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CS 312 - Spring 2021 CS 312: Introduction to Programming (Java) Spring 2021 elcome! Chand John teaches this course. See Canvas for office hours and TA info. This course is based on Mike Scott's CS 312 course. Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach (4th Edition) is an optional textbook. You're responsible for checking your email (keep it up to date), Canvas, and Piazza daily. By default, you should receive Canvas and Piazza updates by email, so just make sure you check your email daily. Class sessions and discussion sections will be recorded using the Zoom videoconferencing tool, and students should have no expectation of privacy of the video and audio that is captured from them during the recording. Class recordings are reserved only for students in this class for educational purposes and are protected under FERPA. The recordings should not be shared outside the class in any form. Violation of this restriction by a student could lead to Student Misconduct proceedings. Guidance on public access to class recordings can be found here. All Zoom links for class, discussion sections, and office hours are under the Zoom section in Canvas. All times listed here and in the calendar below are in the US Central Time Zone. Please let the instructor know if you are located in a substantially different time zone in case you need appropriate accommodations. Exams can be scheduled for you to take at a separate time, while the attendance can be done asynchronously: UT Instapoll questions will be available for a 24-hour period from the time that they are started during the live class and participation quizzes can be released at a different time for you if necessary. Class Monday Sections TTh 2-3:30pm 52190 1-2pm 52195 2-3pm 52200 3-4pm 52205 4-5pm 52210 9-10am 52215 10-11am 52220 11am-12pm 52225 12-1pm Reading suggestions are from the optional textbook, Building Java Programs 4th edition by Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp. The slides below are essentially the "text" for this course. Mastering the material in the slides is necessary, but far from sufficient, for acing this course. Self-Check Problems, Practice-It! Problems, and Videos are optional, but the more practice you do, the better. The weekly homework assignments and practice exams alone MAY NOT BE SUFFICIENT practice for acing the course. Except for the 3 Monday sessions where you'll be taking the short-answer portion of your exams, the quizzes in discussion sections are graded only for participation; however, it's incredibly important to treat them like exam questions and to learn from your TAs, classmates, and each other on how to master them. To master this course, what you really need to achieve is to become familiar with the process of creating a wide variety of design patterns in your Java code that are appropriate and efficient for solving various kinds of problems. Since the existing slides and text focus more on the basics of Java, it can feel like the leap from basics to design patterns in this course is very high, making the course seem surprisingly difficult. However, the practice opportunities given in the class help bridge this gap and are thus critical for acing the class. I am in the process of improving this connection between basic material and design patterns, over several semesters. The quizzes, past exams, and other practice problems, in addition to the homework assignments, however, give you the opportunity to learn and hone your design pattern skills. This course is supported by Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions. SI Sessions are led by experienced and trained students who develop engaging, structured, small-group activities. These sessions are a consistently scheduled time for you and your classmates to tackle difficult content and learn the best approaches to the course! More information on session times and how to access them will be available in Canvas. You're welcome to attend sessions at any point in the semester but regular participation in SI Sessions has been shown to improve students' performance by an average of one-half to a full letter grade higher than the class mean. It is highly recommended for everyone. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1/19 Course Intro & Java Basics Slides: Topic 1 Topic 2 Extra Read sections 1.1-1.3. Complete the Getting Started steps. Chapter 1 Self-Check Problems 2-5 Practice-It!: 1.2 Binary 1, 1.3 Binary 2, 1.1 Stewie 1/21 Static Methods Slides: Topic 3 Extra Read sections 1.4-1.5. Chapter 1 Self-Check Problems 6-9, 11, 13, 16-19, 23, 25 Practice-It!: 1.8 Stewie 2, 1.9 Egg, 1.13 Star Figures, 1.16 Shining Videos: Methods, Complex figure 1/25 Participation Quiz 1 in Section 1/26 Expressions & Variables Slides: Topic 4 Read sections 2.1-2.2. Chapter 2 Self-Check Problems 1, 3-5, 7-9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20 Practice-It!: 2.2 Expressions 1, 2.3 Expressions 2, 2.4 Expressions 3, 2.16 ValueOfIJK, 2.17 MaxMin, 2.18 Times Operator Videos: Expressions, Variables/Assignment 1/28 Loops, Constants, Scope, & Figures Slides: Topic 5 Topic 6 Read