Design Programming DECO2011 Rob Saunders web: e-mail: office: Room 274, Wilkinson Building Introduction to Computer Programming What is Computer Programming? Computer programming is the process of describing all of the steps that a computer must perform to complete a task What is Computer Programming? Unfortunately, computers are REALLY DUMB What is Computer Programming? Describing the steps that a computer must perform requires much more detail than it would to describe the steps to another person Making Toast Imagine trying to describe how to make toast to a robot with a computer for a brain... 1. Locate a loaf of bread 2. Take one slice of bread from the loaf 3. Locate a toaster 4. Insert slice of bread in toaster 5. Turn on the toaster 6. Push down the slider on toaster 7. Wait until the toast pops up 8. Remove the piece of toast from the toaster Making Toast • The order of the steps to perform is just as important as the steps themselves • e.g. the toaster must be turned on before the slider is pushed down • The steps rely upon some material to work with, e.g. a loaf of bread • The robot can call upon other devices to do some of the work, e.g. the toaster Computer Speak • Algorithm • A sequence of steps that a computer must perform to accomplish a task • Instruction • A very small step that a computer is capable of performing • Program • An implementation of an algorithm as a sequence of instructions Computer Speak • Data • The material that a computer program works with in order to perform a task • Function • A piece of a computer program that can perform a useful sub-task Algorithms Some Simple Types of Steps in an Algorithm • Statements • A combination of instructions that perform an action • e.g. insert slice of bread in toaster • Sequences • A list of statements to be performed in order • e.g. insert slide of bread in toaster; turn on the toaster Some Other Types of Steps in an Algorithm • Conditionals • A way to choose between alternative sequences • e.g. if loaf is unsliced then locate knife; use knife to cut slice of bread • Loops • A sequence of instructions that is repeated • e.g. while number of slices of bread is less than slots in toaster Making More Toast 1. Locate a loaf of bread 2. Locate a toaster 3. While number of slices of bread is less than slots in toaster 1. If loaf is unsliced 1. Locate a knife 2. Use knife to cut slice of bread 2. Take one slice of bread from the loaf 4. Insert slice(s) of bread in toaster 5. Turn on the toaster 6. Push down the slider on toaster 7. Wait until the toast pops up 8. Remove the piece(s) of toast from the toaster 9. Repeat steps 1-9 until enough toast is made The Types of Steps in the Toast-Making Algorithm 1. Locate a loaf of bread 2. Locate a toaster 3. While number of slices of bread is less than slots in toaster 1. If loaf is unsliced 1. Locate a knife 2. Use knife to cut slice of bread 4. Take one slice of bread from the loaf 5. Insert slice(s) of bread in toaster 6. Turn on the toaster 7. Push down the slider on toaster 8. Wait until the toast pops up 9. Remove the piece(s) of toast from the toaster 10. Repeat steps 1-9 until enough toast is made Data Loop Conditional Sequence Function Function Loop Statement Statement Flow Charts • Flow charts are another way that we can express an algorithm • Flow charts provide a graphical representation of an algorithm • Some systems use flow charts to write whole programs, e.g. Max/MSP Locate Bread Locate Toaster Unsliced Loaf? Take 1 Slice Cut Slice Slices < Slots Insert Bread Turn On Push Slider Wait for Toast Remove Toast More Toast? Start Locate Knife End Developing a Computer Program How to Develop a Computer Program • Specify the problem • What is the problem that needs to be solved? • Determine a solution • How would you solve the problem yourself? • Design an algorithm • Write down the steps or create a flow chart. How to Develop a Computer Program • Write a computer program • Express the algorithm in a programming language. • Execute the computer program • Compile and run the program on a computer • Test the computer program • Test the the program works with some sample data. Developing a Simple Program The Problem Add together all the numbers between 0 and 81 Developing a Simple Program The Solution 0 = 0 (0) + 1 = 1 (0 + 1) + 2 = 1 + 2 = 3 (0 + 1 + 2) + 3 = 3 + 3 = 6 ... (0 + 1 + 2 + ... + 80) + 81 = ?? Developing a Simple Program The Algorithm 1. TOTAL = 0 2. NUMBER = 0 3. While NUMBER is less than or equal to 81 1. Add NUMBER to TOTAL 2. Add one to NUMBER 4. The solution is TOTAL Developing a Simple Program The Program int TOTAL = 0; int NUMBER = 0; while (NUMBER <= 81) { TOTAL = TOTAL + NUMBER; NUMBER = NUMBER + 1; } print(“0 + 1 + 2 + ... + 80 + 81 = ” + TOTAL); Introduction to Processing What is Processing? • Processing is a programming language and development environment designed for creative people (like you!) • The Processing programming language is a modified version of Java that is easier to learn • The Processing development environment has been designed to be very simple to use The Processing Development Env. Toolbar Run Stop New Load Save Export Program Editor Output Panel Menubar Display Window Tab bar Sketches • Processing refers to a program and its associated data files as a “sketch” • All sketches can be accessed from the File menu item “File > Sketchbook” • All new sketches get an automatically generated