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Oscillation and Waves - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including Beats, Standing Wave, Standing Longitudinal Wave, Doppler Effect. Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

Interactive Java Tutorials - from Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You, including Electromagnetic Radiation, Reflection of Light, Refraction of Light, Polarisation of Light

Interactive Java Tutorials - from Molecular Expressions: Science, Electricity and Magnetism, including How a Compact Disk Works.

Young's Double Slit Interference - from Wave Optics, University Level Education

The Applet Collection: Wave Phenomena - from Learning on Line Network, Michigan State University, including Reflection, refraction and diffraction, Spectrum, Doppler effect, Polarizers

The Applet Collection: Electrostatics - from Learning on Line Network, Michigan State University, including Oscilloscope, capacitors

Electromagnetic Spectrum - from Victoria Junior College, Singapore

Electrical Energy in the House

Energy and Environment - Physics Applets from VLAB at the University of Oregon, including Circuit Simulator, Units, Voltage and Work. Free to use online, right-to-use local linences can be negotiated. This site uses popups so ensure they are not blocked.

Electrodynamics - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet, Magnetic Field of a Straight Current-carrying Wire, Ohm's Law, Simple AC circuit, combination of resistors, electromagnetic waves, generator. Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

Interactive Java Tutorials - from Molecular Expressions: Science, Electricity and Magnetism, including AC Generator, DC Generator, Ohm's Law

Moving About

Mechanics - Physics Applets from VLAB at the University of Oregon, including Cannon, Potential Energy, momentum, Gravity and Kepler's Third Law. Free to use online, right-to-use local linences can be negotiated.

Mechanics - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including Motion with Constant Velocity, Resultant of Forces, Projectile Motion, Elastic and Inelastic Collisions. Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

Reaction time measurement - from National Taiwan Normal University

Traffic Light System - from National Taiwan Normal University

also at

The Cosmic Engine

Astrophysics - Physics Applets from VLAB at the University of Oregon, including Elemental Spectra, Stellar Atmospheres, Inverse Square Law, Planck Radiation Formula, Kepler's Third Law, Moons of Jupiter, Planetary Cratering Simulator, Lunar Phases, Hubble Expansion Law, Stellar Parralax and Galaxy Crash. Free to use online, right-to-use local licences can be negotiated.

Kepler's Planetary Orbit - from from Online Journey Through Astronomy, University of Tennessee

Demonstrations and Animations for Teaching Astronomy - from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram - from University of Aberdeen

Kepler Motion - from University of Aberdeen


Astrophysics - Physics Applets from VLAB at the University of Oregon, including Elemental Spectra, Stellar Atmospheres, Inverse Square Law, Planck Radiation Formula, Kepler's Third Law, Moons of Jupiter, Planetary Cratering Simulator, Lunar Phases, Hubble Expansion Law, Stellar Parralax and Galaxy Crash. Free to use online, right-to-use local linences can be negotiated.

Space and Time in Special Relativity - from National Taiwan Normal University

Motors and Generators

Electrodynamics - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet, Magnetic Field of a Straight Current-carrying Wire, Ohm's Law, Simple AC circuit, combination of resistors, electromagnetic waves, generator. Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

Interactive Java Tutorials - from Molecular Expressions: Science, Electricity and Magnetism, including AC Gnerator, DC Generator, Ohm's Law

Ideas to Implementation

Physics of Atoms - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including . Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

Semiconductor Applet Service - from School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Buffalo

The Applet Collection: Quantum Physics - from Learning on Line Network, Michigan State University, including Photoelectric Effect, Bohr Atom and Black Body Radiation

Planck Law Radiation Distribution - also Blackbody: The Game and Wien's Law, Steffan-Boltzmann Law, and Color Indices, from Online Journey Through Astronomy, University of Tennessee

Photoelectric Effect - from Institute for High Energy Physics, Spain

Basic Function of an Oscilloscope - from National Taiwan Normal University


Nuclear Physics - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including Radioactive Decay Series and Law of Radioactive Decay. Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

The Applet Collection: Nuclear Physics - from Learning on Line Network, Michigan State University, including Radioactive Decay, Nuclear Isotope Half-lifes

