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Introduction to Neural 
September 14, 2011
Professor Daniel Kersten
Brain & Cognitive Engineering, KU
University of Minnesota
Overview and “catch-up” lecture
Wednesday, September 14, 11
• Syllabus
• Overview of lectures 1-3
• Introduction (Lecture 1)
• The Neuron (Lecture 2)
• Neural models (Lecture 3)
• Generic neuron model (Lecture 4)
• Later inhibition (Lecture 5)
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Tae-Eui Kam,
linear algebra, multivariate calculus
some programming experience and 
probability/statistics helps
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Introduction to neural processing models in brain 
and cognitive science. Topics include: linear and 
non-linear feedforward models, learning, self-
organization, probabilistic inference, and 
representation of neural information. Applications 
to sensory processing, perception, learning, and 
memory, with a strong emphasis on biological 
Wednesday, September 14, 11
• Learn about research by developing 
thinking/programming/presentation skills in 
addition to acquiring facts
• Requirements
• Programming exercises, 50%
• Final independent project, 50%
• involves writing and oral presentation
Clear writing is the result of clear thinking.  And clear 
writing is more important than perfect grammar.  
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Reading materials
• Lecture notes will be online
• Mathematica and pdf format
• Updated on day of lecture
• Supplemental readings to augment lectures 
and provide inspiration for final projects
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Why Mathematica?
Useful to know more than one language (I have used 
Matlab, Mathematica, C++, Lisp, Java in my research)
Mathematica pros:
•  Good for quickly prototyping an idea
• e.g.
•  “Notebooks” useful for documenting the 
development of ideas
• GUI tools quick and easy
• Functional programming
• Symbolic processing
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Mathematica cons:
•  Default is symbolic, so need to be careful
• Variables are not strongly typed, so need 
to be careful
• Less predictable 
•  Not as many 3rd party applications
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Why Mathematica?
•  Lectures are in Mathematica format, so 
you can execute and experiment with the 
demonstrations embedded in lecture 
•  Programming assignments are given in 
Mathematica format
• Use the assignments as templates that 
you fill in and then email to TA
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Final Project
• Write in form of Mathematica 
• Explore and extend what you’ve 
learned in the course and readings
• Opportunity to pursue a question that 
interests you
• But I can suggest topics too
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Your final project will involve: 
1) a computer simulation/program and
2) a 1000 to 3000 word final paper in English describing your 
You will do one of the following: 
1) Devise a novel application for a neural network model 
studied in the course (could be as a “tutorial”) or
2) Simulate/apply a model from the neural network literature 
in the readings or
3) Program a method for solving a problem in perception, 
cognition or motor control or 
4) Write a program that tests a behavioral hypothesis about 
human perception and/or cognition, and whose results you 
can interpret in terms of underlying neural computations. 
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Lecture 1: Introduction
• Understand the functioning of the brain as 
a computational device.
• Cognitive Science: The interdisciplinary 
study of the acquisition, storage, retrieval 
and utilization of knowledge.
• Problems: perception, learning, memory, 
planning, action
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Three primary disciplines that influence 
current neural network research
Neuroscience, computational neuroscience. Basic building blocks or "hardware" of the 
nervous system: neurons, and their connections, the synapses
• Note: Emphasis in our course will be on large scale neural networks. Requires 
great simplification in the model of the order to compute and 
theorize about what large numbers of them can do. Our modeling will lack 
detail, but driven by a curiosity about how the complex processes of 
perception, and memory  work. Computational theory, mathematics, statistical 
pattern recognition.
Statistical inference, information and communication theory, statistical physics and 
computer science. 
• Provide the tools to abstract and formalize neural theory for analysis and 
simulation. Relate the neural models to statistical methods of inference to 
understand the computational principles behind a neural implementation. How 
can a system be designed to get from input to output representations? 
Methods useful to tie theory to behavioral tests.
Behavioral sciences, psychology, cognitive science and ethology
• Understand what subsystems (e.g. vision, memory, motor control, ...) are 
supposed to do as a functioning organism in the environment. Examples from 
biological/human vision.  What information is useful, how should it be 
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Levels of explanation
Functional/Behavioral level
• Psychology/Cognitive Science/Ethology tells us what is actually solved by functioning 
behaving organisms. Descriptions of behavior.
Statistical Inference level
• Theories of pattern recognition, inference, estimation, learning, control.
