not already done so, download Version 2.4 of 
the UF Debug-4744 Monitor program to your EEPROM. 
This version implements a slight change to the way the 
board boots up.  After reset, the monitor program will 
first read the value on Port A/D pin 7.  If this pin is low 
(0V), then the standard monitor message and prompt 
interface will appear on your screen, and the monitor will 
await your instructions.  If this pin is high (+5V), then the 
monitor will bypass the standard user interface, and it will 
direct the 68HC12 to begin executing instructions from 
address $8000. 
Set-up and test the new version of the monitor program 
by doing the following: 
1. Connect a switch (with pull-up/pull-down resistor) to 
Port A/D pin 7 (this corresponds to header J4 pin 2). 
2. Before powering up the board, set the switch so that 
it drives 0V on Port A/D pin 7. 
3. Power up the board, and execute a few monitor 
commands to verify that the board is working. 
In a previous lab you added 8KB of SRAM to your 
system memory map starting at address $4000. For this 
lab, you will need move your SRAM so that it begins at 
address $8000. 
1. Program your CPLD with a new schematic (or 
VHDL) that places your 8KB of SRAM at address 
$8000.  Verify that your board still boots. If the 
board does not boot, verify that your CPLD SRAM 
equation is correct and that your file contains the 
equations for all of the other components (EEPROM, 
input port, output port, and the SRAM). 
2. Once you verify your SRAM is working at $8000, 
download a test program (e.g., blinking an LED, 
displaying a string on the LCD, etc.) to address 
$8000.  Flip the switch that controls the monitor boot 
mode so that it drives +5V on Port A/D pin 7 (this is 
“bypass mode”). Verify that the monitor bypasses the 
standard monitor message and prompt interface and 
immediately begins executing the test program at 
address $8000. 
3. Flip the switch that controls the monitor boot mode 
back to driving 0V (this is “normal mode”). 
Now you are ready to write a program in C, compile and 
assemble it for your 68HC12, and execute it immediately 
after reset. Write a program that will play the Windows 
XP startup theme on the your piezo speaker immediately 
after reset and then display the text “Welcome to 
’s EEL4744 board” on the LCD screen.  A 
modified version of the Windows XP startup theme is 
University of Florida EEL 4744 – Spring 2007 Dr. Eric M. Schwartz 
Electrical & Computer Engineering  Casey T. Morrison, TA 
Page 3/3 Revision 2 April 18, 2007  
Lab 8: Automatic Execution and Programming in C 
described in Table 1.  (Feel free to replace the Windows 
XP startup theme with another recognizable tune.) 
Note # Note name Frequency Duration 
1 C7 2093.00 500 ms 
2 G6 1567.98 250 ms 
3 F6 1396.91 500 ms 
4 C7 2093.00 250 ms 
5 G6 1567.98 500 ms 
Table 1. Note sequence and corresponding frequencies 
and durations for the Windows XP startup theme. 
The simplest way to begin writing this program is to copy 
the entire “hello” directory into a new directory, say 
“lab8”. In this directory, rename “hello.c” to “lab8.c”, and 
modify the code accordingly.  Be sure to update your 
“memory.x” file to reflect the fact that your SRAM was 
moved from address $4000 to address $8000. 
It is important to draw your attention to the array named 
“_io_ports” that is defined in “hello.c”.  All registers and 
memory-mapped I/O devices may be accessed through 
this array.  You should define the same array in your 
“lab8.c” file so that you may access control registers and 
other memory-mapped devices. 
When using the output compare system to generate notes 
on your speaker, you should use the polling technique 
rather than interrupts to service your output compare. 
Setting up the interrupt system in C is rather involved and 
goes beyond the scope of this lab.  Instead, simply poll 
the output compare flags in the TFLG1 register to 
determine when a successful output compare is made. 
You are free to write your code any way you would like, 
as long as it accomplishes the program requirements (and 
is written in C). The following is offered merely as a 
suggestion of one possible way to break your program 
into functions. 
Your main routine should call functions to initialize your 
LCD and your output compare systems.  Once 
initialization is complete, you should call a function to 
play the Windows XP startup theme.  Finally, you should 
call a function to display the appropriate text on your 
LCD display. 
The INIT_OC function can perform the same output 
compare initialization steps that you performed in the 
synthesizer lab.  However, since you are encouraged to 
use polling instead of interrupts, there is no need to 
initialize the interrupt system. 
The INIT_LCD function can perform the same LCD 
initialization steps that you performed in the LCD lab. 
Delays can be written using common looping constructs 
(for, while, etc.) available in the C language. 
The LCD_CHAR function can send a character to the 
LCD display much like the OUT_CHAR function sends a 
character to the computer screen in the “hello.c” example. 
The LCD_STRING function can send a string of text to 
the LCD display by repeatedly calling the LCD_CHAR 
function.  This is similar to the OUT_STRING function 
in the “hello.c” example. 
The PLAY_NOTE function can take as arguments the 
note frequency and duration.  This function can make the 
necessary changes to the output compare system to play 
the desired note for the desired amount of time. 
1. Run the lab8.s19 program from address $8000 in 
SRAM by downloading it to your board and typing 
“go 8000” at the monitor prompt.  Note that you 
can not download to your board unless the monitor 
boot mode is set to “normal mode”. 
2. Run the program again, this time putting your board 
into “bypass mode” so that the program runs 
immediately following reset. 
3. Create lab8.lst and visual compare it to the lab8.c 
file.  You do not need to annotate anything with the 
lab8 files. 
1. At what beginning address does the C compiler place 
your program? At what address does it place your 
data?  How do you adjust this? 
2. How could you modify your board to play the 
Windows XP startup theme after reset without ever 
having to load the program into RAM?  If you have 
time, you could try this in lab! 
You will submit the following to your TA: 
1. The printout of your annotated hello.c, hello.lst and 
hello.txt files and the memory.x file you used for the 
hello.c execution. 
2. The printout of your final C program and 
“memory.x” file. 
3. A media copy containing your hello and lab8 .c, ..lst, 
.txt, .x, and .s19 files. 
4. Answers to Pre-Lab questions.