Standard: 201 202 204 205 215 Mac 215 BC 216 303 JH Lab JH Lab2 JC Lab JS1 JS2 JS2B JS3 Adobe Reader FireFox Flash Player Forefront Google Chrome GoPrint Java OSX (Mac) Lockdown Browser MS Office 2010 MS Office 2011 MS Office 2013 V6829 V6831 V6827 V6828 Quicktime Shockwave Sophos Windows 7 Windows 8 V6829 V6831 V6827 V6828 Specific 201 202 204 205 215 Mac 215 BC 216 303 JH Lab JH Lab2 JC Lab JS1 JS2 JS2B JS3 Adobe CS5 Adobe CS6 V6248, all Dells V6246 Autodesk BioEdit DeepFreeze Dragon Speak Naturally V6007 Direct SDK Jaws V4978 V6031 Matlab V6027, V6006 MEGA6 Panopto T.S. T.S. T.S. T.S, Quickbooks SpSS 20 V6033 Unreal Development Kit Visio Visual Studio 2013 Join.Me T.S. T.S. Note: indicates all computers located in this room have this software installed unless otherwise noted T.S. = Teacher Station Mac computers have BootCamp (BC) that allows them to boot into Windows OS. V#### is the tag number of a specific computer within the room WJ III V6001 ZoomText V6007 V6037 Hardware: 201 202 204 205 215 Mac 215 BC 216 303 JH Lab JH Lab2 JC Lab JS1 JS2 JS2B JS3 Canon LiDe 210 V6022 V4978 V6033 V6031 V5536 V6530 V6538 V6638 V6640 V6636 High contrast keyboards V6007 V4978 V6031 V6037 V6540 Touchscreens V6829 V6831 V6827 V6828