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MIPS Single-Cycle Processor Implementation MIPS Single-Cycle Processor Implementation Two versions of the single-cycle processor implementation for MIPS are given in Patterson and Hennessey. The first, Figure 4.17, shows an implementation that omits the jump (j) instruction. The second, Figure 4.24, includes the jump instruction. In order to understand these figures it is necessary to understand four things. How the clock is used. How the ALU is used. Instruction activities for the different types of instructions. The roles of the control signals. MIPS Single-Cycle Clocking ALU Operation Instruction Types Control Signals Control Signal Summary There are two kinds of logic circuitry: combinational logic and state elements. State elements retain information for the duration of a CPU cycle. During the clock cycle combinational logic generates new values for the state elements. These values are not captured by the state elements until the end of a cycle. Combinational logic The output of combinational logic follows inputs after a few gate delays. Data selection, such as selecting a general purpose register or selecting a particular memory address for a read, is combinational logic. State Elements State elements include the following. memory general purpose registers (direct program access) internal registers such as the program counter The output of edge triggered state elements changes only after a clock transition. State elements can be designed to respond either to 0-to-1 transitions or to 1-to-0 transitions. Whichever edge is used is, by convention, the start of a clock period. State elements may have an enable control. If so they change state only on clock transitions where this control is asserted (has value 1). Clock Time The clock time, one of the three factors in the performance equation, is set to be greater than the combinational gate delays plus any setup time required for state elements. The setup time is usually small compared to the combinational gate delays. The control signals are grouped according to the following instruction execution activities. Instruction fetch PC update Instruction decode Source operand fetch ALU operation Memory access Register write Instruction Fetch PC Update Instruction Decode Source Operand Fetch ALU Operation Memory Access Register Write A read control signal is sent to memory. The contents of the program counter (PC) are used as an address. Instruction fetch is the same for all instructions. Control Signals Instruction fetch is automatic, requiring no control signals. The PC gets a new value selected from the following. PC + 4 (most instructions) Branch target address (branch instructions) Jump target address from the instruction (j and jal instructions) Jump target address from a register (jr and jalr instructions) Interrupt address (syscall, external interrupts, and exceptions) The most general way of implementing PC update is to have a PC source multiplexer with one input for each possible next PC value in the above list. PC update may be done in more than one step in a multicycle implementation or a pipelined implementation. Then the processor typically does a simple increment (PC ← PC + 4) automatically, then make later modifications for branches, jumps, and interrupts. Control Signals The following are the control signals given in Patterson and Hennessey. Branch Asserted for branch instructions, ANDed with the ALU zero output to select the branch target address as the next instruction address. Jump Asserted for jump instructions, used to select the jump target address as the next instruction address. This signal is not included in Figure 4.17 of Patterson and Hennessey. It is included in Figure 4.24. In the general implementation described above, the multiplexer control is a multibit signal with a value for each of the possible PC source values. Instruction decoding produces controls signals for the datapath and memory. The inputs to control circuitry are the opcode and function fields of the instruction. It generates the following kinds of control signals. read and write control signals for memory write control signals for registers multiplexer controls for routing data through the datapath control signals to select an appropriate ALU operation Instruction decode is the same for all instructions. Control Signals Instruction decode is automatic, requiring no control signals. The ALU is designed to combine two source operands to produce a result. The source operand fetch activity fetches the two source operands. One source operand is always specified by the rs instruction field. The other is selected from the following. The register specified by the rt instruction field The sign-extended immediate instruction field The zero-extended immediate instruction field (the sltui instruction) Control Signals ALUSrc In Patterson and Hennessey, this signal selects the second ALU input from either rt or the sign-extended immediate field of the instruction. To deal with the sltiu instruction the ALUSrc multiplexer needs an additional input: the zero-extended immediate field. An added value is needed for the ALUSrc control signal to select this input. For most instructions the ALU performs the operation suggested by the instruction mnemonic, which is coded into either the opcode or the function instruction field. For loads and stores the ALU computes the address, adding the sign extended immediate field of the instruction to the contents of the register specified by the rs field of the instruction. For branches the ALU can do a subtraction in order to compare two source operands, using the result to determine whether or not to do further a further update of the PC. Control Signals ALUOp Determines the operation performed by the ALU. It has three values: "add", "subtract", or "decoded from function field". This signal is sent to the ALU Control circuitry. If ALUOp specifies "add" or "subtract", the ALU Control circuitry sends appropriate control signals for an add or subtract operation to the ALU. If ALUOp specifies "decoded from function field" then the ALU Control circuitry uses the function field to determine the control signal sent to the ALU. To support all of the immediate operand instructions this signal would need two additional values: "and" and "or". The values are not included in Patterson and Hennessey. A read or write control signal is sent to memory. The result from the ALU is used as an address. Control Signals MemRead Asserted for load instructions, tells memory to do a read. MemWrite Asserted for store instructions, tells memory to do a write. Some instructions, such as branches, jumps, and stores, do not write to a register. For the instructions that do write to a register, the destination register can be one of the following. The register specified by the rd field (R-type instructions) The register specified by the rt field (I-type instructions) $ra (jal instruction) The value to be written to the register can come from the following places. The ALU (most instructions) Memory (load instructions) The incremented PC (jal and jalr instructions) Control Signals RegWrite Asserted if a result is written to a register. RegDst In Patterson and Hennessey, this selects the destination register as either rd (R-type instructions) or rt (I-type instructions). For jal the destination register of the register write is $ra ($31). To deal with the jal and jalr instructions the RegDst multiplexer needs an additional input to select $ra: the constant 111112. An added value is needed for the RegDst control signal to select this input. MemtoReg In Patterson and Hennessey, this signal selects the source value for the register write as either the ALU result or memory. To deal with the jal and jalr instructions the MemtoReg multiplexer needs an additional input for saving the return address: PC + 4. An added value is needed for the MemtoReg control signal to select this input. If this is done the MemtoReg signal should be renamed to something like RegSrc.