Sections 2.3-2.5. Chapter 2 Self-Check Problems 21-23, 25, 29 Practice-It!: 2.2 Loop Squares, 2.5 Star Triangle, 2.6 Number Triangle, 2.8 Spaces and Numbers, 2.10 Numbers Output 60, 2.3 Fibonacci, 2.9 Wave Numbers 40, 2.15 Print Design, 2.17 Slash Figure 2 Videos: For loop, Nested loops, Complex figure HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 1 Participation Quiz 0 due by 11:59pm (see Canvas) 2/1 Participation Quiz 2 in Section 2/2 Parameters Slides: Topic 7 Extra Read section 3.1. Chapter 3 Self-Check Problems 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10 Practice-It!: 3.1 Print Numbers, 3.2 Print Powers of Two, 3.3 Print Powers of N, 3.14 Cylinder Surface Area Video: Parameter mystery 2/4 Graphics Slides: Topic 8 Topic 9 Read all of Chapter 3G. Chapter 3G Self-Check Problems 1-4 Practice-It!: 3G.1 MickeyBox, 3G.5 ShowDesign, 3G.7 Squares, 3G.12 Triangle Videos: Basic drawing, Parameterized drawing HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 2 2/8 Participation Quiz 3 in Section 2/9 Return Values & Math Methods Slides: Topic 10 Read sections 3.1-3.3. Chapter 3 Self-Check Problems 13 & 14 Practice-It!: 3.8 Parameter Mystery Touch, 3.13 Math Expressions 2/11 Scanner, If/else, Cumulative Algorithms, Printf Slides: Topic 11 Topic 12 Austin Climate Read sections 3.3 and 4.1-4.5. Chapter 3 Self-Check Problems 12, 15-17 Chapter 4 Self-Check Problems 1, 2, 4-6, 8-10, 16 Practice-It!: 3.4 printSquare, 3.8 Quadratic, 3.11 Distance, 4.2 logicExpressions1, 4.2 repl, 4.8 smallestLargest, 4.12 Print Triangle Type, 4.19 Quadrant Videos: Scanner, Nested if/else, Factoring if/else HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 3 2/15 EXAM 1 PART I: SHORT ANSWER (IN SECTION) 2/16 Procedural Design & Strings Slides: Topic 13 Read sections 3.4 and 4.5. Practice-It!: 3.17 Pad String, 3.18 Vertical, 4.11 Longest Name, 4.20 Char Mystery Video: Cumulative sum 2/18 EXAM 1 PART II: PROGRAMMING (IN CLASS) 2/22 NO SECTIONS TODAY 2/23 While Loops & Loop Patterns Slides: Topic 14 Read sections 5.1 & 5.2. Chapter 5 Self-Check Problems 1-3, 13 Practice-It!: 5.4 whileLoopMystery2, 5.14 logicExpressions2, 5.3 toBinary, 5.7 diceSum, 5.12 printAverage Video: Sentinel loops 2/25 Random Numbers Slides: Topic 15 Read sections 5.1, 5.6 Chapter 5 Exercise 3 (NOT under Self-Check Problems) Practice-It!: 5.4 randomX 5.8 randomWalk Video: Random numbers HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 4 3/1 Exam 1 Review in Section 3/2 Boolean Logic & Assertions Slides: Topic 16 Topic 17 Read sections 5.3 & 5.4. Chapter 5 Self-Check Problems 18, 19, 22, 24, 26 Practice-It!: 5.2 gcd 5.13 consecutive, 5.17 monthApart Video: Type boolean 3/4 File Input, Tokens, & Exceptions Slides: Topic 18 Read sections 6.1, 6.2, & 5.4. Practice-It!: 6.1 boyGirl, 6.2 evenNumbers, 6.3 negativeSum Video: Token-based processing HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 5 3/8 Participation Quiz 4 in Section 3/9 File Input & Output Slides: Topic 19 Read sections 6.3-6.5. Chapter 6 Self-Check Problems 12-15 and Exercises 2 and 9 Practice-It!: 6.6 readEntireFile, 6.9 wordWrap, 6.8 doubleSpace, 6.12 stripHtmlTags, 6.14 printDuplicates Video: Line-based processing 3/11 More File Processing Slides: Topic 20 Read section 5.5. Chapter 5 Self-Check Problems 1, 27-29 Video: Assertions HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 6 3/15 SPRING BREAK 3/16 SPRING BREAK 3/18 SPRING BREAK 3/22 Participation Quiz 5 in Section 3/23 Arrays & Pass by Reference Slides: Topic 21 Topic 22 Read sections 7.1-7.3. Chapter 7 Self-Check Problems 1-3, 5-8, 10, 11, 13-16 Practice-It!: 7.1 lastIndexOf, 7.2 range, 7.4 isSorted, 7.5 mode, 7.6 stdev, 7.9 minGap Videos: Array mystery, Array traversal 3/25 Tallying & Text Processing Slides: Topic 23 Read sections 4.3 and 7.7. Chapter 7 Self-Check Problems 17, 20, 22 Practice-It!: 7.10 percentEven 7.11 isUnique, 7.13 longestSortedSequence Video: Array tallying HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 7 3/29 Participation Quiz 6 in Section 3/30 Array Algorithms, Sorting & Searching Slides: Topic 24 Topic 25 Read sections 13.3, 7.4, and 7.7. Practice-It!: 7.8 median, 7.7 kthLargest, 7.18 wordLengths, 7.14 contains, 7.15 collapse Read the Wikipedia article on selection sort. You can stop after Section 2 - Implementation. Videos: Array shifting, Chand's TED-Ed lesson on sorting 4/1 2D Arrays Slides: Topic 26 Read sections 7.5 & 7.6. Chapter 7 Problems 31 and 33 Read the Wikipedia article on Conway's Game of Life. You can stop after Section 2 - Origins. Look at this Game of Life Applet. John Conway describes the Game of Life. Practice-It!: 7.19 matrixAdd HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 8 4/5 EXAM 2 PART I: SHORT ANSWER (IN SECTION) 4/6 Classes; State & Behavior of Objects Slides: Topic 27 Topic 28 (English/Chinese numerals) Read sections 8.1 & 8.2. Chapter 8 Self-Check Problems 1-6 and Exercises 1 and 2. Practice-It!: 8.1 quadrantPoint, 8.3 manhattanDistancePoint, 8.4 isVertical Video: Defining a class 4/8 EXAM 2 PART II: PROGRAMMING (IN CLASS) 4/12 NO SECTIONS TODAY 4/13 Methods, Constructors, & Encapsulation Slides: Topic 29 Read sections 