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Course Notices | COMP3331 22T1 | WebCMS3 Toggle navigation WebCMS3 Search Courses Login COMP3331 22T1 Home Course Outline Course Work Lectures Labs Mid-term Exam Assignment Final Exam Homework Questions VLAB Tutors' Activities Timetable Ed Discussion Forum Anonymous Feedback Form Activities Toggle Menu COMP3331 Notices Notices Midterm Exam Reminder Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 22 March 2022, 08:50:39 PM. I hope everyone is taking a bit of a breather during flexibility week. A reminder that the mid-term exam will be held on Monday, 28th March during regular lecture hours (11:00 - 13:00). Further details are on the exam page . I will be available for mid-term exam consultations as follows: Wednesday, 23rd March 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Zoom Meeting (regular consult slot) Friday, 25th March, 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Zoom Meeting I will circulate a link for the exam by Friday. Mid-term Exam Details + Sample Exam + Poll on Programming Language + No lectures/labs in Week 6 Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 16 March 2022, 10:25:14 AM. Marks for the first two labs and the answers are available. If you have questions about marking, contact your tutor. Their details are on the timetable page. The mid-term exam will be held during regular lecture hours (11:00 - 13:00) on Monday, 28th March (Week 7). Check the information available on the Mid-term Exam page (includes information about the content covered, exclusions, online meeting information, etc). A short video is also available in the Youtube and Echo360 playlists and on the mid-term page (with slides). The link for the exam will be circulated towards the end of next week and will also be available on the Mid-term page and on the course Moodle page. A practice exam is available here: Moodle link . The exam uses the Inspera platform which will be used for both exams in this course. You can only attempt the exam once so make sure you activate it ONLY when you are ready to take it . Answers are available as feedback in Inspera after completing the exam. The questions that require manual marking won't be marked. You can examine the provided answers and compare them with your answers. Everyone is strongly urged to attempt the exam. It will familiarise you with the Inspera assessment environment so that there are no surprises on the exam day. A PDF file with the exam questions and answers is posted on the mid-term exam page. We would strongly urge everyone to provide input on their choice of programming language for the assignment in this poll . This will help us to appropriately schedule programming help sessions in Weeks 7-10, as we plan to run distinct C, Java and Python help sessions. You are welcome to provide anonymous feedback about the course through the following link . A reminder that there are no lectures or labs in Week 6 . You are all urged to make use of this week to prepare for the mid-term exam and get started on the assignment. See you online during the lecture tomorrow where we will wrap up our discussion on TCP and the transport layer. Week 5: Exploring TCP and Congestion Control, Tutorial (No lab), Mid-term Exam coming up, Assignment is out Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 11 March 2022, 12:14:10 PM. This is a busy week with a lot of updates, so make sure to read through this list multiple times: Lab 3 is due by 10 am Tuesday, 15th March. There will be a tutorial replacing the lab (in your usual Zoom/Teams meeting) next week. It is not marked. This will serve as useful practice for the mid-term exam. Please look through the questions beforehand and try to solve them by yourself. ALL questions are from past exams, so effectively it is a sample (but longer) exam paper. You can ask your tutor to prioritise questions that were particularly difficult for you. The question set is released. In the lectures, we will explore TCP in detail followed by a discussion on congestion control. Slides are available. The mid-term exam will be held during regular lecture hours (11:00 - 13:00) on Monday, 28th March (Week 7). Further information about the format and a sample exam will be available middle of next week. The exam makes up 20% of your final mark. Lab 2 marks and solutions will be available early next week. If you have questions about your marks, please connect with your tutor. The programming assignment specification was released earlier this week. We have released two videos - the first one covers the assignment spec and is available in the regular lecture feeds (Youtube/Echo360) and is also linked from the assignment page. The second video covers the basics of multi-threading and is linked from the assignment page. You are strongly encouraged to watch both videos. The slides for both videos are on the assignment page and so are sample code fragments for multi-threading which you may use in your code. Assignment consults will run from Week 7-10. Details will follow. The deadline for choosing the non-CSE option is 5 pm, 18th March. Only students who are not enrolled in a CSE program are eligible. Further details are in the specification. Requests after the deadline will not be entertained. Everyone is encouraged to discuss the homework questions on the Ed discussion forum. All of these questions are from past exams. We have provided answers and comments on these discussions. You are welcome to provide anonymous feedback about the course