Lab access how-to | Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering - UNSW Sydney Skip to Main Content Study Research Faculties Engage with us About us News & Events Careers@UNSW Alumni & Giving Staff Contact Us Search UNSW Sydney Engineering Our schools Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Resources Lab access how-to Engineering Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Home About us Our people Professional staff Administration and management Contact us Study areas Resources 3D Printing Lab access how-to MME purchasing/obtaining samples procedure Workshop Student life Resources & support Thesis Demonstrator hub Demonstrator role Program outlines Course outlines Scholarship and prizes Careers Aerospace engineering Manufacturing engineering Mechanical engineering Mechatronic engineering Our research Research groups Advanced manufacturing materials structures engineering amase Energy resilience Engineered health solutions Waves wear aeroacoustics vibration engineering systems Robotics autonomous systems Facilities 3d printing Acoustic & vibrations laboratory Advanced fluid dynamics Advanced manufacturing Aerodynamics Energy storage & refrigeration Engine research Mechanics of solids Mechatronics Microfluids Precision & nano processing technologies Solar thermal Sustainable manufacturing & life cycle engineering Workshops Engage with us Alumni Alumni profiles Keep in touch Industry Arc training centres Work with our students News & events Home About us Our people Professional staff Administration and management Contact us Study areas Resources 3D Printing Lab access how-to MME purchasing/obtaining samples procedure Workshop Student life Resources & support Thesis Demonstrator hub Demonstrator role Program outlines Course outlines Scholarship and prizes Careers Aerospace engineering Manufacturing engineering Mechanical engineering Mechatronic engineering Our research Research groups Advanced manufacturing materials structures engineering amase Energy resilience Engineered health solutions Waves wear aeroacoustics vibration engineering systems Robotics autonomous systems Facilities 3d printing Acoustic & vibrations laboratory Advanced fluid dynamics Advanced manufacturing Aerodynamics Energy storage & refrigeration Engine research Mechanics of solids Mechatronics Microfluids Precision & nano processing technologies Solar thermal Sustainable manufacturing & life cycle engineering Workshops Engage with us Alumni Alumni profiles Keep in touch Industry Arc training centres Work with our students News & events Lab access how-to The School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MME) provides and maintains an extensive number of laboratories for student and staff use in Willis Annexe, Building J18. The following represents a checklist to obtain access. Process to obtain lab access 1. Discuss which lab and equipment you require access to with your Academic supervisor. Confirm which lab and equipment you need to use. If you are unsure in making your selection, please discuss with your supervisor or contact Tamsin Peters (Lab Manager J18) for guidance. 2. Complete a School Access Approval form, including all the training required within (type the form and save). For help with this, email the HSE team Please note: The School Access Approval form must be saved and typed (outside of the browser). Handwritten submissions will not be accepted. 3. Arrange and attend your Lab Induction with the Technical Officer for the lab you require access to (please send them your SAA form for some background). 4. Email the completed SAA and HS049 (this will be provided to you after your induction) forms to your supervisor for final signatures. 5. In one email, please send fully completed forms (SAA and HS049 for each lab) to the Health and Safety unit to and cc your technical officer with your details tabulated as below (one row per each lab): First Name Last Name zID Access Type Lab number Access Start Date Access Expiry Date e.g. Amr Omar Z1234567 Staff 102/106 1/1/2022 30/12/2022 Access to equipment 1. Discuss with your Technical Officer how training can be arranged and how to book equipment. You will need to read specific Safe Work Procedures (SWP’s) for that equipment and ’declare as read’. 2. Complete the Account Approval Form with your supervisor and submit to Amr Omar ( to use the booking system. Access to a class 3B or 4 laser lab ONLY IF you need to use a lab that contains class 3B or 4 lasers, contact the School's Laser Safety Officers via email 1. Read this RMF on SafeSys and click 'declare as read' : ENG-MECH-RMF-1366: Safe use of the Lasermet Interlock Systems for class 3B and class 4 lasers in Willis Annexe 2. Laser users must start with the Laser Safety Awareness. The course is available to all staff & student via myUNSW registration Search by Course Number: HSELS1 or Course Name: Laser Safety Awareness in training registration Staff step-by-step enrolment instruction Student step-by-step enrolment instruction 3. In addition to the above you will do one of the following: Research Students: 1/2 Day Operator Safety | Level 3 (HSELS2) Staff: 1 Day Laser Safety | Level 2 by edVirtus Laser Safety Officers: 5 Day Laser Safety | Level 1 by edVirtus Personal protective equipment and clothes (PPE&C) The purpose of this Protocol is to provide information about the mandatory Personal Protective Equipment, including protective clothing, wherever it has been identified as a risk control measure across the MME Laboratories. This protocol applies to all staff and students who undertake any activity on behalf of the MME laboratories, where PPE has been chosen as a risk control measure. It applies in mechanical, chemical and biological laboratories, and workshops. This protocol does not apply to designated computer laboratories. Top Engage with us Contact us Find an expert Careers at UNSW Education at UNSW Study UNSW International Degree Finder Student Portal Academic Calendar News, Media & Events Newsroom UNSW events Research news About us Our rankings & reputation Faculties and schools Campus locations Centres and institutes UNSW Library UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Telephone: +61 2 93851000 UNSW CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12055 ABN: 57 195 873 179 Acknowledgement of Country UNSW is located on the unceded territory of the Bedegal (Kensington campus), Gadigal (City and Paddington Campuses) and Ngunnawal peoples (UNSW Canberra) who are the Traditional Owners of the lands where each campus of UNSW is situated. 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