8.2-8.5. Chapter 8 Self-Check Problems 7, 8, 10, 11, 13-16 Practice-It!: 8.5 slopePoint, 8.6 isCollinearPoint, 8.7 addTimeSpan Videos: Constructors, Encapsulation 4/15 Cards & Decks; Java Enumerations Slides: Topic 30 Read Appendix C, Enumerations: Enums, pages 1175-1176. HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 9 4/19 Exam 2 Review in Section 4/20 Assignment 11 Introduction Slides: Critters 4/22 Inheritance Slides: Topic 31 Read sections 9.1 & 9.2. Practice-It!: 9.4 inheritanceVariableSyntax, 9.1 Marketer, 9.3 HarvardLawyer Video: Inheritance HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 10 4/26 Participation Quiz 7 in Section 4/27 Polymorphism & Interfaces Slides: Topic 32 Read sections 9.3-9.6 & 10.2. Chapter 9 Self-Check Problems 14-16 Practice-It!: 9.4 MonsterTruck, 9.9 MinMaxAccount, 9.11 FilteredAccount Video: Polymorphism 4/29 ArrayLists Slides: Topic 33 Read sections 10.1 & 10.3. Practice-It!: 10.2 swapPairs, 10.3 removeEvenLength, 10.6 minToFront, 10.7 removeDuplicates, 10.17 interleave Video: ArrayList HOMEWORK DUE BY 11pm: Assignment 11 5/3 EXAM 3 PART I: SHORT ANSWER (IN SECTION) 5/4 Recursion Slides: Topic 34 Read sections 12.1-12.5 and 13.3. Practice-It!: 12.3 mystery1, 12.4 mystery2, 12.6 mysteryXY, 12.15 mystery6, 12.1 starString, 12.3 writeSequence, 12.12 isReverse, 12.18 waysToClimb 5/6 (Last Class Day) EXAM 3 PART II: PROGRAMMING (IN CLASS) 5/7 EXTRA CREDIT optional homework due by 11pm (NO SLIP DAYS!): Assignment 12 Grading A grade is where you are (on the learning journey), not who you are. What How Many Points for One Lowest # Dropped Total Points Assignment 1 1 10 0 10 Assignments 2-11 10 20 1 180 Exams 3 100 0 300 Participation Quizzes 8 2 2 12 Instapoll Participation 27 1 5 22 Your final grade will be determined as: 27% Assignments 67% Exams 3% Participation Quizzes 3% Instapoll Participation To have Canvas calculate this, Assignment 1 will be 1.42% (27% / 190 points = 0.14211% per point) of your final course grade out of 100%, while Assignments 2-11 total will be 25.58% (27% - 1.42%). Letter grades will be assigned according to the following table. % Grade ≥ 94% A ≥ 90% A- ≥ 87% B+ ≥ 84% B ≥ 80% B- ≥ 77% C+ ≥ 74% C ≥ 70% C- ≥ 67% D+ ≥ 64% D ≥ 61% D- < 61% F Please contact the instructor as early as possible if you anticipate missing a quiz or assignment, by 24 hours after the deadline at the latest (or as soon as you are physically able to, as reasonably determined by the instructor). Missing a quiz or assignment and failing to communicate with the instructor before 24 hours past the time of a quiz or deadline for an assignment will result in a score of zero for that quiz or assignment. Assignments The extra credit Assignment 12 will be graded only for correctness, not style; thus, whatever correctness points our autograder gives your submission, will be the total number of extra credit points you earn for Assignment 12. The maximum number of points you can earn on Assignment 12 is 10 points. A perfect score on Assignment 12 (10 points) is worth 1.42% of extra credit toward your final course grade out of 100% (27% / 190 points * 10 points). Any lower score will be a proportional share of the total extra credit percentage. Assignment 12 is completely optional--it is only for extra credit. Assignments will be posted on Canvas one at a time. You will be given about 1.5 weeks to work on most assignments. We will not be posting assignments before their scheduled release date. Typically, assignments will be posted on the Tuesday of the week before they are due. Canvas announcements will be sent to notify students of each assignment's release, except Assignment 1 which is already available. Follow these rules on program hygiene for all assignments. Programs must be written in Java using the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 8.0. You have 8 slip days (maximum of 2 per assignment). 1 slip day means anything from 1 second late to 24 hours late. No slip days are allowed on the last assignment. Weekends and vacation days do not stop the slip day clock. If you turn in an assignment late and don't have enough slip days left to cover how late you were, you will get a 0 on the assignment. Turn in assignments on Canvas. Assignments will be graded using an automated grading system that also checks for plagiarism and copying. Special characters can sometimes appear in your code especially if you use a language other than English as the default language on your computer. Our autograder will likely fail on such a submission. Please check for special characters before submitting your code so that the autograder doesn't fail on your code. In the past, we have been able to notice this and remove the special characters ourselves to re-run the autograder on your code. But please be aware that our teaching staff will be very busy this semester and we may miss this detail, resulting in a loss of points or even a zero due to the presence of special characters in your submissions. See this handout on how to log into the CS lab machines and move, compile, and run your Java programs. It's a good idea to check if your code runs on those machines as an extra