through the following link . Flexibility Week ( Week 6, 21-25 March ) is close. There will be no lectures or labs in that week which will give you an opportunity to catch up and prepare for the mid-term exam and get going with the assignment. The census date for Term 3 is 13th March . While we do not encourage it, this is the last day that you can drop the course without incurring fees. Have a good weekend and see you all in the lectures next week or on the Ed forum. Signing out. Assignment Specification Released Posted by Salil Kanhere Monday 07 March 2022, 09:12:14 PM. The assignment specification is available. It is long but for a reason. Read it carefully. Read it again (and again). The deadline is noon, Friday, 22nd April (Week 10) . I have uploaded a video where I go over the key points of the specification to the usual video playlists (Youtube and Echo360). A second video on multi-threading is linked to the assignment page. Sample code for multi-threading is also available on the assignment page. Feel free to use it in your code. Have fun !! Assignment specific consultations will be arranged in Weeks 7-10. Details will follow. In the meantime, post questions to the Ed forum. You can join the forum via the following link: I have set up the following poll to get your feedback on the pacing of the lectures. You are welcome to provide anonymous feedback about the course through the following link . We will try our best to take this into consideration. A reminder that the mid-term exam will be held on Monday, 28th March (Week 7) during regular lecture hours (11:00 - 13:00). Further details including a sample exam will follow next week. Week 4: Getting Busy (Transport Layer, Lab on DNS + TCP Socket Programming, Assignment forthcoming) Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 04 March 2022, 04:30:26 PM. A number of announcements for Week 4. Read carefully: Lab 2 deadline is 10 am, Tuesday, 8th March . Lab 3 is released and will require you to get into the nitty-gritty of DNS and gain experience with TCP socket programming. In the lectures this week we will begin our journey into the Transport Layer. Slides are available for review The assignment specification is ready and will be released on Tuesday, 8th March . An announcement will follow with details. The mid-term exam which is worth 20% of the course mark, will be held on Monday, 28th March (Week 7) during regular lecture hours ( 11:00 - 13:00 ). The exam will be held online on the Inspera assessment platform. Further information and a sample online exam will be available in Week 5. The solutions to Lab 1 and your marks for the same will be released by Wed next week . Please cross-check the solutions to find out why marks were deducted (if any). If you have questions about marking, ask your tutor. The easiest way to access your marks is through the WebCMS interface. Click on the Grades icon located beside your name at the bottom of the left frame. Everybody is strongly encouraged to discuss solutions to all homework problems on the course forum. Several questions are from past exams and will prepare you for the mid-term and final exams. If you haven't joined the Ed discussion forum, here is the link - An anonymous feedback form is available here if you have comments for us. Have a great weekend, stay safe and dry, and see you in lectures next week. Week 3: Wrapping up the application layer + Lab 2 Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 25 February 2022, 12:53:02 PM. The Lab 1 report is due by 10 am Tuesday, 1st March . Submission instructions are in the lab spec. Submissions received via email will NOT be entertained. Do also note the requirement to submit a TAR (NOT ZIP) archive. It is easy to create one using the command line tar utility in Linux (VLAB) or on Mac OS. On Windows, you can use 7-zip and on Mac OS you can alternately use Unarchiver . In the lectures, we will wrap up the leftover content from last week (E-mail) and study DNS, Peer to peer applications and socket programming. Slides are available for review. In Lab 2 , we will explore HTTP and learn to use a new tool called Wireshark, a protocol analyzer. We strongly encourage you to install Wireshark on your personal computer (instead of running it through VLAB). It is free and works on all operating systems. Download it here . You will also get your first exposure to socket programming. Sample working client/server programs in C/Java/Python are available under the Week 1 lecture content. Very few students appear to be attempting the homework questions . We strongly encourage everyone to work through these questions on their own. We will post answers for the collated questions (e.g. Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked with " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. Please post your solutions on the Ed forum. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts. This should serve as excellent practice for the exams. You can join the Ed Discussion forum via the following link - An anonymous feedback form is available here in case you wish to leave us some comments. We will try our best to act on your input. A reminder that the mid-term exam will be held on Monday 28th March (Week 7) during regular class hours (11:00 - 13:00 Sydney time). Mark this time in your calendar. The exam will be held online using the Inspera platform. Details to follow Have a good weekend, stay safe and see you in the lectures next week. Week 2: What's Coming up Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 18 February 2022, 11:45:05 AM. In the Week 2 lectures, we will wrap up our introduction to computer networks (protocol layers) and dive into networked applications (principles, Web/HTTP, Email). Slides are available for review. I have updated the Week 1 slides with answers to the in-lecture quizzes. Labs will commence in Week 2. Please attend the lab class in which you have enrolled as many classes are at full capacity. The link to each lab class is posted on the Labs page. Note that we have a mix of in-person and online labs . For those attending in-person please ensure you follow all covid-safe protocols. Recordings will be available for online labs. You will notice that there are two parallel lab classes, e.g., W11A and W11B. Make sure you attend the correct class as per your UNSW timetable. You are strongly urged to set up access to the VLAB environment prior to the lab . It is not an efficient use of your tutor's time if they have to explain this process to you during the lab. We encourage the use of TigerVNC. Check the instructions here . The first lab exercise is now available. You are strongly urged to read the Tools of the Trade introductory lab prior to the first lab. The first lab report is due by 10 am Tuesday 1st March (Week 3). Submission instructions are in the lab specification. A number of problem-solving questions are accessible on the Homework Questions page. You are strongly encouraged to work through these questions on your own. These are not assessed. We will post answers for the collated questions (e.g. Introduction Questions). However, the questions marked with " Students to Discuss Solutions " are exclusively left for you to work on. We are happy to provide feedback on your attempts, but will not provide ready solutions. Working through these questions will provide good practice for the exams. Please discuss them on the Ed forum. You can join the forum via the following link: My consultations are scheduled for Wednesday 4:30-5:30 pm (Sydney time) starting next week. A link to the Zoom meeting is on the course outline page and also here . An early head's up that the mid-term exam will be held on Monday 28th March (Week 7) during regular class hours (11:00 - 13:00 Sydney time). Mark this time in your calendar. The exam will be held online using the Inspera platform. Details to follow. Please complete the following polls if you haven't already: Poll 1 (Internet Speed) and Poll 2 (Your location) Have a great weekend, stay safe and see you online during the lectures on Monday & Thursday and on the forum !! Some Updates Posted by Salil Kanhere Tuesday 15 February 2022, 09:09:37 PM. Some updates, please read carefully: Make sure you have read the course outline . Videos for the Week 1 lectures are available on the Youtube and Echo360 playlists. Links to both are on the Lectures Page. We will use Ed Discussions for the course forum. You can join it through the following link: . All questions and discussions pertaining to the course should be posted on Ed. The WebCMS3 forum is disabled. A self-study lab that introduces you to the various networking tools to be used in the course is available. We strongly encourage everybody to review it. This lab is NOT marked. Labs begin in Week 2 . We will have a mix of in-person and online labs. Further details are on the Labs page. See you in the lecture on Thursday (11 am Sydney, link to Zoom meeting on Lectures page). Lectures begin on Monday, 14th February Posted by Salil Kanhere Friday 11 February 2022, 04:41:29 PM. A reminder that lectures are commencing on Monday, 14th February 11:00 - 13:00 (Sydney time). The Zoom meeting links are on the Lectures page. You will also find all content for Week 1 lectures on this page. Please read through the course outline prior to the lecture. There are NO labs in Week 1, even if your calendar in myUNSW may say so. Labs will commence in Week 2 . Further details to follow next week. We will use Ed Discussions for the course forum. The default WebCMS forum has been disabled. Please join Ed by clicking on the following link: Please post any course-related questions on the Ed forum. If you must email us, use instead of personal email. We would appreciate it if you could complete the following polls - Poll 1 (your location) and Poll 2 (your Internet speed) See you in the lecture on Monday. Have a great weekend and stay safe. Welcome to COMP3331/9331 Term 1, 2022 Posted by Salil Kanhere Wednesday 09 February 2022, 05:28:49 PM, last modified Wednesday 09 February 2022, 09:19:58 PM. Welcome to COMP3331/9331, Term 1, 2022 . The course webpage is at A short welcome video is here: Youtube or Echo360 . The course is being offered in a hybrid mode. All lectures, consultations and exams will be held online. Some labs will take be conducted in person in a CSE lab while the others will be online. Please check your enrolment and attend the appropriate lab class. Please read the course outline carefully . Our first lecture will be held on Monday, 14th February from 11:00 - 13:00 (Sydney time). We will use Zoom Meetings. Links to the Zoom Meetings are on the Lectures page. All content for Week 1 is now available on the Lectures page. Labs will commence in Week 2 . Links for the online labs will be posted next week. We will be using Ed Discussions for the course forum. Please join via this link . The forum on WebCMS is disabled. See you online on Monday. Back to top COMP3331/COMP9331 22T1 (Computer Networks and Applications) is powered by WebCMS3 CRICOS Provider No. 00098G