CS-152 _ C |"| _ \| |/ | |_| |_ \___/- _// (__) ASCII A ASCII a from th Standar created example traditio Example ///, \ /, \ /, \_ \__ /<< /,)^ (/ ====== Assign 1. Usin crea the c in Ec http: 2. Your to d colum styli char ASC Lab 1: ASC C ___ cC \/"_ \/\ | | | | | |_| | -\___/ \\ (__) ( RT rt is a gr e 95 prin d from 1 with any s of ASCI nal typewr s: // / _/ / /_/ /. /_ < < \_\_ >>_._ \ \\ /\\\ // //`` ((`((=== ment R g the Eclip te a Java lass webs lipse: //cs.unm. AsciiAr isplay to ns and ro zed versio acters: Sy II art imag II Art _____ c _ | ___"|/|" | _|"C | | |___ \| |_____| |_ << >> // __) (__)_" aphic desig table (fro 963 and text edit I art requ iter) such // >. . ` = (___ /,` \\" equirem se Integr project th ite provide edu/~joel/ t.java fi the Java ws. It is o n of your stem.out e of my n | | c |/__ ____| \\ )("_) n techniq m a total ASCII co or, and is ire a fixe as Courier __ ()'`; .':/` --\\ ents: ated Deve at contain step-by-s cs152/CS- le must us console an k to be s first or la .println ame. -1 of 3- CS ue that co of 128) c mpliant ch often use d-width fo for prese ,-._,-. \/)"(\/ (_o_) / \/) (|| ||) oo-oo lopment E s one clas tep instru 152-Lectur e Java's ASCII a maller tha st name. E ("Joel" 152 Java - Fu Lab 1 nsists of p haracters aracter s d with fre nt (non-pr ntation. ,, \ / \ \_ ./ | / \o \ " nvironmen s: Ascii ctions for e-03-Ecli System.o rt image n that siz ach "lette ) would Computer ndamenta : ASCI ictures pi defined ets. ASCI e-form la oportional ,, / \ / _/ \. | o/ \ / " t, write a Art.java creating pseIDE.pdf ut.print that fits e. Your im r" must b NOT get Programm ls I Art eced toge by the AS I art can nguages. M fonts, as Java prog . The note a Java Pro ln() func within 60 age must e at least credit as ing ther CII be ost on a ram s on ject tion x24 be a 3x3 an CS-152 3. Your /****** * @vers * @auth ******* public { /**** * Pri * @pa ***** publi { // // // } } Note: I docume facto in and @pa not need Javadoc Note: The "esca spec Syst o t The Syst S Lab 1: ASC Java prog ********* ion date or YourFi ********* class Asc ********* nts my na ram args ********* c static Your Code Use as ma No line m n Java, com ntation gen dustry sta ram are J to genera format sh backslash pe charac ial charact em.out.p ne fish wo fish backslash em.out.p he said II Art ram must ********** (in_ISO_86 rstName Yo ********** iiArt ********** me in ASCI ignored ********** void main( goes here ny lines a ay be more ments tha erator. Th ndard for avadoc tag te Javado own above character ter" and i ers. For e rintln(" can be use rintln(" "hello" have the f ********* 01 format urLastNam ********* ********* I Art to ********* String[] s you nee than 80 t begin w e "doc com documenti s understo c commen . has a spe s used to m xample, "\ one fish d to includ She said -2 of 3- ollowing fo ********** : YYYY.MMD e ********** ********** the Consol ********** args) d. characters ith /** can ments" fo ng Java cl od by a Ja ts. You do, cial meanin odify the n" is the n \ntwo fi e a quotat \"hello rmat: ********* D) ********* ********* e. ********* be compil rmat used asses. The vadoc com however, g in Pytho next cha ewline cha sh") will ion mark i \"") will ********** ********** ********** ********** ed using J by Javad @version piler. In t need to fo n strings: racter so racter. Th display: n a string. display: ********* ********* ********* ********* avadoc, a oc is the d , @author his lab, yo llow the it is calle as to gene us, For examp ******* ******/ ******* ******/ e u do d an rate le, CS-152 If yo Syst \ Delive One This .clas Gradin [1 po [2 po e [5 po 1. 2 3 4 5 [6 po A [3 po (3 [3 po Lab 1: ASC u want to em.out.p oo/ rables: file: Asci file must s files or a g Rubri int]: Attac ints]: The clipse 4.2 ints]: The The auth . A descri . All code level as s . No chara }, curly b . No line c ints]: Whe SCII art v ints]: Eac x3). ints]: The II Art actually pr rintln(" iArt.jav be attache ny other f c [20 po hed one f source co (Juno) us code adhe or's name ption of th in each blo hown. Ind cters exc rackets. ontains mo n run, the ersion of h characte full name int a back \\oo/") a. d to the W iles. ints total ile in Web de contain ing Java 1 res to the , and date e main() ck is inde enting mus ept spaces re than 80 code prod your name r of your n is no large -3 of 3- slash, you will displa ebCT ass ]: CT with th s neither e .7. specified commente method in nted exact t be with are on th characte uces a bea in the Pyt ame is com r than 60x need to us y: ignment tu e file nam rrors nor format. T d in the fo the forma ly two spa spaces - no e same line rs. utifully st hon consol posed of 24 charac e a double rn-in. Do n e: AsciiAr warnings w his include rmat show t shown. ces per bl t tabs. as any op ylized, and e. at least 9 ters. backslash ot attach t.java. hen viewe s: n. ock struct en, {, or cl readable character : d in ure ose, , s