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School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Faculty of Informatics
MCS9361   Cryptography and Secure Applications
Subject Outline
Autumn Session 2009
Head of School –Professor John Fulcher,, Student Resource Centre, Tel: (02) 4221 3606
Subject Coordinator Professor Jennifer Seberry
Telephone Number: 02 4221 4448
Location: 3.215
Professor Seberry’s consultation times during session: 
Day Time
Wednesday 10:30-12:30
Thursday 12:30-14:30
Lecturer Dr Tianbing Xia
Telephone Number: 02 4221 3076 
Location: 3.205
Dr Xia’s consultation times during session: 
Day Time
Monday 13:30-15:30
Tuesday 10:30-12:30
Subject Organisation 
Session: Autumn Session, Wollongong Campus
Credit Points 6 credit points
Contact hours per week: 3 hours lectures, 1 hours tutorial
Lecture Times & Location: Tuesday 13:30 – 15:30 , 3.122, 
Friday 12:30-13:30, 3.122
Tutorial Day, Time and Location can be found at:
Students should check the subject's web site regularly as important  information,  including details of 
unavoidable changes in assessment requirements will be posted from time to time via e-Learning space  Any information posted to the web site is deemed to have been 
notified to all students.
Subject Description
This subject develops the skills and knowledge necessary to identify and address security problems in a 
variety of simple communication models. Topics covered include: Classical cryptology, Modern secret 
key  cryptography  including  block  (DES,  AES)  and  stream  ciphers  (RC4),  security  properties 
(authentication,  integrity,  confidentiality,  availability),  public  key  cryptography  (knapsacks,  RSA, 
Rabin,  Elgamal),  digital  signatures  (RSA,  DSS,  Elgamal)  ,  hashing  (birthday  paradox,  Merkle-
Damgard  construction),  MACS's,  Key  management  (PKI,  certificates,  key 
establishment/exchange/transport,  Diffie-Hellman),  Identification protocols,  Privacy preserving (mix-
nets), Secret sharing. Applications studied include some of: email security, SET, E-payment, E-voting, 
Fair exchange.
On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to: 
1. Explain and apply fundamental cryptographic principles and terminology 
2. Classify and distinguish cryptographic algorithms in terms of their cryptographic characteristics and 
services provided. 
3. Select and apply appropriate fundamental cryptographic building blocks, such as encryption, hashing 
and authentication, based on a critical analysis of an application scenario. 
4. Implement cryptographic algorithms in Java or C/C++. 
5.  Describe  and  demonstrate  the  use  of  some  of  the  mathematics  underlying  modern  public  key 
6. Assess and contrast  the security of given scenarios, and justify the need for additional security as 
appropriate, taking into account the required cryptographic properties and such factors as efficiency. 
7.  Analyse  implementations  of  cryptographic  algorithms.  Please  find  Objectives  8-12 in additional 
information in the on-line subject database. 
Graduate Qualities
This subject will contribute to the following graduate qualities:
-Independent Learners
-Problem Solvers
-Effective Communicators
-Innovation Design
Further information can be found at 
Attendance Requirements: 
It  is  the  responsibility  of  students  to  attend  all  lectures/tutorials/labs/seminars/  practical  work  for 
subjects for which you are enrolled. It should be noted that the amount of time spent on each 6 credit 
point subject should be at least 12 hours per week, which includes lectures/tutorials/labs etc.
Satisfactory attendance is deemed by the University,  to be attendance  at approximately 80%  of the 
allocated contact hours. 
Method of Presentation: 
In order to maximize learning outcomes, it is strongly recommended that students attend all lectures. 
The subject has lectures and a tutorial/lecture, which will generally run as a tutorial for the whole class. 
Lecture materials and assignments will be available via WebCT.
MCS9361 Subject Outline, Autumn Session 2009 Page 2
Lecture Schedule: 
A proposed Lecture schedule for the subject is as follows:
Week Topic
1 Introduction, classical cryptography.
2 Secret-key cryptography, modern secret-key cryptography.
3 Modern secret-key cryptography, block ciphers.
4 Block ciphers, modes, AES, stream ciphers, message integrity.
5 Public key cryptography.
6 Public key cryptography, digital signatures.
7 Digital signatures, hashing.
8 Key management, public key infrastructures
9 Identification protocols, E-mail security.
10 Secure E-payment, E-commerce.
11 Secret sharing, E-voting.
12 Fair exchange, privacy preserving systems
13 Revision
Changes to the above schedule will be posted via e-Learning space 
Any information posted to the web site is deemed to have been notified to all students.
