Assignment 2 Demo Sessions You must attend 1 of 4 assignment demo sessions. Friday Nov 4 12:15-14:30 J14-G5 Keith Burrows Wednesday Nov 9 16:45-19:00 J17-G03 Wednesday Nov 16 16:45-19:00 J17-G03 Friday Nov 18 12:15-14:30 J17-G03 Demo sessions start in a lecture theatre for introduction. then we move J17 third floor labs Email andrewt if your submitted files don’t work in demo setup. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Assignment 2 Demo Setup When you submit your assignment with give, you will be given a link to check that your assignment works in the demo setup. Give early, and check carefully. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Assignment 2 Assessment Groups of 6 formed. You assess 5 other students’ assignments. You demo to the other 5 students. You must enter assessment of 5 other students assignments. 20 grades for various attributes to be entered via online form. Mark will be obtained from median of grades for each uestion. 1-2 unfair assessors won’t change your mark. Appeal possible to Andrew who will attend all sessions. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Course Aims This course aims to explore a range techniques, language and tools for the development of software systems. Hopefully you now: understand a wider range of programming languages, tools and techniques understand more about how/when to apply these languages, tools and techniques You’ve been given only an introduction to these tpics but you should be better equipped to: given a problem and choose language/tools construct a complete software system to meet the problem determine how correct/reliable/efficient the system is improve correctness/reliability/efficiency of the system Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Syllabus/Topics Perl Regular expressions Shell Unix filters Generating web content with Perl (CGI) Intro Python (for Perl programmers) Language choice/comparison - cost, performance, security .. Performance tuning Version control, configuration (make) All topics are potentially examinable but few exam questions on last 3. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Assessment Assessment summary from the introductory lecture: ass = mark for assignments (out of 30) labs = mark for labs (out of 10) exam = mark for exam (out of 60) mark = ass + labs + exam okExam = (exam >= 30/60 && two part 3 task solved) grade = HD|DN|CR|PS if mark >= 50 && okExam = FL if mark < 50 && okExam = UF if !okExam Note: lab + ass marks will be available before the Final Exam. Check via /home/cs2041/bin/classrun -sturec Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Lab Marking Checked your tutors has recorded appropriate lab grades for you. Disagreements should be referred to me. My plan: lab grades from weeks 2..11,13 translated to mark like this: A = 1.25 B = 1 C = 0.67 D = 0.4 then summed. Capped at 10 marks. Hence 8 As or 10 Bs will give you full marks for lab. I will increase mark/grade if overall lab marks not appropriate. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Exam Internal exam run in CSE labs. The exam will run in two sessions Wednesday 09/11 Sessions are 9:30-12:45 & 12:30-16:15 Students with clashes automatically scheduled to non-clashing session. Other students can optionally indicate preference for morning/afternoon at: cs2041cgi/cgi/exam - preference/ Seating details will appear on class web page 48+ hours prior to actual exam. Closed book exam - no materials allowed. Online language cheatsheets & documentation see: cs2041/exam/ No past exams available, some past questions: cs2041/exam/ Attendance slip will be A4 and most of it available for rough work. Exam has 3 parts - do all of them!Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Exam Part 1 Must be completed during 1st 30 minutes of 3 hour exam. No use of computer allowed during this part except to enter answers into application and view online documentation, You can not run Perl or Python or shell or .... Probably about 7 questions Emphasis on reading Perl/Python/Shell/Regular expressions Some questions will ask you to read code and indicate what it does. Questions will mostly be short answer Exact format (skeleton exam) released 24 hours prior to actual exam. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Exam Part 2 Probably about 7 questions Some questions on Perl/Shell/Regular expressions/CGI Some questions might ask you to write code (e.g. CGI) Some questions on other lecture topics (configuration, python, version control, performance,...) You get the part 2 questions at the start of the 3 hours but some questions may require typing answers into separate file which you won’t be able to do until the first 30 minutes is up. Exact format (skeleton exam) released 48 hours prior to actual exam. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Exam Part 3 Probably 6 questions You get the part 3 questions at the start of the 3 hours but you can not run Perl/Python/... or type them in until the first 30 minutes is up. Almost all students spend the 30 minutes working on the written questions. You must perform satisfactorily on the exam to pass the course. This is defined as solving at least two of the part 3 questions completely. Exact format (skeleton exam) released 48 hours prior to actual exam. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Part 3 - Question Questions will describe a task and ask you to write a program that performs this task. Questions will usually include examples. A question may give you some code to start with - most/all will not. No CGI in part 3. You may or may not be given test data or other files 1 or more tests may be done on submission. This does not guarantee any marks. Do your own testing. There may be no submission tests for some questions. It is not sufficient to match any supplied examples. You may use Perl, Shell, C, Java or Python to answer any question. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Part 3 - Marking Your answers will be run through automatic marking software. Please follow the input/output format shown exactly. Please make your program behave exactly as specified. All answers are also hand marked. The automatic marking is to assist these markers. No marks awarded for style or comments. Use decent formatting so the marker (and you) can read the program. Comments only necessary if you want to tell the marker something. Minor errors will result in only a small penalty. E.g. an answer correct except for a missing semi-colon would receive almost full marks. No marks will given unless an answer contains a substantial part of a solution (¿ 33%). No marks just for starting a question and writing some code Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Special Consideration By attending the exam, you are saying ”I am well enough to sit it”. If you really are sick, stay home and apply for Special Consideration. Applications for Special Consideration from people who sat the exam will be ignored. If you become ill during the exam, ask the supervisor to contact me and then talk to me. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Provisional Results Provisional results will be made available via classrun when marking is complete. I’ll send email announcing this. Marking usually takes 7-10 days (more if you bug me). Provisional marks will be available by Friday 25 - You will be emailed time(s) which you can view your exam and check marking. Final results will appear on uni web pages (NSS). Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Supplementary Assessment Most people offered supplementary exams because they miss original exam due to illness. Examiners meeting may also offer students with borderline results & good transcripts supplementary assessment. I’ll offer supplementary assessment to students with borderline results. Borderline == final mark of 45+ and attempted assignments and most labs. Please don’t plead to be treated specially - I am careful to treat all students equally. Students who sat the final exam can not increase their mark beyond 50 in the supp. Students who have passed the subject are not normally offered supplementary assessment. So if you get a PS but you expected a DN you won’t get a supp normally. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction Supplementary Exam Similar format to final exam (no skeleton released). Supplementary exam likely to be on-or-about Dec 6. There is no alternative to the supplementary exam - if you miss it your grade will be FL. If you think you might be offered supplementary assessment make sure you are available that week. Supplementary assessment offers will be sent by email. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction COMP2041/9041 - The Bad Lecture time not used efficiently. Late starting with gitlab, git support could have been better A lot to learn: regex/sh/Python/Perl/CGI/... Not enough time to cover (so) many things Labs a lot of wo4rk Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction COMP2041/9041 - The Good Assignments Labs & tutes (do you agree?) Tutors Piazza Students Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction And that’s all ... Good Luck I hope what you’ve learnt in this course will be useful. I hope you get the mark you deserve. Andrew Taylor COMP2041/COMP9041 Software Construction