check on whether your code will run correctly with our autograder. You may discuss the assignment with each other, but per UT policy your submission must be your own program. As soon as you look at someone else's code for an assignment, you have crossed the line into cheating and have committed an act of academic dishonesty. Be very careful with this; if for example you worked with another student and both of you submitted nearly identical code by "accidentally discussing too much," you may both be subject to academic dishonesty penalties. Regrades: You have 5 days from the time an assignment grade is posted on Canvas to dispute the grade. Disputes must be done in writing by email to the TA who graded your assignment. Keep in mind: if you request a regrade, your grade could go down if we find other mistakes in your assignment. Note that weekends and holidays don't stop the regrade clock; they count toward the 5 days you have to request a regrade. Follow the instructions for formatting your assignment submission ~~**EXACTLY**~~. If you don't, you could get a 0 or lose a lot of points on your assignment. Exams We will have 3 exams. Each exam is split into two parts: a short-answer portion, which you will complete during your Monday section, and a programming portion, which you will complete in the Thursday class of that same week. Canvas keeps a log of everything you do during a Canvas quiz. If your log shows that you did anything other than looking at the questions on the quiz, you will receive an automatic zero on the quiz, a final grade of F (failing) for the course, and a referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. You should have no applications and no browser windows or tabs open during a Canvas quiz other than the quiz itself. If you accidentally click away from a quiz, you must notify your TA IMMEDIATELY or face academic dishonesty penalties. See below for more details on the academic honesty policies in this class. Getting Started Set up your Canvas account if you haven't already. Sign up for this class on Piazza as a "Student". Request a CS department account. This is for access to the computer labs in the CS department. Here is a simple guide to some of the features of Linux, the operating system used in the CS computer labs. Set up software if you want to work on your own computer. If you want to use an interactive development environment (recommended), download The Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (a bit harder to learn, but used in more advanced classes like CS 314), or BlueJ (simpler, but not recommended past CS 312). If you're having trouble installing Eclipse, e.g., if it's complaining about JDK or anything, take a look at these detailed instructions. If you want to use your own computer without an interactive development environment, download the Java SE development kit. See this page for detailed information about setting up the software you need for programming courses. Create a Practice It account. These problems are not graded, but are excellent practice. Start on Assignment 1. Anonymous Feedback If you have any concerns or feedback for the instructor, you may provide anonymous feedback. University Resources Mental Health Student Emergency Services Technology help If you have concerns about the safety or behavior of fellow students, TAs, or professors, call BCAL (the Behavior Concerns Advice Line): 512-232-5050. Your call can be anonymous. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Trust your instincts and share your concerns. Policies Professional, mutually respectful, and courteous conduct is expected from all students and teaching staff. Here are the policies of the UT Computer Science Department and this class. You must abide by UT's student conduct and academic integrity policies. Assignments must be done individually, except when group work has been approved. If you cheat, you fail. Religious Holy Days UT-Austin requires you to notify the instructor 14 days before an absence due to observance of a religious holy day. The instructor will allow you to complete any missed work. Q Drop Policy If you want to drop a class after the 12th class day, you can Q drop before the Q-drop deadline. Texas law allows you at most six Q drops while you are in college in any public Texas institution. Student Accommodations If you are a student with a disability, or think you may have a disability, and need accommodations please contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). You may refer to SSD's website for contact and more information. If you are already registered with SSD, please deliver your Accommodation Letter to me as early as possible in the semester so we can discuss your approved accommodations. Last-minute accommodation requests may be denied. Academic Integrity Sharing of course materials is prohibited. No materials used in this class, including, but not limited to, lecture hand-outs, videos, assessments (quizzes, exams, papers, projects, homework assignments), in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets, may be shared online or with anyone outside of the class unless you have my explicit, written