Proceedings of International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2014) Organizers Support Proceedings of 2014 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) Date and Venue: 26 - 28 February 2014 in Porto, Portugal ISBN 978-1-4799-2024-2 IEEE Catalog Number CFP1449T-ART 2014 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) Copyright © 2014 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright and Reprint Permission Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limit of U.S. copyright law for private use of patrons those articles in this volume that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. For reprint or republication permission, email to IEEE Copyrights Manager at All rights reserved. Copyright ©2014 by IEEE. IEEE Catalog Number CFP1449T-ART ISBN 978-1-4799-2024-2 Additional copies of this publication are available from Curran Associates, Inc. 57 Morehouse Lane Red Hook, NY 12571 USA Phone: +1 (845) 758-0400 Fax: +1 (845) 758-2633 E-mail: Title 2014 11 th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) IEEE catalog: CFP1449T-ART ISBN: 978-1-4799-2024-2 Table of Contents MOOLs: Massive Open Online Laboratories: An Analysis of Scale and Feasibility Concept design for a RFID enabled student workbook Laboratory as a Service (LaaS): a Model for Developing and Implementing Remote Laboratories as Modular Components The Usage of Telecommunicational Technologies in the Integration of Universities and Business Amazon RFID Tester - An automatic test equipment to rfid inlays based in virtual instrumentation to Brazilian market A Design of the Tele-operation Control System for Liquid Container Transfer by an Overhead Traveling Crane Integrating an Online Programming Lab into ILiAS Web system for managing a remote access laboratory: a tool for a computer networks disciplines. Virtual Instrument for Recognition of Radiators with Machine Vision "GAME QUIZ" - Implementing a serious game platform based in quiz games for the teaching of Information Technology E-Iab's elastic collision distributed remote laboratory A Concept of Mobile Technology for Remotely Supporting Mathematical Education of the Blind Using Interactive Hybrid Online Labs for Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems StudentEDEA and myDAQ in Education & Research Laboratory Integrating remote laboratory environment for m-Iearning for use in Secondary Education Unbalance and Field Balancing Virtual Labs Importance of a network of online labs in magrebian countries Didactic Experiment with the use of ICT's in Remote Monitoring of Thermal Properties in Grain Silos Containment. UMA PROPOSTA METODOLOGICA PARA 0 EXPERIMENTO REMOTO DE THOMSON COM BASE EM UM ENSINO INVESTIGATIVO Controlling the operating conditions in an Operating Room Virtual Tools and Collaborative Working Environment in Embedded System Design Architectural Characteristics and Educational Possibilities of the Remote Laboratory in Materials Properties Using Remote Laboratory eLab3D for a Broader Practical Skills Training in Electronics Laboratorio Remoto eLab3D: un Mundo Virtual Inmersivo para el Aprendizaje de la Electr6nica Low-Cost Remote Laboratories for Renewable Energy in Distance Education Making EJS Applications at the OSP Digital Library Available From Moodie Programaci6n de robots para ninos de la primera infancia con edades comprendidas entre 4-6 anos Page range 1-6 7-10 11-20 21-23 24-28 29-30 31-34 35-40 41-46 47-50 51-53 54-60 61-66 67-69 70-74 75-76 77-78 79-82 83-87 88-89 90-93 94-97 98-99 100-105 106-111 112-116 117-123 2014 11 th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) IEEE catalog: CFP1449T-ART ISBN: 978-1-4799-2024-2 Title Table of Contents EXPERIMENTO REMOTO PARA DETERMINAR A RAZAO CARGA-MASSA DO ELE:TRON LabVIEW Based Remote Laboratory for Advanced Motion Control A demo prototype of a reconfigurable IEEE1451.0-compliant and FPGA-based weblab Distance Education in Energy Efficient Drive Technologies by Using Remote Workplace Customizing Household Mobile Robot for Remote Laboratories Archimedes' Principle Remote Experiment General Physics Remote Laboratory based on the NI ELVIS Platform and Moodie Graphic Technologies for Virtual, Remote and Hybrid laboratories: WebLab-FPGA hybrid lab Using FPGA to Control a Virtual Sorting System Real-Time Animation of Equipment in a Remote Laboratory Usando VISIR en el Aula: Experiencia con Pre y Post Tests Using Network Enabled Microcontrollers in Experiments for a Distributed Remote Laboratory The International Cooperation on Remote Laboratories Conducted with Engineering Didactics Virtual Laboratory for Educational Environments A low cost implementation of an existing hands-on laboratory experiment in electronic engineering A demonstration of an augmented virtuality based solar energy power calculator in electrical engineering Evaluation Plan of a network of remote labs in the Maghrebian countries Flipped classrooms: From concept to