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1 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
APEC-PTIN Project:    
CHILE  2013 
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§  Provide definitions of validation & verification from key resources 
§  List some key performance characteristics for method validation  
§  Provide an overview of 3rd party method validation schemes 
§  Distinguish validation and verification 
§  List some key performance characteristics for method verification 
§  Distinguish verification:  method verification vs “continuous” verification 
§  Provide links to references for further use / information 
3 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§  CODEX - CAC/GL 74-2010: Guidelines on performance criteria and validation of methods for detection, 
identification and quantification of specific DNA sequences and specific proteins in foods 
§  ISO/DIS 16140-1: Microbiology of food and animal feed, Method validation, Part 1: Vocabulary Currently under revision 
§  USDA FSIS:  Guidance for Test Kit Manufacturers, Laboratories: Evaluating the Performance of Pathogen Test Kit 
Methods; and Establishment Guidance for the Selection of a Commercial or Private Microbiological Testing Laboratory 
§  US FDA:  Guidelines for the Validation of Analytical Methods for the Detection of Microbial Pathogens in Foods 
§  Health Canada: The Compendium of Analytical Methods, Volume 1, Development of Methods 
§  ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories 
Main Validation & Verification Definition Sources: 
4 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
Reference Validation Definition 
CAC/GL 741 
Process to establish the performance characteristics and limitations of an 
analytical method: which analytes, in what kind of matrices, in the presence of which interference. 
Result = precision and trueness values of a certain analytical method under the examined conditions.
1 [pg 2] 
ISO 16140-12 Establishment of the performance characteristics of a method and provision of objective evidence 
that the performance requirements for a specified intended use are fulfilled.2 [pg 2] 
USDA FSIS3 Process to measure performance characteristics of a particular test, with the goal of determining 
whether the test is equivalent to the reference test for the intended conditions of use. “Equivalent” = the 
performance characteristics are statistically indistinguishable.3 [pg 2] 
US FDA4 Demonstration that adequate confidence is provided when the results obtained by the alternative 
method i.e. the commercially available kit, are comparable to or exceed those obtained using the 
reference method using the statistical criteria contained in the approved validation protocol.4 [pg 16] 
Health Canada5 Evaluation of the performance parameters of a new method in comparison to an accepted reference 
method using paired or unpaired samples. In the context of relative validation, the results of the 
reference method are assumed to reflect the true microbiological status of the samples and the 
performance parameters of the alternative method are calculated in relation to this.  (Source: Part 4) 
ISO 17025:20056 The confirmation by examination and the provision of objective evidence that the particular 
requirements for a specific intended use are fulfilled.6 
WHAT is Validation? 
5 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
1.  Performance characteristics are defined, then… 
2.  compared to a reference method, and then… 
3.  statistically evaluated to determine “equivalence” 
A method is validated for the matrices [& sample sizes] included in the validation 
Summary of ALL Validation reference definitions: 
6 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
Categories of Microbiological Test Methods 
Performance Characteristics Included in a Validation Study1 
Performance Characteristic Quantitative Qualitative  (presence/
Relative Accuracy (% Recovery) Yes No 
Matrix Effects Yes Yes 
Precision Yes No 
Sensitivity Yes Yes 
Specificity Yes Yes 
Inclusivity Yes Yes 
Exclusivity Yes Yes 
False Positive Rate Yes Yes 
False Negative Rate Yes Yes 
LOD  [POD or LOD50] Yes Yes 
LOQ Yes No 
Ruggedness Yes Yes 
Linearity/Range Yes No 
Dr. Michael Brodsky 
AOAC International 2013 Annual Meeting 
7 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
Methods requiring validation: 
―  New or original methods 
―  Modifications to validated methods 
―  Extension of scope to include additional analytes, matrices, or changes in 
intended use 
―  Changes involving new technology or automation 
―  Significant parameter changes:  reagents/apparatus, time /temperature 
incubation periods, enrichment media, etc. 
It is possible that  small changes/matrix 
extensions to a related product etc would not 
need a ‘full validation’ but may need some level 
of testing to assess for unintended differences.  
8 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§  “Validated” methods are required for conducting “Official Testing” 
―  Official = adjective, relating to an authority or public body and its activities and 
responsibilities [Oxford online dictionary] 
§  European Union regulations specifically stipulate validated methods that have 
been collaboratively studied 
§  Internationally, regulatory agencies require, or at least prefer, to use methods 
that have been validated and collaboratively studied.  
§  Some global regulatory agencies require AOAC Official Methods of Analysis to 
receive Final Action, before they may be used as an “Official” method 
WHY are Validated methods important? 