permission. Unauthorized sharing of materials promotes cheating. It is a violation of the University's Student Honor Code and an act of academic dishonesty. I am well aware of the sites used for sharing materials, and any materials found online that are associated with you, or any suspected unauthorized sharing of materials, will be reported to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students. These reports can result in sanctions, including failure in the course. The temptation to cheat: If you're thinking about cheating, just don't. It's better to get a zero on an assignment than to cheat. A single instance of cheating will lead to a reduction of your final course grade to F (failing). If you cheat more than once in this class and/or any other classes, you are likely to get suspended from UT for one or multiple semesters. Please reach out to the instructor if you are tempted to cheat, which can happen if you're feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities. Penalties are ultimately determined by the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity and thus may not be limited to what is mentioned here. Purpose of this policy: The goal of this policy is to protect the students who are doing honest work by severely penalizing those who choose to violate the rules of academic integrity. Penalties will only be handed out in cases where the instructor deems that there is significant reason to suspect dishonesty; the instructor does understand that just because two students had similar answers, doesn't mean they cheated. If you've been honest, you have nothing to worry about; however, everyone is responsible for understanding the policy below. Penalties: Students found to have committed any form of academic dishonesty will be given an automatic final course grade of F (failing) on their transcript for the semester in which they committed that instance of academic dishonesty. In addition, the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity might suspend or expel a student based on the severity of their dishonesty or the number of times they have been caught cheating at UT. Penalties are to be recommended by the instructor and enforced by the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, and thus the penalties for cheating may not be limited to those mentioned here. How harsh is the cheating policy in this class? This policy is harsh. Once you have cheated, you have crossed into risky territory. Don't expect any special favors or sympathy if you cheat. This harshness is not meant to be mean or strict; it is to be precise and protect the teaching staff's time in support of all the students who are being honest, and prevent the academic dishonesty prosecution process from hijacking and destroying the teaching and learning process for the vast majority of students who don't cheat. The policy also appears harsh just because it needs to be specific and clear; otherwise, a student who cheats may not even get penalized for cheating because the Dean's Office will say the syllabus isn't clear; if you're a student who put in long hours of honest work, how would you feel about a student getting away with cheating in that way? Zero tolerance for stalling or manipulation: The instructor will not tolerate any efforts on the student's part to stall or delay the process of prosecuting academic dishonesty cases. The instructor will not tolerate any student's efforts to manipulate, bribe, or lie their way out of penalties due to academic dishonesty. While typically the instructor will try to accommodate one meeting with any student accused of academic dishonesty, the instructor reserves the right to refuse to meet with any student accused of academic dishonesty and instead communicate with the student via email or Canvas messages, especially if the number of students suspected of cheating exceeds one. What is considered cheating? While you're welcome to discuss homework assignments with each other, the solutions you write up and submit must be your own. The moment you look at someone else's solution, or show someone else even one letter or number of a solution, you have crossed the line into cheating and are subject to possible academic penalties including a failing grade in this course for the semester, or suspension or expulsion as determined by the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. Just don't write anything down or look at anyone's computer when discussing any graded work for this class, and don't show anyone else what's on your computer or in your written homework solutions during that time either. Copying solutions found online is also considered cheating. If you're not sure where the line is, just don't Google any homework problems or look up or copy anyone else's solutions, whether from the current semester or in the past. If you post solutions online, you could be subject to academic penalties including suspension and expulsion, even if your solutions are only found online after the semester is over. You're always welcome to contact the instructor if you're not sure whether a particular action is considered dishonest; the instructor will NOT