• Functionalities supported by neural network computing provide a useful way of 
categorizing models in terms of the computational tasks required:
1. Learning input/ouput mappings from examples (learning as regression, classification 
2. Inferring outputs from inputs (continuous estimation, discrete classification): 
memory recall, perceptual inference, optimization or constraint satisfaction
3. Modeling data (learning as probability density estimation): self-organization of 
sensory data into useful representations or classes (e.g principal components 
analysis, clustering). (Can view 1. Learning input/output mappings as a special case)
Neural network level: algorithms and implementation
• Relationship to algorithms: Mathematics of computation tells us what is computable and 
how. Practical limits. Parallel vs. serial. Input and output representation, and algorithms 
for getting from input to output. Programming rules, data structures.
• Implementation: Wetware, hardware. Neuroscience, neurophysiology and anatomy tell us 
the adequacies and inadequacies of our modeling assumptions.
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Levels of explanation
This course will emphasize 
bridging levels
Wednesday, September 14, 11
...a quick introduction 
to Mathematica
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Lecture 2: The neuron
• Passive properties
• Active properties
“generic” neuron
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Lecture 2: The neuron
• Passive properties
• Simple RC circuit 
model of neuron 
• Cable equation
Wednesday, September 14, 11
The neuron
• Active properties
• action potentials
• Hodgkin-Huxley
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Take-home message for Lecture 2:
Slow potential neuron
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Lecture 3: Neural 
• Types of neural models
• Structure-less or “point” models
• Structured models
• McCulloch-Pitts
• Integrate-and-fire
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Structure-less models:
Discrete (binary) signals--discrete time
• The action potential is the key characteristic in these models. Signals 
are discrete (on or off), and time is discrete. These models have a 
close analog with digital logic circuits (e.g. McCulloch-Pitts). 
• At each time unit, the neuron sums its (excitatory and inhibitory) 
inputs, and turns on the output if the sum exceeds a threshold. e.g. 
McCulloch-Pitts,  elements of the Perceptron, Hopfield discrete 
nets.  A gross simplification...but the collective computational power 
of a large network of these simple model neurons can be great. 
• When the model neuron is made more realistic, the computational 
properties of these networks can be preserved (Hopfield, 1984).
• Below, we'll briefly discuss the computational properties of 
networks of McCulloch-Pitts neurons.
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Structure-less models:
Continuous signals -- discrete time
• Action potential responses can also interpreted in terms 
of a single scalar continuous value--the spike frequency--
at the ith time interval. Here we ignore the fine-scale 
temporal structure of a neuron's voltage changes.
• The continuous signal, discrete time model gives us the 
standard the basic building block for the majority of networks 
considered in this course. Useful for large scale models 
(thousands of neurons) as in visual processing. 
• The continuous signal model is an approximation of the 
"leaky integrate and fire" model (see lecture 3 notes)
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Structure-less models:
Continuous signals -- continuous time
• Quantifies the "Slow potential model".  These are analog models, 
and more realistic than discrete models.  Emphasizes nonlinear 
dynamics, dynamic threshold, refractory period, membrane 
voltage  oscillations. Behavior in networks is represented by 
systems of coupled differential equations.
•  "integrate and fire" model -- takes into account membrane 
capacitance. Threshold is a free parameter. 
• Hodgkin-Huxley model--Realistic characterization of action 
potential generation at a point. Parameters defining the model 
have a physical interpretation (e.g. various sodium and 
potassium ion currents), that can be used to account for 
threshold. Models the form and timing of action potentials.
• (see course syllabus web page for simulation Hodgin-
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Structured models
• Passive -- cable, compartments
• Dynamic - compartmental models
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Structured models
Passive -- cable, compartments
• Dendritic structure shows what 
a single neuron can compute, 
e.g. Rall's motion selectivity 
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Structured models
• Dynamic - compartmental models
• Add spike generation components 
to morphological description
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Lecture 3: Neural 
• Types of neural models
• Structure-less or “point” models
• Structured models
• McCulloch-Pitts
• go to Mathematica Notebook for Lecture 3
• Integrate-and-fire
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Take-home message for 
Lecture 3
For the purposes of this course, much of our 
modeling will involve structure-less neuron 
models with continuous signals and discrete 
time steps. But it is important to understand 
how this simplification is related to more 
realistic models, such as the leaky integrate-
and-fire model.
Wednesday, September 14, 11
Lecture 4: Generic 
neuron model
• Go to Mathematica notebook for Lecture 4
Wednesday, September 14, 11