Subject Materials: 
Any readings/references are recommended only and are not intended to be an exhaustive list.  Students 
are encouraged to use the library catalogue and databases to locate additional readings
Cryptography and Network Security, W. Stallings, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006
Other Resources: 
- Introduction to Computer Security, J. Seberry, J. Pieprzyk and T. Hardjono, Springer-Verlag, 2003  
- Security in Computing, C. P. Pfleeger and S. L. Pfleeger, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
-Cryptography: Theory and Practice, D. Stinson, Second Edition, CRC Press, 
This subject has the following assessment components.
Assessment 1:  Programming, 
Cryptanalysis 8% Individual Released Week 1, due Week 4.
Assessment 2: Ciphers &  Programming 12% Individual Released Week 4, due Week 7
Assessment 3: Public-key algorithms & 
programming 8% Individual Released Week 7, due Week 9.
Assessment 4: Crypto algorithms & 
programming 12% Individual Released Week 9, due Week 13
Final Exam 60% Examination Period
Notes on Assessment: 
All assignments are expected to be completed independently.  Plagiarism may result in a FAIL grade 
being recorded for that assignment. 
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Electronic Submission of Assessment Items:
Unless  otherwise  notified  by  the  subject  coordinator,  all  written  assignments  must  be  submitted 
electronically via “submit” on banshee.
Submission of assessment items via email will not be accepted.
Other Procedures for the submission of assessment items: 
In addition to electronic submission students are required to submit assignments in hard copy to their 
All assignments will be returned within 2 weeks of their submission.
Unless  otherwise  specified,  assignments  are to be  submitted electronically  via  SUBMIT before  the 
scheduled time. Receipts for submitted work are e-mailed to the student and should be kept by the 
student as evidence of submission. The receipt may contain compilation messages. It is the student's 
responsibility  to ensure  that  any  errors  reported are  corrected.  Assignments  must  work  on the Sun 
Solaris machine banshee. Assignments submitted via email will not generally be accepted.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep a backup of his/her work. In general, an extension will not be 
granted due to any circumstance related to the failure of the students’ own equipment.
Students who copy an assignment may receive zero for that assignment. This also covers assignments 
which may be the product of community effort by several students. Working together is acceptable, but 
the final  coding  should  be the work of  the individual  student,  as  assessment  is  a measure  of  your 
ability. All students involved in plagiarism will have zero marks for that assessment task.
o The due dates are tentative. They are subject to change.
o Assignments  are  to  be  submitted  electronically  via  SUBMIT  before  the  scheduled  time. 
Submission via email is not acceptable.
o Electronically submitted assignments will not be returned to students. Students will receive their 
result by email.
o Assignments may be scanned with a plagiarism detector.
o An  extension  of  time  for  the  completion  of  an  assignment  may  be  granted  under  certain 
circumstances. A request for an extension must be made to the Subject Coordinator before the due 
date  (via  SOLS  and  via  email  to  the  Subject  coordinator).  Supporting  documentation  must 
accompany the request for extension.  The Subject Coordinator has the right to determine whether 
the request will be granted or not.
o Late assignments without granted extension will be marked but the mark awarded will be reduced 
by 25% for each day late.  Assignments  will not be accepted more  than three days late  unless 
student academic consideration has been applied for or an extension has been granted.
Procedures for the return of assessment items: 
All assignments will be returned within 3 weeks of their submission. 
The marking results will be returned to students via email.
Penalties for late submission of assessment items: 
Penalties  apply  to all  late  work,  except  if  student  academic  consideration  has  been  granted.   Late 
submissions will attract a penalty of 25%% (for each day late) of the assessment mark.
