
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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Course outline 
Code: ICT311 
Title: Mobile App Development  
Faculty of Arts, Business and Law 
School of Business 
Teaching Session: Semester 2 
Year: 2016 
Course Coordinator: Dr Mingzhong Wang 
Office:     K2.28    
Telephone:    +61 7 5456 5295 
Consultation Times:   As notified on Blackboard 
1.  What is this course about? 
1.1  Course description 
There are more mobile devices on the planet than people. Mobile app development helps to unleash the 
full power of mobile devices, and push their usage into every corner of modern society. This course 
introduces students to important concepts and aspects in mobile application development on Java based 
Android phones, including UI design, data persistence, multimedia support, sensor management, 
multithreading, debug and test, and application publishing. Although the course is centred on Android, 
general principles of mobile app development discussed here can also be applied to other contexts. 
1.2  Course content 
 Android application structure 
 Activity and intents 
 Elements of user interface 
 Model-View-Controller architecture 
 Data persistence and storage 
 Multimedia support 
 Multithreading 
 Mobile web vs. mobile app 
 Services, broadcasts, and notifications 
 Sensor management and location-based services 
 Application publishing 
2.  Unit value 
12 units 
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Course Outline:  ICT311   Mobile App Development  
3.  How does this course contribute to my learning? 
Specific Learning Outcomes 
On successful completion of this 
course you should be able to:  
Assessment Tasks 
You will be assessed on the 
learning outcome in task/s:  
Graduate Qualities 
Completing these tasks successfully 
will contribute to you becoming: 
Discuss and demonstrate 
fundamental mobile application 
1, 2 and 3 Knowledgeable. 
Build a mobile application for a 
client case study. 
2 Creative and critical thinkers. 
Read, write and analyse 
advanced code. 
1, 2 and 3 Empowered. 
4.  Am I eligible to enrol in this course? 
Refer to the Coursework Programs and Awards - Academic Policy for definitions of “pre-requisites, co-
requisites and anti-requisites” 
4.1  Enrolment restrictions 
4.2  Pre-requisites 
ICT221 or SGD213 
4.3  Co-requisites 
4.4  Anti-requisites 
4.5  Specific assumed prior knowledge and skills  
5. How am I going to be assessed? 
5.1  Grading scale 
Standard – High Distinction (HD), Distinction (DN), Credit (CR), Pass (PS), Fail (FL) 
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Course Outline:  ICT311   Mobile App Development  
5.2  Assessment tasks 
Assessment Tasks Individual 
or Group 
What is the 
duration / 
When should I 
Where should 
I submit it? 
1 Tutorial assessed 
Individual 10% 5 weeks Weeks 2-6 In tutorial 
2 Mobile app 
Individual 40% N/A Week 13 Blackboard 
3 Final 
Individual 50% 2 hours Central 
In exam venue 
Assessment Task 1: Tutorial assessed exercises 
Goal:  To demonstrate your knowledge of working with mobile application development 
Product:  During tutorials two to six (five tutorials) you will receive small exercises to be 
completed during the tutorial. The tutorial exercises will be marked with a Pass/Fail 
grade, and these will be used to determine the overall tutorial exercise grade. Each 
exercise must be completed and submitted prior to the specified deadline. 
Format: This is an individual assessment. 
Criteria  Each tutorial exercise will be marked with a Pass/Fail grade corresponding to whether a 
reasonable attempt has been made by the specified deadline. 
Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level 
Problem solving Developing 
Applying technologies Developing 
Assessment Task 2: Mobile app development 
Goal:  This is an authentic task developed to advance your application creation skill set.  You 
will be given a case study and will develop a mobile application to suit the case study’s 
functionality needs.  
Product:  An individual project incorporating the design, documentation and programming of 
Android code. 
Format: This is an individual assessment. 
Criteria  The assessment criteria will be supplied with the exercises. These will examine the 
functionality of the application, its user interface, code structure and readability. 
Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level 
Problem solving Developing 
Applying technologies Developing 
Assessment Task 3: Final examination  
Goal:  To demonstrate your knowledge of course concepts 
Product:  A two hour closed book examination at the end of the semester comprising questions 
from the information obtained during the tutorial lab activities, lecture material and 
additional readings specified during the lecture series. 
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Course Outline:  ICT311   Mobile App Development  
Format: This is an individual assessment. 