name, e.g. “sketch_060307a” • You can rename a sketch using the arrow button in the tab bar and choosing “Rename” Publishing Sketches • Select menu item “File > Export to web” or click on the export icon in the toolbar • Processing will generate a number of files in a new folder called “applet” that include a simple webpage, the compiled program and data files, and the program’s source code • The sketch can be published by simply uploading the applet directory to a website Installing Processing on Your Home Computer • Download Processing • • Download the Standard version for your operating system, e.g. Windows XP / Mac OS X • Install Processing • Use the supplied installer to install the software on your home computer Getting Help with Processing • Built-in Help • The Processing development environment comes with some help files you can access from the Help menu • On-line Help • The Processing website: • Help files on topics related to the Processing language • Examples of programs written using Processing • Forums where people share helpful advice, hints & tips Drawing in Processing Drawing a Line Source code: size(100, 100); background(0); stroke(255); line(10, 10, 90, 90); Drawing a Line size(100, 100); background(0); stroke(255); line(10, 10, 90, 90); Set the background colour of the display window to black Set the foreground (pen) colour to white Draw a line from (10, 10) to (90, 90) Set the size of the display window to 100 x 100 pixels Drawing a Line line(10, 10, 90, 90); Function name Parameters Statement End Co-ordinate Systems • 2D co-ordinate systems • (x, y) → screen position • 3D co-ordinate systems • (x, y, z) → screen position Drawing Lines in 3D Processing also supports the drawing of lines in 2D and 3D co-ordinate spaces line(x1, y1, x2, y2) line(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) Strokes and Fills Strokes control the appearance of the lines in drawn shapes Fills control the appearance of the interiors of drawn shapes Different Strokes noStroke() Don’t draw any lines around shapes stroke(grey) stroke(grey, alpha) Draw grey lines around shapes (optional transparency) stroke(color) Draw coloured lines around shapes using a color value stroke(value1, value2, value3) stroke(value1, value2, value3, alpha) Draw coloured lines around shapes (optional transparency) Different Fills noFill() Don’t fill the interiors of shapes fill(gray) fill(gray, alpha) Fill interiors of shapes with grey (optional transparency) fill(color) Fill interiors of shapes using a color value fill(value1, value2, value3) fill(value1, value2, value3, alpha) Fill interiors of shapes with colour (optional transparency) Example Sketch 1 Source code: size(100, 100); background(0); stroke(255); line(40, 50, 70, 35); line(20, 30, 50, 15); line(70, 35, 50, 15); line(40, 50, 20, 30); line(40, 50, 50, 70); line(70, 35, 50, 70); line(20, 30, 50, 70); Example Sketch 1a Source code: size(100, 100); background(0); stroke(255); line(40, 50, 70, 35); line(20, 30, 50, 15); line(70, 35, 50, 15); line(40, 50, 20, 30); stroke(255, 0, 0); line(40, 50, 50, 70); line(70, 35, 50, 70); line(20, 30, 50, 70); Drawing Curved Lines Bezier Splines bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); Catmull-Rom splines curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); Example Sketch 2 Source code: size(100, 100); background(0); stroke(255, 0, 0, 191); line(85, 20, 10, 10); line(90, 90, 15, 80); stroke(255); bezier(85, 20, 10, 10, 90, 90, 15, 80); Example Sketch 2a Source code: size(100, 100); background(0); stroke(255, 0, 0, 191); line(85, 20, 10, 10); line(90, 90, 15, 80); stroke(255); bezier(10, 10, 85, 20, 90, 90, 15, 80); Drawing Shapes Processing has a number of primitive shape drawing operators, including: triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) rect(x, y, width, height) ellipse(x, y, width, height) Example Sketch 3 Source code: size(100, 100); background(0); rectMode(CENTER); noStroke(); fill(0, 255, 0); rect(50, 50, 10, 10); fill(0, 0, 255); rect(50, 50, 50, 50); This program has code to draw two rectangles. Why can we only see one? Example Sketch 3a Source code: size(100, 100); background(0); rectMode(CENTER); noStroke(); fill(0, 0, 255); rect(50, 50, 50, 50); fill(0, 255, 0); rect(50, 50, 10, 10); Why does this work? The rectangles must be drawn in the correct order. Drawing Modes Rectangles and ellipses can be drawn with their origin in the top-left corner, or in the center of the shape rectMode(CORNER) rectMode(CENTER) ellipseMode(CORNER) ellipseMode(CENTER) Example Sketch 4 Source code: size(100, 100); background(0); stroke(255); fill(255, 0, 0); ellipseMode(CENTER); ellipse(35, 35, 50, 50); fill(0, 255, 0); ellipseMode(CORNER); ellipse(35, 35, 50, 50); point(35, 35); Lab Assignment Lab Assignment • Create a sketchbook folder • Go to your UNIX home and create a new folder called “sketchbook” that will hold all you sketches as you work on them Lab Assignment • Create a “portfolio” in your personal web space where you will publish your sketches • Create a new folder in your web space folder called “DECO2011” • Create a new file called “index.html” inside the folder “DECO2011” Lab Assignment • Develop a static sketch • Develop a series of sketches using the basic drawing functions that Processing provides • Choose one of your sketches and try to develop it further than the others • Publish your static sketches to your online portfolio