Playing and Learning with JAVA Applets - from Geophysics Department TU Clausthal

How many trees? - with this applet, determine the tree density from a false-colour Landsat photograph, from Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Medical Physics

Nuclear Physics - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including Radioactive Decay Series and Law of Radioactive Decay. Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

The Applet Collection: Nuclear Physics - from Learning on Line Network, Michigan State University, including Radioactive Decay, Nuclear Isotope Half-lifes


Astrophysics - Physics Applets from VLAB at the University of Oregon, including Elemental Spectra, Stellar Atmospheres, Inverse Square Law, Planck Radiation Formula, Kepler's Third Law, Moons of Jupiter, Planetary Cratering Simulator, Lunar Phases, Hubble Expansion Law, Stellar Parralax and Galaxy Crash. Free to use online, right-to-use local linences can be negotiated.

Optics - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including Refracting Astronomical Telescope. Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

Visual Quantum Mechanics - from Physics Education Research Group, Kansas State University, including Emission Spectrum, Absorption Spectrum

Java Applets on Astronomy - from Walter Fendt, including Celestial Poles, Apparent Movement of a Star and The Brightest Fixed Stars

Blackbody Radiation and Stellar Luminosity - from McGraw-Hill Publishers

Demonstrations and Animations for Teaching Astronomy - from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

ECLIPSING BINARIES - a Java Applet from Cornell University

Orbiting Binary Stars - a Java Applet from Cornell University

Stellar Evolution - a Java Applet from Cornell University

From Quanta to Quarks

Nuclear Physics - Java Applets on Physics by Walter Fendt, including , Radioactive Decay Series and Law of Radioactive Decay. Applets can be downloaded from the web site to be used locally.

Visual Quantum Mechanics - from Physics Education Research Group, Kansas State University, including Emission Spectrum, Absorption Spectrum

Physlet Illustration: Absorption in the Bohr Model - from Gustavus Adolphus College

Bohr's Atom - from Physics 2000, University of Colorado

The Age of Silicon
Polarizer Rotation in DIC Microscopy of the Silicon Zoo - from Molecular Expressions, Florida State University

Physics Tools (Applets)

Tools - Physics Applets from VLAB at the University of Oregon, including Graphing Applet, FitsReader and Spreadsheet. Free to use online, right-to-use local linences can be negotiated.

Physics Java Applets - from University of Wisconsin

Interactive Physics Simulations - from Colorado University, including Motion, Work, Energy & Power, Sound & Waves, Heat &Thermo, Electricity, Magnets & Circuits, Light & Radiation and Quantum Phenomena

Physlets�: Web-Based Interactive Physics Illustrations by Steve Mellema and Chuck Niederriter - from Gustavus Adolphus College

Java Applets for Math and Science Learning - from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, including The Moving Man, Light Bulb and Resistance

Index of Physlets (Physics Applets) - from Cabrillo College

Physlets - from High Point University

Fast Track at VJC - physics animation from Victoria Junior College, Singapore

Physlets in the Classroom - from Boston University

Applets of Simulations on Physics - from KATO Noriyoshi

Interactive Physlets - from Memorial University of Newfoundland

The Physlet Resource - from Davidson College

Physlets Web-based Interactive Physics Problems - from Davidson College

Explore Science (Visualize Science) - variety of topics for junior science from Hazelwood School District, USA

Michelson-Morley Experiment - from University of Virginia

Physics Flashlets - from University of Virginia, including Phases of Venus, Inner Planets, Outer Planets,

The Universe Within (Powers of 10) - from Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You

Math and Physics Applets - from Paul Falstad, including Oscillations, Acoustics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics

NTNUJAVA Virtual Physics Laboratory (Java Simulaions in Physics) - from Conceptual Learning of Science, National Taiwan Normal University

The Applet Collection - from Learning on Line Network, Michigan State University, including OPtics, Electrostatics and Wave Phenomena

Interactive Program Downloads - from Glenn Research Center, NASA, inludes RocketModeler, KiteModeler, Atmosphere Applet & The GasLab

Fermilabyrinth - accelerator, detector and methods, from Lederman Science Center, Fermilab

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