MCS9361 Subject Outline, Autumn Session 2009 Page 4
Tutorial/Lab Closure Policy
If for any reason, the number of students in a tutorial or lab falls below a sustainable enrolment level, 
as  determined  by  the  Head  of  School,  tutorials/labs  offered  for  that  subject  may  be  collapsed  or 
You will have to attend the new tutorials/lab if this closure affects the one you are attending.
We will endeavour to make this decision no later than Week 4 of session.
Supplementary Exams
Supplementary  Exams will  be dealt  with in accordance  with student academic consideration  policy 
(  6.2  Timing  of 
Supplementary Exams.
While  the School  normally  grants supplementary  exams when the student  does not  sit  the standard 
exam for an acceptable reason, each case will be assessed on its own merit and there is no guarantee a 
supplementary  exam will  be  granted.   If  a  supplementary  exam is  granted,  you  will  normally  be 
notified  via  SOLS  Mail  the  time  and  date  of  this  supplementary  exam.  You  must  follow  the 
instructions given in the email message.
Please note that if this is your last session and you are granted a supplementary exam, be aware 
that your results will not be processed in time to meet the graduation deadline.
Student Academic Consideration Policy
The School  recognises that it has a responsibility to ensure equity and consistency across its subjects 
for all students. Sometimes, in exceptional circumstances, students need to apply for student academic 
consideration in order to complete all assessable work.
The University applies strict criteria to the granting of student academic consideration. Before applying 
for student academic consideration, students should carefully read the University’s policy which can be 
found at:
When you submit an assessment task, you are declaring the following
1. It is your own work and you did not collaborate with or copy from others. 
2. You have  read  and  understand  your responsibilities  under  the University  of  Wollongong's 
policy on plagiarism.
3. You have not plagiarised from published work (including the internet). Where you have used 
the work from others, you have referenced it in the text and provided a reference list at the end 
ot the assignment.
Students must remember that:
Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Students are responsible for submitting original work for asssessment, without plagiarising or 
cheating,  abiding  by  the  University’s  policies  on  Plargiarism  as  set  out  in  the  University 
Handbook under  University Policy Directory and in Faculty handbooks and subject guides. 
Plagiarism has led to the expulsion from the University.
Student Academic Grievance Policy
The School aims to provide a fair, equitable and productive learning environment for all its students. 
The Student Academic Grievance Policy seeks to support the achievement of this goal by providing a 
transparent and consistent process for resolving student academic grievances.
Any student who has a grievance over a result should obtain a Faculty of Informatics Appeal Against 
Decision or Action Affecting Academic Experience form from the Informatics Student Enquiry Centre. 
The student should firstly take the form to the marker/lecturer to discuss the matter and, if the student is 
still not satisfied, s/he should take the next step as outlined on the form.
MCS9361 Subject Outline, Autumn Session 2009 Page 5
Once the grievance has been considered by the Faculty, if the student still feels the situation has not 
been fully resolved s/he may consult the Dean of Students. However, the Dean of Students can have no 
input into the academic judgment of the lecturer and can only review the grievance to ensure proper 
procedure has been followed.
Relevant University Policies, procedures and students services:
For more information students must refer to the Faculty handbook,  online  references or consult  the 
UOW  policy  in  full  at which 
contains a range of policies on educational issues and student matters. 
This outline should be read in conjunction with the following documents:
Code of Practice - Teaching and Assessment
Code of Practice - Students
Code of Practice-Honours
Acknowledgement  Practice  Plagiarism will  not  be tolerated:
Key Dates
Student academic consideration Policy:
Course Progress Policy:
Graduate Qualities Policy:
Academic Grievance Policy (Coursework and honours students)
Non-Discriminatory Language Practice and Presentation
Occupational Health and Safety
Intellectual Property Policy
Human Research Ethics:
Rules  for  student  conduct  and  discipline:
Information Literacies Introduction Program
Informatics  Faculty  Librarian,  Ms  Annette  Meldrum,  phone: 
4221 4637, email:
Student Support Services:
Informatics  Faculty  SEDLO  (Student  Equity  and  Diversity 
Liaison Officers)  Virginie  Schmelitschek,   phone 4221 3833,
SCSSE Internet Access & Student Resource Centre 
SCSSE Computer Usage Rules 
SCSSE Subject Outlines
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