1 GG 5330/6330 Lab #1 1 1/26/04 Lab #1: Calibration Of An Inertial Seismometer GG5530/6330 Spring Semester, 2004 Earthquake Seismology and Hazard Assessment Due January 28, 2004 This lab will demonstrate the procedure for calibrating an inertial seismometer. The objective is to determine the free period, damping factors, and relative frequency sensitivities (or response) of a modern moving coil seismometer (a Geotech model S-13) for displacement, velocity, and acceleration. For this lab, you are required to determine the free period, open circuit damping, and relative frequency response for the seismometer using the attached data (determined earlier from a calibration exercise). 1. Free period of the Seismometer: T0 To determine the free period of the seismometer, a DC pulse is applied to the calibration coil and the resulting seismometer oscillation (undamped) is recorded. From the data provided, determine the free period of the S-13. 2. Damping The damping of the seismometer is related to the rate at which motion of the spring-mass system decays to zero. The decay rate can be controlled by applying varying amounts of resistance across the seismometer data coil, as demonstrated in lab. The relationship between damping factor, damping ratio, and overshoot is shown in Figure 1. Using the data provided, calculate damping factors for the open circuit (free period determination ) and applied resistances ranging from 1000 W to 12000 W. Overshoot--Most seismometers of this type are set to have a damping factor 0.7. What is the overshoot for our laboratory case? 2 GG 5330/6330 Lab #1 2 1/26/04 3. Frequency Responses To determine the steady-state response of the S-13 seismometer, a sine-wave signal generator (sinusoidally varying emf) is connected to the calibration coil that acts as a forced harmonic oscillator. The signal is varied over a range of frequencies say 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20 and 40 Hz that we will provide. a. Measure and tabulate the peak-to-peak signal amplitude (in millimeters), recorded on the lower half of the strip-chart record, for all values of the driving frequency. Do this for the overshoot value provided in the data that you acquire (strip chart recordings). b. Plot the values of amplitude (normalized to the maximum amplitude) versus frequency on log-log paper. This is the response to a constant acceleration input because of the manner in which we were driving the seismometer with a constant peak-to-peak voltage or force which made the motion proportional to acceleration. c. To get the acceleration response multiply each amplitude in step # b (before normalizing) by 2pf and again plot the normalized response as above. d. To get the displacement response, divide the amplitudes in step # b by 2pf (again before normalizing) and plot the response. 4. Discussion of Frequency Responses The governing differential equation for a mass-spring seismometer is of the form: f + 2bWof + Wo 2 f = f(t) where f(t) is the forcing function. And: Wo = 2pT0 and b = damping factor T0 is the free period of the seismometer and f(t) is the displacement of the mass. For our case, an appropriate forcing function has the form: f(t) = eiwt where w = 2pf Note that I have used the symbol, w, for W0 compared to our lecture notes. With this definition, we can solve the differential equation for a solution of the form: f(t) =H(w)eiwt where H(w) is complex and H(w) is defined as the instrument response. 3 GG 5330/6330 Lab #1 3 1/26/04 For the 1:24 overshoot ratio case, plot the theoretical amplitude response |H(w)| versus frequency (i.e., just plot it like your data). Does the form of this plot match the form of any of the real data plots? It probably won't. Understanding the reason for this discrepancy is directly related to understanding just what a seismometer of this type measures. Now plot |H(w)/w| versus frequency. This plot should match the form of your plot from part 3-b above. Note that H(w) was derived from an equation containing f(t), the displacement function. The velocity function is v(t) = f(t). Transformed to the frequency domain this becomes v(w) = wf(w). Since we have seen that dividing our f(w) by w produces functions similar to our raw data function we now know the seismometer was responding to velocity and not displacement. Therefore, your plot in Part 3-b is the response of a velocity sensitive device to a constant acceleration. Our original differential equation still holds, but we must realize what the particular seismometer we are testing is sensitive to. To make this a little more understandable, the function found by measuring the seismometer output at different frequencies relates current in the calibration coil to voltage appearing at the data coil terminals. Since the peak amplitude of the current into the calibration coil is held constant, then the peak amplitude of the force applied to the moving mass is constant and the peak amplitude of the acceleration of the mass is constant. The output voltage is proportional to the velocity of the mass relative to the seismometer frame. The transfer function is called the Hcc(w) in the seismometer transfer function derivation and has the form: 4 GG 5330/6330 Lab #1 4 1/26/04 5. Phase Responses So far, we have only concerned ourselves with the amplitude responses of the seismometer. Seismometers also have phase responses. The meaning of this phase response is often not emphasized. The instrument response H(w) can be written: H(w) - |H(w)|eiq(w) where q(w) is the phase response. Next find the phase response for x(t). For the 1:20 overshoot case, plot q(w) versus frequency. Note that this is the theoretical phase response. Consider what this phase response means. For an input function of the form, eiwt, we consider a function of the form: |H(w)|eiq(w)ei(w)t or ei(w)t Æ SEISMO Æ |H(w)|eiq(w)eiwt Manipulating the output response: |H(w)|eiq(w)eiwt = |H(w)|e iw( )t + q(w)w So an arrival at the seismometer at the time t is not recorded until a time delay of: ( )t + q(w)w ; i.e., if q(w) is proportional to w and the time shift is constant at all frequencies, then there is no delay problem. However, typically q(w) is not linearly related w. In this case, different frequency components of an arrival are recorded at different times. In other words, the seismometer can be a source of uneven arrivals in the recorded seismogram. Using your theoretical phase response, determine if this is a significant problem in the S-13 seismometer. Use only two frequencies: 0.1 and 10 Hz. 6. Seismometer calibration using a Java script You can find this script at: http://www.ifg.tu-clausthal.de/java/sein/seisdoc-e.html