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The following software is running  in our labs. Some of the software require special hardware boards/equipment you can obtain from the lab supervisor/professional officer. 

Software installed in all laboratories 

AdaCore GNAT GPL 2010 x86
AdaCore GNAT GPL 2012 x86
AdaCore GNATbench for Eclipse IDE 3.6.2 C C++ Developers (CDT) 32bit 2.5.1 x86
AdaCore SPARK GPL 2010 x86
Adobe Authorware 7.0 x86
Altera ModelSim Starter Edition 10.1d (for Quartus II 13.1) x86
Altera Quartus II USB Blaster Driver 13.0 SP1 x86
Apache Ant 1.8.2 x86
Apache Tomcat 6.0 EIE Custom Settings 1.0.0 x86
AWR MicroWave Office 9.05 x86
Capilano LogicWorks 5.0.2 x86
CCAS Arduino 0.0.22 x86
CCAS Arduino 1.0.5  x86
CCAS Arduino 1.5.6 x86
CCAS Arduino Installing Drivers Guide Desktop PDF 1.0 x86
Cypress PSoC Creator 2.0.828 x86
Cypress PSoC Programmer x86
Digiteo Scilab 5.3.3 x86
Eclipse Foundation Eclipse IDE 3.6.2 for Java EE Developers 32bit (EIE 2012Sem2)  x86
Eclipse Foundation SDK 4.2.2 Juno x86
GNU Anki 1.2.8 x86
GNU Git x86
GNU Matpower 4.0 x86
GNU Matpower Matlab Plugin 4.1 x86
GNU MinGW 2011.11.18 x86
GNU Notepad++ 6.3.3 x86
GNU PSAT Matlab Plugin 2.1.8 x86
GNU Python 3.3.0 x86 x86
GNU StarUML x86
Google Android SDK Tools r16 x86
Google Chrome 32.0.1700.107 x86
Heliocentris Clean Energy Trainer 1.0.1 x86
HOMEREnergy HOMER 2.68beta x86
IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer 7.5.3 x86 x86
IES Prophet 2011 x86
JamesRLarus QtSPIM 9.0.1 x86
JBLearning MARIE Simulator 1.3.01 x86
JBoss Hibernate Core 3.6.5 x86
LinearTechnology LTspice IV 4.11v x86
Martin Prikryl WinSCP 4.3.2 x86
MartinCarlisle AdaGIDE 7.45.2002 x86
Maven Apache 3.0.5 x86
Microchip MPLAB IDE 8.70 x86
Microsoft  Visual Studio 2008 x86
Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R3 x86
MySQL Administrator 5.0.17 x86
MySQL Workbench 5.2.40 x86 x86
Nessoft PingPlotter x86
Nvu Nvu 1.0PR x86
Oracle Java JRE x86
Orcad PSpice Student 9.1 x86
PaperCut NG 13.4 x86
pgAdmin pgAdmin III 1.12.3 x86
RoyWLewallen EZNEC Demo 5.0.34 x86
Siemens PSS SINCAL 9.5 x86
Siemens PSS-E University 33.4.0 x86
Simon Tatham PuTTY 0.63 x64
Softronics MMLogic 1.4 x86
Sonatype m2eclipse Maven Integration for Eclipse (Helios SR2) IDE Java EE Developers 64bit x86
SpringSource Spring Framework 2.0.8 x86
SpringSource Spring Roo 1.2.3 x86
SpringSource Spring Tool Suite 3.2.0 x86
StarUML StarUML x86
Static Free Software Electric 9.00 x86
Sun Microsystems Java SDK x86 x86
The GIMP Team GIMP 2.6.11 x86
UniversityOfVictoria ARMSim# 1.91 x86
USYD EIE Driver Install Documentation 1.0 x86
USYD Map Network Drive GRASP 2.0 x86
USYD Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Feature  x86
USYD Path Variable-EIE-Microsoft Visual Studio 9  x86
USYD Win7 Boot Manager Error-Recovery-on-Startup 1.0 x86
USYD Windows MSDTC Service Enabled  x86
VideoLan VLC Player 2.1.1 x86
Visual Paradigm International Visual Paradigm for UML CE 10.1 x86
VPI Systems VPI Player 9.1 x86

