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 Course Outline 1 
Course Outline 
Computer Networks and Applications 
LIC: Prof. Mahbub Hassan 
COMP 3331/COMP 9331 
 Course Outline 2 
What is behind all of these ? 
 Course Outline 3 
2014 Revenue 
Google 65 Billion Dollars 
Cisco 47 Billion Dollars 
Facebook 12 Billion Dollars 
How does computer networking impact our economy? 
 Course Outline 4 
Today’s Agenda 
•  Course (non-technical) details  
•  What is this course about? 
•  Introduction to Computer Networks 
 Course Outline 5 
•  Everything is posted on the site 
•  Lecture Notes 
•  Lab Schedules, Allocations and Locations 
•  Assignments and Lab Exercises 
•  Practice Problems 
•  Consultation Hours 
•  Notices Section: Your responsibility to check this from time to time (1-2 
times per week) for important updates/changes to schedule 
•  Nothing will be handed out in class 
Very important 
 Course Outline 6 
Course Material 
•  Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach 
 6th Edition, Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, 6th Edition, Addison-Wesley
(Pearson), 2012.  
•  Lecture Notes (on website) 
•  Links/articles on additional material 
•  Reference Books: 
•  Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Larry Peterson and 
Bruce Davie, Morgan Kaufmann, Fourth Edition, 2007."
•  Unix Network Programming Volume 1 - Networking APIs: Sockets 
and XTI, W. Richard Stevens, Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 1998 
(Third Edition is out this year)"
•  Java Network Programming, E. R. Harold, O'Reilly, Third Edition, 
•  Links to programming help "
 Course Outline 7 
Teaching Strategies 
•  Lectures 
•  Labs 
•  Hands-on learning 
•  Mostly self-guided  
•  Assignment 
•  U learn basic network programming and protocol design 
•  C or Java  
•  Sample Problems, Tutorials 
•  U will gain problem solving skills 
 Course Outline 8 
•  Go beyond the text book 
•  Latest in R&D 
•  Advanced concepts -links will be provided 
•  Down side (is it ??) 
•  Certain material will be left for self-study 
•  These will be indicated on the lecture notes, related text sections 
will be pointed to you 
Note: Self-study and additional material (as indicated by LIC) is all 
•  Please ask questions if needed 
 Course Outline 9 
     Tell me and I forget 
 Show me and I remember 
 Involve me and I understand 
    - Chinese Proverb 
•  2 hour lab sessions starting Week 3 
•  Hands-on experiments related to concepts that you learn in lectures 
•  Extensive use of Wireshark packet sniffer: more in labs 
•  lab sessions:  
•  5 Lab Exercises – first lab is staffed, subsequent labs are self-guided 
•  1 Programming practice session 
•  2 Lab Exams – MUST attend in your own slots (exam dates will be 
announced later) 
•  Finalise your slot by end of Week 1 
 Course Outline 10 
Getting help 
•  There is an online discussion form (“MessageBoard” link 
on the webpage) 
•  Please use it to discuss anything that is course-related (should be 
your main point of call) 
•  Ask questions on the forum 
•  Facilitates peer learning 
•  Basic set of rules 
•  Do not post code/program fragments 
•  Common courtesy  
•  LIC’s consultation hours (lecture-related help) 
•  Lab consultation hours (lab related) 
•  Email cs3331@cse (help of more private nature) 
 Course Outline 11 
•  Practical Component (P= 100 marks) 
•  Lab Exam (40 marks) 
•  Based on the lab exercises, no theory 
•  Open book and open notes 
•  Assignments (60 marks) 
•  Assignment :  
–  release date: Week 4/5, due: Week 12 
Individual work please. No Plagiarism, We are serious 
 Course Outline 12 
•  Theoretical Component (T = 100 marks) 
•  Midterm Exam (30 marks) 
•  In-class MCQ closed-book with negative marking enforced 
•  Includes material from Week 1 – Week 5 
•  Final Exam - Closed Book (70 marks) 
•  No MCQ, No negative marking 
•  Exam Period 
•  Comprehensive coverage 
•  Questions 
•  Critical thinking and problem solving 
•  Problems will be discussed during the lecture 
•  Every 2 weeks a problem set based on each topic will be released 
–  Please attempt these on your own, discuss with friends, forum 
–  Solutions will be made available 
•  Tutorial Problems discussed in some of the lectures 
 Course Outline 13 
•  Weighted Harmonic Mean of P (40% weight) and T (60% 
•  To Pass, M >= 50 and P>=40 and T>= 40 
•  If your M>=50, but either P or T <=40, your reported mark 
will be 40 FL 
  Phew! May seem overwhelming, trust me it’s not !! 
 Course Outline 14 
CSE Account - Do you have one? 
•  New to CSE? 
•  You will need a CSE account to access the lab 
computers etc 
•  How do I get one ? 
•  You will need your unipass, etc 
NOTE: Redirect your e-mail if you don’t check cse e-mail 
 Course Outline 15 
What is this course about ? 
•  Introductory (first) course in computer networks 
•  learn principles of computer networking 
•  learn practice of computer networking 
•  Internet architecture/protocols as case-study 
Principles of computer networking 
•  Internet is a complex global infrastructure 
•  What are the organising principles behind the Internet? 
•  Layering 
•  Hierarchy 
•  … 
•  What issues you need to take into consideration to 
make a computer network works well? 
•  Why principles are important? 
•  Help you to design new types of networks 
 Course Outline 16 
Interplanetary internet 
 Course Outline 17 
Nano-scale computer networks  
•  1 nm = 10-9 m = 1/25000 diameter of a human hair 
•  Network of molecular robots to sweep coronary plaque  
 Course Outline 18 
Pictures:, wikipedia 
Hey mate, 
come. Plenty 
of work here 
Your pulmonary 
artery has been 
cleaned today 
Practice of computer networking 
•  How do you enable two pieces of software to 
communicate with each other? 
•  New apps!  
 Course Outline 19 
 Course Outline 20 
Where do I go from here? 
•  COMP 9332: Network Routing and Switching 
•  COMP 9333: Advanced Computer Networks 
•  COMP 9334: System Capacity and Planning 
•  COMP 4335/9335: Wireless Mesh and Sensor Networks 
•  COMP 4336/9336: Mobile Data Networking 
•  COMP 9337: Wireless Security