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Lectures | COMP2511 21T2 | WebCMS3 Toggle navigation WebCMS3 Search Courses Login COMP2511 21T2 Home Course Outline Exam Course Work Lectures Tuts and Labs Assignments Ed Forum Online Lectures, Tutorials and Labs Help Sessions Timetable Activities Toggle Menu Resources Lectures Lectures Week-1 Lecture material will be available on Monday of Week-1. Week 01a - Course Introduction Week-01 : Introduction to OOP in Java Week 01b - Introduction to Java Week-01: Demo files Week 2 07/06/2021 - 13/06/2021 Week 2 - Domain modeling Week 02: Demo files Week 3 14/06/2021 - 20/06/2021 Week 03 - Interfaces, Design Principles - Law of Demeter, LSP, Introduction to Refactoring Demo files (Week 03 Tuesday) Exercise: Locate and remove error in Set/ Week 03 - demo files ( Week 4 21/06/2021 - 27/06/2021 Design Principles, Strategy Pattern : Lecture notes State Pattern : Lecture notes Observer Pattern: Lecture notes JavaFX: Lecture notes JavaFx: Self learning exercise Demo files : week 4 (Strategy, State and Observer Patterns; JavaFx-demo) Week 5 28/06/2021 - 04/07/2021 Agile Software Development & The Project User Centred Design and MVC : Lecture notes Composite Pattern: Lecture notes Design By Contract Pattern: Lecture notes Demo files: week 5 [Composite, DbC] Agile Software Development & The Project (PDF) Week 7 12/07/2021 - 18/07/2021 Random Numbers in Java Generics, Collections in Java; Iterator Pattern: Lecture notes Refactoring: Lecture notes Code Smell : Lecture notes Demo files: week 7 [MyCollection1] Week 8 19/07/2021 - 25/07/2021 Decorator and Adapter Patterns: Lecture notes Template Pattern : Lecture notes Demo examples: Week 8 (Iterator, Decorator, Template Patterns) Week 9 active from 26/07/2021 Creational Patterns (Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Builder, Singleton Patterns): Lecture notes Visitor Pattern: Lecture notes Demo examples: Creational and Visitor Pattern Week 10 02/08/2021 - 08/08/2021 Course Revision and Exam Structure Final Exam Structure and Practice Questions Back to top COMP2511 21T2 (Object-Oriented Design & Programming) is powered by WebCMS3 CRICOS Provider No. 00098G