CSCI/CMPE 3326 Object-Oriented Programming in Java Dr. Dongchul Kim Department of Computer Science University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Course Information, JVM, Compile and Run, IDE, Android Studio Course Information • Instructor: Dr. Dongchul Kim • Office: ENGR 3.272 • Email: • Homepage: • Office Hours: Tue & Thu, 1~3pm, by appointment, or anytime the office door is open. • Course Web Page: – Course Information • TA Name: Pengfei Gu • Email: • Office: ENGR 3.273A • Office Hours: Tue and Thu 4:20~6pm Textbook • Optional • Title: Starting Out with Java: Early Objects, 6th Edition • Author: Tony Gaddis • Publisher: Addison-Wesley, March 22, 2015 • ISBN-13: 978-0133957051 • Link: Textbook • Optional • Title: Head First Java, 2nd Edition • Author: Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates • Publisher: O'Reilly Media, February 9, 2005 • ISBN-13: 978-0596009205 • Link: Evaluation • Attendance 5% • Lab Assignments 10% • Programming Homework 20% • Midterm Exam 20% • Final Exam 25% • Project 20% Rule 1 • Any OS is okay (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Chrome OS, and so on) • Please come to my office if you couldn’t understand the course materials • or ask TA • Please don’t be shy • There is no such thing as a stupid question – Exception? – Respect your classmates Rule 2 • No late submission • No cheating – Respect your classmates • Frequently check your UTRGV email, course website, and blackboard • Come to class on time • Start HW early • Enjoy (Best chance to improve your programming skill) Rule 3 • Excuse me – Flexible course schedule • Bring your laptop with fully charged battery Rule 4 • I will do my best • You should also do your best – Everyday practice Java The Way Java Works Source Compiler Output Virtual Machine 1. Create a source document. Use an established protocol (in this case, the Java language). 2. Run your document through a source code compiler. The compiler checks for errors and won’t let you compile until it’s satisfied that everything will run correctly. 3. The compiler creates a new document, coded into Java bytecode. Any device capable of running Java will be able to interpret/translate this file into something it can run. The compiled bytecode is platformindependent. 4. The virtual machine reads and runs the bytecode. What you’ll do in Java Source Compiler Output Virtual Machine 1. Type your source code. Save as: 2. Compile the file by running javac (the compiler application). If you don’t have errors, you’ll get a second document named Hello.class The compiler-generated Hello.class file is made up of bytecode 4. Run the program by starting the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) with the Hello.class file. The JVM translates the bytecode into something the underlying platform understands, and runs your program. 3. Compiled code: Hello.class Java Compiler and JVM • With most programming languages, portability is achieved by compiling a program for each CPU it will run on. • Java provides an JVM for each platform so that programmers do not have to recompile for different platforms. Java Software Edition • The software you use to write Java programs is called the Java Development Kit, or JDK. • There are different editions of the JDK: – Java SE – Standard Edition • Provides essential tools for developing applications and applets – Java EE – Enterprise Edition • Provides tools for creating large business applications that employ servers and provide services over the Web – Java ME – Micro Edition • Provides a small, optimized runtime environment for consumer products such as cell phones, pagers, and appliances • Available for download at Plz. Memorize Now! **Details will be explained later on. Install Java • Java SE • /downloads/index-jsp-138363.html Install Java Install Java Setting Path in Windows • Windows 8 – Drag the Mouse pointer to the Right bottom corner of the screen – Click on the Search icon and type: Control Panel – Click on → Control Panel → System → Advanced – Click on Environment Variables, under System Variables, find PATH, and click on it. – In the Edit windows, modify PATH by adding the location of the class (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin\) to the value for PATH. If you do not have the item PATH, you may select to add a new variable and add PATH as the name and the location of the class as the value. – Close the window. – Reopen Command prompt window, and run your java code. • Windows 7 – Select Computer from the Start menu – Choose System Properties from the context menu – Click Advanced system settings → Advanced tab – Click on Environment Variables, under System Variables, find PATH, and click on it. – In the Edit windows, modify PATH by adding the location of the class (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin\) to the value for PATH. If you do not have the item PATH, you may select to add a new variable and add PATH as the name and the location of the class as the value. – Reopen Command prompt window, and run your java code. Setting CLASSPATH Variable • Right-click the My Computer icon on • your desktop and select Properties. • Click the Advanced tab. Click the • Environment Variables button. Under System Variables, click New. • Enter the variable name as CLASSPATH. • Enter the variable value (e.g. .;) • The CLASSPATH variable is one way to tell applications, including the JDK tools, where to look for user classes. • Click OK. • Click Apply Changes. Setting JAVA_HOME Variable • Right-click the My Computer icon on • your desktop and select Properties. • Click the Advanced tab. Click the • Environment Variables button. Under System Variables, click New. • Enter the variable name as JAVA_HOME. • Enter the variable value (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31) as the installation path for the Java Development Kit. • Click OK. • Click Apply Changes. Compile • The Java compiler is a command line utility. • The command to compile a program is: – javac – javac means Java compiler. • The .java file extension must be used. – Example: To compile a java source code file named you would use the command: – javac Run • To run the Java program, you use the java command in the following form: – java ClassFilename • ClassFilename is the name of the .class file that you wish to execute. – However, you do not type the .class extension. • For example, to run the program that is stored in the Hello.class file, you would enter the following command: – java Hello – This command runs the Java interpreter (the JVM) and executes the program. Windows Command Prompt IDE • In addition to the command prompt programs, there are also several Java Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). • These environments consist of a text editor, compiler, debugger, and other utilities integrated into a package with a single set of menus. • A program is compiled and executed with a single click of a button, or by selecting a single item from a menu. Most Popular IDE: Eclipse IDE from Oracle: NetBeans Install Eclipse Install Eclipse Install Eclipse Install Eclipse Install Eclipse Install Eclipse Comment • The // in line 1 marks the beginning of a comment. • The compiler ignores everything from the double slash to the end of the line. • Comments are not required, but comments are very important because they help explain what is going on in the program. Lab1-1 • Install Eclipse • Make a java program that displays “hello yourname” • In the first line of your program, please put a comment with your name and lab number – //Dongchul Kim, lab1-1 • Save as “” • Compile and Run • Give a demo to your instructor or TA. Install IDE for Android App • Install Android Studio Install Android Studio Install Android Studio Install Android Studio Install Android Studio Hello World for Android App Hello World for Android App Hello World for Android App Hello World for Android App Hello World for Android App Lab1-2 • Make a Android app that displays “Hello yourname” on Android phone • Demonstrate it to your instructor!