penalize you for asking questions or admitting to stumbling upon something online when searching for something else, IF you inform the instructor BEFORE the assignment is submitted. Waiting until after you submit an assignment or after you are suspected of cheating is too late and you will be subject to academic penalties in that case. On an exam or quiz, looking at someone else's answers or talking to any fellow student can be considered cheating at the discretion of the teaching staff. Also, you are expected to take reasonable measures to protect your work from unauthorized access by others, including your electronic files, print-outs, and written work. The process: Academic dishonesty will be handled as follows: A member of the teaching staff suspects a student cheated in some way. The instructor contacts the student via email or Canvas message. The teaching staff gives the student 7 calendar days to do ALL of the following: (1) optionally meet with an academic conduct officer to discuss your options (2) respond to the instructor via email or Canvas message to explain what happened, (3) MAKE A DECISION and communicate to the instructor whether you want to sign the academic disposition form to admit to cheating and resolve the issue between us (it will go on your academic record, but usually not on your transcript (don't take my word for it; check with the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity for confirmation and additional details), as a flag against your record at the very least), or to have the case handled entirely by the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, and (4) actually sign the form if you choose to do so. ALL of this must happen within the 7-day period from the exact timestamp of the first message sent by the instructor informing you that you were suspected of academic dishonesty. The 7-day period includes holidays and weekends, so don't think that holidays will give you extra time to deal with this. The instructor prefers that you sign the document electronically to save paper and time. The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity will confirm the final penalties and the instructor will enact any of those penalties in accordance with the Office's decision. The instructor reserves the right to refuse to meet with any student suspected of academic dishonesty. Those meetings are frequently used by students to try to manipulate the instructor into reducing penalties; if the instructor gets even a vague feeling that you are trying to do this, at the instructor's sole discretion, and at any time with or without warning, you will have forfeited the right to signing the academic disposition form; the instructor will promptly ask you to leave if you are trying to manipulate, bribe, or lie your way out of academic penalties, and you will default to having your case handled entirely by the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. The academic disposition form is usually an easier way to settle dishonesty cases; if it's the only time you cheat at UT, it gives you a warning and a flag on your academic record and likely a failing grade for the class, BUT, it should have no further direct effect on your transcript; however, if you go through the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, the process typically results in a hearing where all the evidence is assembled and you and the instructor will be questioned about the evidence; once the case is in the Office's hands, the instructor can make no guarantees on how severe the penalties may end up being. Children in Class (This policy is adapted from Dr. Alison Norman's classes, whose policy in turn is based on that by Dr. Melissa Cheyney at Oregon State University.) Please contact the instructor within the first two weeks of class to discuss any accommodations you need or constraints you face due to being a student-parent. The instructor is well aware that parents can face many unique challenges including feeding children, managing breastmilk or formula, dealing with illnesses, and covering gaps in childcare. The instructor does have to ensure that any children brought to class are not disruptive to the rest of the class and thus may have to place constraints on the extent to which children may be in attendance with their student-parent(s) in class, but under various circumstances, and at the instructor's sole discretion, children may be brought to class to ease the student-parent's concerns in balancing school/work and parenting. I also ask that all students work with me to create a welcoming environment for all forms of diversity including diversity in parenting status. I do ask that non-parents cooperate with me to reserve seats near the door(s) for your parent classmates. Don't hesitate to contact the instructor about any concerns regarding school-parenting balance at anytime throughout the semester. Safety Campus Safety Emergency Preparedness Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of each classroom. The nearest exit door may not be the door you used for entry. Students requiring assistance shall inform the instructor in writing during the first week of class.