Extra Software installed in Sir William Tyree Power Lab

Ansys Inc Ansys 14.5 x64
Mathworks Matlab 2013A x64
Mozilla Firefox 27.0 x64
National Instruments Circuit Design Suite (with Multisim & Ultiboard) 11.0.0 
National Instruments Device Drivers 2010August 
National Instruments LabVIEW 2010 Core 10.0 
National Instruments LabVIEW Basics 2 Computer Based Training 1.0 
National Instruments LabVIEW Tektronix 5.2.0 
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL x64
USYD Wallpaper for TeachingLabs 1.0 x86
Wireshark Wireshark 1.10.2 x64 x64

Extra Software installed in Lab 522

Altera USB Blaster FTDI Device Drivers 1.0.0 
Altium Designer 14.1.5 
Altium Designer 
ANSYS Inc Designer 8.0 x64
ANSYS Inc HFSS 15.0 x64
CodeRed LPCXpresso 3.6.3 
DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.0.4 
ECP Control Software 5.1 Custom Shortcuts 1.0.0 
ECP Control Software M205 5.1 
ECP Control Software M210 5.1 
ECP Controls Executive M205 64bit 5.6 x64
ECP Controls Executive M210 64bit 5.6 x64
ECP Dynamics Interface Executive M205 64bit 5.6 x64
ECP Dynamics Interface Executive M210 64bit 5.6 x64
Mathworks Matlab 2013A x64
Microchip HI-TECH C Compiler 9.81 
Microchip MPLAB C Compiler 3.30 
Mozilla Firefox 27.0 x64
National Instruments Circuit Design Suite (with Multisim & Ultiboard) 11.0.0 
National Instruments Device Drivers 2010August 
National Instruments LabVIEW 2010 Core 10.0 
National Instruments LabVIEW Basics 1 Computer Based Training 1.0 
National Instruments LabVIEW Basics 2 Computer Based Training 1.0 
National Instruments LabVIEW Tektronix 5.2.0 
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 
Powersim PSIM 9.1.3 Demo 
RevolutionEducation PICAXE AXE027 USB Driver 2.08.14 x64
RevolutionEducation PICAXE Programming Editor 5.5.5 
USYD Wallpaper for TeachingLabs 1.0 
WindRiver VxWorks 6.6.0 

Extra Software installed in labs 435, 440, 448 and 630

Altera Quartus II Web Edition 13.0 SP1 
ANSYS Inc Designer 8.0 x64
ANSYS Inc HFSS 15.0 x64
CCAS Arduino FTDI USB Driver 1.5.2 
Cisco Anyconnect VPN Client 3.1.04066 
CodeRed LPCXpresso 3.6.3 
DIgSILENT PowerFactory 15.0.4 
FreeView FreeView 1.0.3 
Mathworks Matlab 2012b 32bit 
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL x64
PyCrypto PyCrypto 2.6 (for Python 3.3x86) 
RevolutionEducation PICAXE AXE027 USB Driver 2.08.14 x64
RevolutionEducation PICAXE Programming Editor 5.5.5 
USYD Wallpaper for TeachingLabs 1.0 
USYD Win7 Disable Hibernation 1.0 
Wireshark Wireshark 1.10.2 x64 x64

Extra Software installed in Lab 265

Altera USB Blaster FTDI Device Drivers 1.0.0 
Altium Designer 14.1.5 
Altium Designer 
CodeRed LPCXpresso 3.6.3 
FreeView FreeView 1.0.3 
Mathworks Matlab 2012b 32bit 
Mathworks Matlab 2013A x64
Microsoft Project Professional 2010 
MySQL Community Server 5.5.15 
National Instruments Circuit Design Suite (with Multisim & Ultiboard) 11.0.0 
National Instruments Device Drivers 2010August 
National Instruments LabVIEW 2010 Core 10.0 
National Instruments LabVIEW Basics 1 Computer Based Training 1.0 
National Instruments LabVIEW Basics 2 Computer Based Training 1.0 
National Instruments LabVIEW Tektronix 5.2.0 
NetSupport School Student J03_265 11.0 
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 
TexasInstruments Code Composer Studio 3.3 
USYD Wallpaper for TeachingLabs 1.0 
WindRiver VxWorks 6.6.0 
Wireshark Wireshark 1.10.2 


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