Criteria  Two hour closed book examination comprising questions from the information obtained 
during the tutorial lab activities, lecture material and additional readings specified 
during the lecture series. The exam will contain one section of multiple choice questions 
and one section of short answer questions. 
Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level 
Problem solving Developing 
Applying technologies Developing 
5.3 Additional assessment requirements 
In order to minimise incidents of plagiarism and collusion, this course may require that some of its 
assessment tasks, when submitted to Blackboard, are electronically checked through SafeAssign.  This 
software allows for text comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other 
work that SafeAssign has access to. 
Eligibility for Supplementary Assessment 
Your eligibility for supplementary assessment in a course is dependent of the following conditions applying: 
a) The final mark is in the percentage range 47% to 49.4% 
b) The course is graded using the Standard Grading scale 
c) You have not failed an assessment task in the course due to academic misconduct 
5.4 Submission penalties  
Late submission of assessment tasks will be penalised at the following maximum rate: 
 5% (of the assessment task’s identified value) per day for the first two days from the date identified 
as the due date for the assessment task. 
 10% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the third day 
 20% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the fourth day and subsequent days up to and 
including seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task. 
 A result of zero is awarded for an assessment task submitted after seven days from the date 
identified as the due date for the assessment task. 
Weekdays and weekends are included in the calculation of days late. To request an extension you must 
contact your course coordinator to negotiate an outcome. 
6.  How is the course offered? 
6.1  Directed study hours  
On campus Lecture: 1 hour per week  
On campus Computer Workshop: 2 hours per week 
6.2  Teaching semester/session(s) offered 
Semester 2 
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Course Outline:  ICT311   Mobile App Development  
6.3 Course activities 
Week / 
What key concepts/content 
will I learn? 
What activities will I engage in to learn the 
Directed Study 
Independent Study Activities 
1 Course Overview 
Android basics 
Java review 
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
2 First Android App 
App structure and types 
Debugging and testing 
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
3 Activity Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
4 User Interface 
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
5 Storage 
SQLite DB  
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
6 Intents 
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
7 Multimedia 
2D Graphics 
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
8 Multiple Threading 
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
9 Services, Broadcasts, and 
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
Mid Semester Break 
3rd October 
Sensor Management 
GPS, Cameras, 
Accelerometers, Gyroscopes 
Location-based service 
Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
11 Web-based App Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
12 App Distribution Lecture and computer 
Textbook and supplementary 
reading list 
13 Course Summary 
Lecture and computer 
Course review 
Study Period 
Central Examination Period 
End of Semester Break 
Please note that the course activities may be subject to variation. 
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Course Outline:  ICT311   Mobile App Development  
7.  What resources do I need to undertake this course? 
7.1  Prescribed text(s) 
Please note that you need to have regular access to the resource(s) listed below:  
Author Year Title Publisher 
Phillips, B., Stewart, C., 
Hardy, B., and Marsicano, K. 
2015 Android Programming: The Big Nerd 
Ranch Guide (2nd Edition)   
Pearson Higher Ed.  
ISBN 978-0134171456 
7.2 Required and recommended readings 
Lists of required and recommended readings may be found for this course on its Blackboard site. These 
materials/readings will assist you in preparing for tutorials and assignments, and will provide further 
information regarding particular aspects of your course. 
7.3  Specific requirements  
7.4  Risk management 
There is minimal health and safety risk in this course. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the 
Health and Safety policies and procedures applicable within campus areas. 
8. How can I obtain help with my studies? 
In the first instance you should contact your tutor, then the Course Coordinator. Additional assistance is 
provided to all students through Peer Advisors and Academic Skills Advisors. You can drop in or book an 
appointment. To book: Tel: +61 7 5430 2890 or Email: 
9. Links to relevant University policies and procedures 
For more information on Academic Learning & Teaching categories including: 
 Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs  
 Review of Assessment and Final Grades  
 Supplementary Assessment 
 Administration of Central Examinations  
 Deferred Examinations  
 Student Academic Misconduct 
 Students with a Disability
10.  General enquiries 
In person: 
 Sippy Downs - Student Central, Ground Floor, Building C  
 USC SouthBank - Student Central, Building B, Ground floor (level 1)  
 USC Gympie - Student Central, 71 Cartwright Road, Gympie  
 USC Fraser Coast - Student Central, Building A 
Tel: +61 7 5430 2890 