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Lab 4:  Loops, Files and Methods Lab 4:  Loops, Files and Methods Objectives Be able to convert an algorithm using control structures into Java Be able to write a while loop Be able to write an do-while loop Be able to write a for loop Be able to use the Random class to generate random numbers Be able to use file streams for I/O Be able to write a loop that reads until end of file Be able to implement a void method Be able to implement a value-returing method Introduction This tutorial will be divided into 2 parts. The first part will present a program that will simulate the rolling of a pair of die. Actual results approach theory only when the sample size is large. So we will need to repeat rolling the dice a large number of times (we will use 10,000). The theoretical probability of rolling doubles of a specific number is 1 out of 36 or approximately 278 out of 10,000 times that you roll the pair of dice. Since this is a simulation, the numbers will vary a little each time you run it. Check out how to use the random number generator (introduced in section 4.11 of the text) to get a number between 1 and 6 to create the simulation. We will continue to use control structures that we have already learned, while exploring control structures used for repetition. We shall also continue our work with algorithms, translating a given algorithm to java in order to complete our program. We will start with a while loop, then use the same program, changing the while loop to a do-while loop, and then a for loop. We will be introduced to file input and output, by writing our simulation results to a file In the second part of this tutorial, we will be implementing various methods. Starting Lab_04 First, log into turing and create the subdirectory L5 inside your labs directory. To create the directory ~/labs/L4, type the following command at the turing prompt: % mkdir ~/labs/L4 Note: as explained in you do NOT type the % character the % character is used to represent the system in this document (your system prompt is probably different to this) so you type: mkdir ~/labs/L4 next to the turing prompt the ~ (tilde) character is shorthand for your home directory.  Task #1 While loop  Copy the file This file is incomplete. Since there is a large part of the program missing, the output will be incorrect if you run it. For example: % java DiceSimulation You rolled snake eyes 0 out of 0 rolls. You rolled double twos 0 out of 0 rolls. You rolled double threes 0 out of 0 rolls. You rolled double fours 0 out of 0 rolls. You rolled double fives 0 out of 0 rolls. You rolled double sixes 0 out of 0 rolls. All the variables have already been declared. You need to add code to simulate rolling the dice and keeping track of the doubles. Convert the algorithm below to Java and place it in the main method after the variable declarations, but before the output statements. You will be using several control structures: a while loop and an if- else-if statement nested inside another if statement. Use the indenting of the algorithm to help you decide what is included in the loop, what is included in the if statement, and what is included in the nested if-else-if statement. To "roll" the dice, use the nextInt method of the random number generator to generate an integer from 1 to 6. An example of this can be seen in the file. Repeat while the number of dice rolls are less than the number of times the dice should be rolled. Get the value of the first die by "rolling" the first die Get the value of the second die by "rolling" the second die If the value of the first die is the same as the value of the second die If value of first die is 1 Increment the number of times snake eyes were rolled Else if value of the first die is 2 Increment the number of times twos were rolled Else if value of the first die is 3 Increment the number of times threes were rolled Else if value of the first die is 4 Increment the number of times fours were rolled Else if value of the first die is 5 Increment the number of times fives were rolled Else if value of the first die is 6 Increment the number of times sixes were rolled Increment the number of times the dice were rolled Compile and run. You should get numbers that are somewhat close to 278 for each of the different pairs of doubles. Run it several times. You should get dif- ferent results than the first time, but again it should be somewhat close to 278.  Task #2 Using Other Types of Loops  Change the while loop to a do-while loop. Compile and run. You should get the same results. Change the do loop to a for loop. Compile and run. You should get the same results.  Task #3 Writing Output to a File  We will write output to a file: Create a PrintWriter object passing it the filename "Results.txt" (Don’t forget the needed import statement). Since you are using a PrintWriter object, add a throws clause to the main method header. Close the output file.  Methods  Introduction Methods are commonly used to break a problem down into small manageable pieces. A large task can be broken down into smaller tasks (methods) that contain the details of how to complete that small task. The larger problem is then solved by implementing the smaller tasks (calling the methods) in the correct order. This also allows for efficiencies, since the method can be called as many times as needed without rewriting the code each time. In this final section of this tutorial, we will start with an incomplete file and implement several methods to solve specific tasks. Finally, we will use documentation comments for each method, and generate HTML documents similar to the Java APIs that we have seen.  Task #4 void Methods  Copy the file to your lab5 directory This program will compile, but when you run it, it doesn’t appear to do anything except wait. That is because it is waiting for user input, but the user doesn’t have the menu to choose from yet. We will need to create this. Above the main method, but in the Geometry class, create a static method called  printMenu  that has no parameter list and does not return a value. It will simply print out instructions for the user with a menu of options for the user to choose from. The menu should appear to the user as: This is a geometry calculator Choose what you would like to calculate 1. Find the area of a circle 2. Find the area of a rectangle 3. Find the area of a triangle 4. Find the circumference of a circle 5. Find the perimeter of a rectangle 6. Find the perimeter of a triangle Enter the number of your choice: Add a line in the main method that calls the printMenu method as indicated by the comments. Compile, debug, and run. You should be able to choose any option, but you will always get 0 for the answer. We will fix this in the next task.  Task #5 Value-Returning Methods  Write a static method called  circleArea  that takes in the radius of the circle and returns the area using the formula A = π r2  Write a static method called  rectangleArea  that takes in the length and width of the rectangle and returns the area using the formula A = lw. Write a static method called  triangleArea  that takes in the base and height of the triangle and returns the area using the formula A =  1 2 bh Write a static method called  circleCircumference  that takes in the radius of the circle and returns the circumference using the formula C = 2pr. Write a static method called  rectanglePerimeter  that takes in the length and the width of the rectangle and returns the perimeter of the rectangle using the formula P = 2l + 2w. Write a static method called  trianglePerimeter  that takes in the lengths of the three sides of the triangle and returns the perimeter of the triangle which is calculated by adding up the three sides.  Task #6 Calling Methods  Add lines in the main method in the GeometryDemo class which will call these methods. The comments indicate where to place the method calls. Below, write some sample data and hand calculated results for you to test all 6 menu items. 3. Compile, debug, and run. Test out the program using your sample data.  Task #7 Java Documentation  Write javadoc comments for each of the 7 static methods that you just wrote. They should include A one line summary of what the method does. A description of what the program requires to operate and what the result of that operation is. @param listing and describing each of the parameters in the parameter list (if any). @return describing the information that is returned to the calling statement (if any). Generate the documentation. You can use the following command to create a subdirectory named  docs  in your lab5 directory, and generate the files within it. % javadoc -d docs To view the resulting documentation, simple load the generated  index.html  located inside the docs directory. NX-Client users can enter the following command to view the generated documentation. % htmlview docs/index.html& Check the method summary and the method details to ensure your comments were put into the Java Documentation correctly. Remember to clean up your file space, deleting any unnecessary files, before logging out. Phrases you should now understand: while, do-while, for loop, output file, input file, PrintWriter, void methods, value returning methods, calling methods, java documentation 0 Based on T. Gaddis “Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures:”, modified for comp131—UNE This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.