9 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
Agency Method Validation Requirements 
CAC/GL 218 
5.2.1   Whenever possible, only methods for which the reliability (accuracy, reproducibility, inter- and 
intra-laboratory variation) has been statistically established in comparative or collaborative studies 
in several laboratories should be used.   
(EC) No 
The use of alternative analytical methods is acceptable when the methods are validated against the 
reference method in Annex I and if a proprietary method, certified by a third party in accordance 
with the protocol set out in EN/ISO standard 16140 or other internationally accepted similar protocols, is 
used. Pg 9 
USDA FSIS11 All analytical methods described in FSIS-MLG have been scientifically validated and are considered fit for 
their intended purpose.  Laboratories may also use other validated testing methods that differ from the 
methods described in FSIS-MLG.  For the intended conditions of use, the performance characteristics of 
the new method and the well characterized method should be statistically indistinguishable Pg 13 
US FDA4 FDA-BAM presents the agency's preferred laboratory procedures for microbiological analyses of foods 
and cosmetics. Methods…fully validated in a collaborative study monitored and evaluated by an 
independent accrediting body e.g. AOAC-OMA, AFNOR, etc. require in-house verification for the “first 
Health Canada5 HPB Methods and Laboratory Procedures are generally used to determine compliance with the Food and 
Drugs Act and Regulations.  In general, methods published in the Compendium of Analytical Methods 
for which the "application" section is appropriate for the intended purpose are used for microbiological 
testing of food.  
REQUIREMENTS of methods for “Official” use 
10 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§  Official Methods = Methods used or accepted for use by a regulatory authority 
―  Traditional, cultural methods [may be jurisdiction specific] 
―  ISO Method 
―  ISO 16140 Validated Methods  
―  AOAC Official Methods 
―  FDA Bacteriological Analytical Methods 
―  USDA FSIS Microbiology Laboratory Methods 
―  HC Compendium of Analytical Methods, Volumes 1 to 5 
§  Any of the above methods MAY be accepted for use by regulatory agencies, IF: 
•  They have been compared to an acceptable reference method  
•  They have been validated as “fit for purpose” for the matrices analyzed 
What is considered an OFFICIAL method? 
11 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§  ISO 
―  AFNOR: French National Organization for Standardization  
―  MicroVal: European certification body for microbiology methods 
―  NordVal:  Nordic certification body: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden 
§  AOAC Research Institute [RI]: International Standards Organization 
―  Performance Tested Method (PTM) 
―  Official Method of Analysis (OMA) 
§  Health Canada: Canadian certification through Microbiology Methods Committee (MMC) 
―  Official Methods (MFOs) 
―  HPB Methods (MFHPBs) 
―  Laboratory Procedures (MFLPs)  
Validation Schemes 
12 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
AFNOR and MicroVal 
Certification schemes based on EN/ISO 16140:  
§  Comparison Study to reference method 
1.  Independent expert laboratory co-ordinates validation 
2.  Inter-laboratory study [collaborative study] 
3.  “All Foods” Claim 
§  Regular audit of the quality system of the manufacturer [based on EN 29002 
standard (ISO 9002)] 
§  Regular verification of the certified methods post certification [every 4 years] 
13 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
AOAC Research Institute 
§  AOAC Performance Tested Method [PTM] 
―  Pre-collaborative  + 1 Independent lab: I/E; Ruggedness testing, paper review of quality system. 
―  Yearly renewal – paper process only 
―  NO all foods claim – only for matrices evaluated 
§  AOAC PTM / Official Method of Analysis [OMA] Harmonization 
―  Complete AOAC PTM program / Initiate collaborative study to achieve OMA First Action status; 
Final Action status after 2 yrs use in the industry without issue 
§  AOAC PTM / OMA/ MicroVal Harmonization 
―  Both programs run simultaneously – 1 collaborative study 
14 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§  Micro Food Lab Procedure [MFLP] 
―  Independent lab [pre-collaborative study] 
―  All Foods Claim  
―  Reviewed every 5 years 
―  Paper review of quality system 
§  Health Protection Food Branch [MFHPB] Methods 
―  Must be an MFLP method for 1 year prior to collaborative study 
Health Canada 
15 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§ MicroVal 
§ Health Canada (Volumes 1 to 5) 
§ NordVal 
Method Scheme Websites – list validated methods 
including claimed matrices, sample sizes 
16 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§  A global Stakeholder panel was formed [through AOAC RI] 
§  Performance characteristics between agencies/schemes were compared  
§  5 areas for harmonization: 
1.  Reference methods – so much variation, some matrix specific 
2.  Definition of Fractional Positives – 25-75% positive out of 20 samples 
3.  Selection of Food/Category – Chart created for incorporation into ISO 16140-2 
4.  Statistical Analysis – RLOD, Chi-Square and/or POD models 
5.  Data Sets for Qualitative Collaborative Study/Sample Size – 10 labs / 25 g samples 
