First Java Assignment First Java Assignment David Matuszek There are two parts to this assignment: Step through the BlueJ tutorial and, as you step through it, make a note of any differences you find between the way the BlueJ program works, and the way the tutorial says that it works. (Any differences you find should be minor.) Don't worry if you don't understand everything in the tutorial--it assumes that you already know some Java. Please hand in a printed list of the differences you found. Take the Applet that I developed in class and modify it to display a picture of your own. Use at least ten commands to draw your picture. See page 96 of your textbook for a partial list of drawing commands. You will not be graded on artistic merit, but your program should draw something that is at least recognizable. I have not yet determined the best way for you to hand in your program. I hope to have a good answer for that on Monday. For your convenience, here is the Applet that was developed in class. The only difference is that I have changed the comment to a javadoc-style comment; please put your own name where I have indicated. import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
/** CIT 591 example
* @author (Please put your own name here)
public class Drawing extends Applet {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(20, 20, 50, 30);
g.fillRect(50, 30, 50, 30);
} Due date: Wednesday, September 19. Turn in: Part 1 (tutorial) on one or more sheets of paper. Please don't turn in a folder, it just gets in the way. Part 2 (program) on a floppy. This will include files, Drawing.class, and Drawing.html. If you used BlueJ, you should also have files Drawing.ctxt, bluej.pkg, bluej.pkh, and README.TXT. Please be sure your name is easily visible on all parts.