reality using Google Apps Remote Physiological Signals Acquisition: Didactic experiments The EOLES Project Remote Labs across the Mediterranean Adding Sensorial Capabilities to the Augmented Chemical Reactions Application Real Time Building Zone Occupancy Detection and Activity Visualization Utilizing a Visitor Counting Sensor Network Distance robotics learning using Hybrid Simulating Testbed Integrating Design and Manufacturing Tools into Ilmenau Interactive Hybrid Online Lab Aplica<;:ao da Realidade Aumentada para Simula<;:ao de Experimentos Fisicos em Dispositivos M6veis Rise and Fall of Remote Labs: Or perhaps not? Reshaping Higher Education Systems in the MENA Region: The Contribution of Remote and Virtual Labs Page range 124-128 129-136 137-138 139-143 144-150 151-158 159-162 163-166 167-171 172-176 177-179 180-186 187-190 191-194 195-197 198-199 200-203 204-208 209-210 211-216 217-218 219-224 225-226 227-230 231-235 236-239 240-245 2014 11 th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) IEEE catalog: CFP1449T-ART ISBN: 978-1-4799-2024-2 Title Table of Contents Concept of cloud educational resource datacenters for remote access to software Remote experiment on characterization of energy transducers Developing the control system of a syringe infusion pump Automation Services from the Cloud A game for robot operation training in Search and Rescue missions REMLABNET - open remote laboratory management system for e-experiments Overlay Network Architectures for Peer-to-Peer Remote Access Laboratories Remote Measurements of the Gastric Electrical Signals - Between Theory and Practice Enhancement of Remotely Controlled Laboratory for Active Noise Control and Acoustic Experiments The Construction of Statistical Model of a Virtual Object in the Environment LabVIEW Web Services for Virtual Simulation Using Game Analytics to Measure Student Engagement/Retention for Engineering Education Online Experimentation: Experiment@Portugal 2012 Remote Triggered FPGA based Automated System An interactive video for e-Iearning on the pendulum motion TIC@ULA: Diseno de tecnologias no tradicionales para aulas de educaci6n especial en Costa Rica Impacts and Barriers of the Mobile Remote Experimentation introduced in Basic Education "Feeling force" A Simple LabVIEW based Framework to Facilitate the deployment of iLab Batch Lab Servers Sustainable energy education: hybrid electric vehicles Instrumentation of a Surfboard to Evaluate Surfing Performance A demonstration circuit to support e-Ieaning on IEEE 1149.1/4 infrastructures Experiencias da Aplica<;:ao de VISIR na Universidade de AI-Quds Online Maintenance Assistance (OMA) - A Remote system for complex service tasks Hybrid low bandwidth transport for video, screen and sensor signals Java Stand-Alone Application for Linear Control Systems Simulation Remote Networking Laboratory Development Page range 246-247 248-253 254-255 256-261 262-267 268-273 274-280 281-284 285-290 291-293 294-296 297-302 303-308 309-314 315-316 317-323 324-325 326-327 328-331 332-338 339-343 344-345 346-352 353-356 357-360 361-369 370-374 2014 11 th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) IEEE catalog: CFP1449T-ART ISBN: 978-1-4799-2024-2 Title Table of Contents Towards a microRLMS approach for shared development of remote laboratories Development and Implementation of an Advanced Remotely Controlled Vibration Laboratory Introduction to the NeReLa project Remote control of electromagnetic load emulator for electric motors The remote DSP experiment integrated with Moodie online learning environment eLab as Tool for Remote Laboratory in Process Control Virtual experiment for teaching robot programming Dynamical Systems Simulator based on a Java Application Augmented Reality in Groundwater Flow Black body radiation for students and secondary schools A proposal to support IEEE 1149.114 infrastructures experimentation Demonstration of an application for remote outlier detection and accommodation Numerical Procedures as a Complement to an Experimental Remote System New Technologies Applied to Education: a New Concept of Education Experimentag8.o Remota aplicada na Educag8.o: Uma Abordagem Inclusiva para 0 Ensino Fundamental e Medio Telemetria e Telecontrole de um Sistema Embarcado Aplicado na Macro e Micro Navegag8.o de Deficientes Visuais IMPROVEMENT OF CORRELATIONS BETWEEN EXTERNAL AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS USING THE REMOTE EXPERIMENT Monitoring and control of a reptile terrarium Signal time deterministic for process control applications from the cloud Design of sensor and actuator network for maturity estimation in civil engineering structures Using HTML5 for developing Collaborative Online labs Low cost and reconfigurable Analog Electronics Laboratory Page range 375-381 382-385 386-388 389-390 391-392 393-394 395-396 397-398 399-400 401-402 403-408 409-410 411-415 416-419 420-423 424-433 434-437 438-439 440-443 444-449 450-456 457-460