§  Recent addition:  “All Foods” claim now = “Broad range of foods” 
Harmonization – ISPAM  
International Stakeholder Panel on Analytical Methods 
17 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
Reference Verification Definition 
Codex Could not find a method verification definition Codex documents [only process verification] 
ISO 16140-1 Demonstration that a validated method functions in the user's hands according to the method's 
specifications determined in the validation study and is fit for purpose  
USDA FSIS Laboratory should demonstrate on-going competence in performing the method at their facility, which 
would include participating in proficiency test programs11 Pg 13 
US FDA The confirmation by examination and the provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have 
been fulfilled.4  Pg 16 
Health Canada Verification studies are required when a laboratory implements a fully validated, published or reference 
standard method. The laboratory should provide evidence, by conducting a secondary evaluation study, that 
it is capable of achieving the published performance characteristics of the method.5  Vol 1; Part 4; 3.4  
ISO 17025:2005 The Laboratory shall confirm that it can properly operate standard methods before introducing the 
tests or calibrations 
Comparison of VERIFICATION definitions 
18 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§  Proof that the laboratory can perform the [validated] method as intended 
§  FDA has detailed Guidance on in-house verification of a validated method 
before use4 Pg 16 
Verification for USE 
This applies only to matrices and sample sizes that were included in the validation study 
19 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§ Validation 
―  Demonstrate the METHOD is “equivalent” to the reference method [for the 
matrices validated] based on defined method criteria 
§ Verification 
―  Demonstrate in the hands of the USER that the method can be performed 
to meet the defined method criteria 
Distinguishing Validation and Verification 
20 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
Categories of Microbiological Test Methods 
Performance Characteristics Included in the Verification of a Validated Method1 
Performance Characteristic VALIDATION 
Qualitative (P/A) 
(Where Applicable) 
Relative Accuracy (% Recovery) Yes No Yes  
Matrix Effects Yes Yes Yes 
Precision Yes No Yes  
Sensitivity Yes Yes Yes 
Specificity Yes Yes Yes 
Inclusivity Yes Yes No 
Exclusivity Yes Yes No 
False Positive Rate Yes Yes Yes  
False Negative Rate Yes Yes Yes  
LOD [POD or LOD50] Yes Yes No 
LOQ Yes No No 
Ruggedness Yes Yes No 
Linearity/Range Yes No No 
Dr. Michael Brodsky 
AOAC International 2013 Annual Meeting 
21 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§   Proficiency Testing: 
―  Should be done several times per year 
―  Should be handled as a routine sample – not specially handled 
―  Can help determine the performance of individual laboratories for specific tests 
―  Is used to monitor laboratories’ continuing performance 
―  Can demonstrate an analyst’s ability to properly perform the test 
§  Test samples: 
―  Certified proficiency test providers 
―  Internal Ring tests 
CONTINOUS Verification - ISO 17025 requirement  
22 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
§  Definitions of validation & verification  
§  Key performance characteristics for method validation and verification 
§  Several global 3rd party method validation schemes were outlined 
§  Distinguish validation and verification 
§  References for further use / information 
23 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
24 © 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved. 
1.  CODEX - CAC/GL 74-2010 Guidelines on performance criteria and validation of methods for detection, identification and quantification of specific dna 
sequences and specific proteins in foods 
2.  ISO/DIS 16140-1  Microbiology of food and animal feed — Method validation — Part 1: Vocabulary  Currently under revision 
3.  USDA FSIS: Guidance for Test Kit Manufacturers, Laboratories: Evaluating the Performance of Pathogen Test Kit Methods 
4.  US FDA: Guidelines for the Validation of Analytical Methods for the Detection of Microbial Pathogens in Foods; 
5.  Health Canada:  Procedure for the Development and Management of Food Microbiological Methods; Part 1. Definitions and Explanations of 
and General Procedures; 3. Definition of Terms, 3.1 Method 
6.  ISO 17025:2005  General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories NO LINK, this is copyrighted material 
7.  2013 AOAC International Annual Meeting presentation, with permission from: Michael Brodsky, President, Brodsky Consultants, Thornhill, Ontario, 
8.  CODEX – CAC/GL 21- 1997 Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods 
9.  COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs : 
10.  Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) Standards and Guidelines for Microbiological Safety of Food - An Interpretive Summary 6. Equivalent 
11.  USDA FSIS: Establishment Guidance for the Selection of a Commercial or Private Microbiological Testing Laboratory: 
12.  AOAC: AOAC INTERNATIONAL Methods Committee Guidelines for Validation of Microbiological Methods for Food and Environmental Surfaces 
13.  Official Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods 