In this module, we will be writing Java programs that connect to adatabase server, issue queries, and update information.Before looking at the Java syntax, it is useful to take a momentto become familiar with the database server we will mostlybe using. Some basic knowledge of databases is assumed, howeverno detailed technical knowledge is expected as the queries we willbe performing are very basic.
Level of Difficulty: 1 (easy)
Estimated time: 15 minutes
The faculty of Engineering and IT provides 2 main database servers for students. You will be given a userid, password, database name, server name and connection details by your tutor
The following table are the default settings for the faculty servers
Database | Oracle | Mysql |
Driver jar | ojdbc6.jar | mysql-connector-*.jar |
Driver class | oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver | com.mysql.jdbc.Driver |
URL format | jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:port/database | jdbc:mysql://server:port/database |
server | | |
port | 1523 | 3306 |
database (SID for oracle) | ell | same as userid |
You can locate the drivers in your $WL_HOME/server/lib directory, which on the default faculty workstations is at /opt/oracle-middleware directory
ie: /opt/oracle-middleware/wlserver/server/lib directory
You will need to add the relevant JDBC jar file into your project build classpath. To do this, select your project (labs) and press Right Mouse Button -> Properties and select Java Build Path. (Alternative: Right Mouse Button -> Build Path -> Add external Archives )
Choose the Libraries tab and Select Add External Jars. Browse to the appropriate directory (see above) and select your jdbc jar file.& press [OK] to return to the project
Eclipse WTP provides a facility based on the Eclipse Data Tools Project which enables you to dynamically test your SQL against an existing database. We will create a connection to Oracle in this example. If you plan to use an alternative database such as mysql, please refer to the seperate tutorials on the different parameters to use.
Each person will have an database account set up which willcontain your own database tables, separate to everyone else's.However initially, your database account will be blank, so thefirst task is to create a test table.
Eclipse WTP provides an editor for creating SQL scripts. You can use the Control-spacebar shortcut key sequence for help as usual.
You can create the SQL files in your project by selecting the project (Labs) and then Right Mouse Button -> New -> SQL File
Enteringthe name into the File Name field: addressbook.sql.Now enter the following SQL:
NOTE: change ALL date formats from 'yyyy-mm-dd'
to 'dd-mon-yyyy' for Oracle ONLY!!
DROP TABLE addressbook ;CREATE TABLE addressbook ( name VARCHAR(30) PRIMARY KEY, address VARCHAR(50), email VARCHAR(50), workphone VARCHAR(12), birthday DATE) ;-- note that dates are strings normally in the yyyy-mm-dd -- formats for SQL92 eg:mysql, pointbase etc-- oracle only accepts dd-mon-yyyy format, you need to use the non-standard-- TO_DATE() function to convert other date strings to Oracle format-- However, Oracle JDBC driver does accept the JDBC escape format eg:-- {d 'yyyy-mm-dd'} -- MYSQL VERSIONINSERT INTO addressbook VALUES ('chris','CB10.04.226', '', '7938', '2001-01-01') ;-- ORACLE VERSION-- INSERT INTO addressbook VALUES ('chris','CB10.04.226',-- '', '7938',-- '01-JAN-2001') ;INSERT INTO addressbook VALUES ('maolin','CB10.04.260', '', '7858', '1990-12-30') ;INSERT INTO addressbook VALUES ('wayne','CB10.04.230', '', '7991', '1992-04-29');SELECT * FROM addressbook ;
Points to note:
SQL commands are not case sensitive. Case only matters when you are entering literal strings (between quotes).
Single quotes must be used around strings, not double.
Comments start with two dashes (--). You can also use C-stylecomments in one line /* */. You should not mix comments in with your SQL statements.Each single SQL command should be uninterrupted, and the commentscan be placed between SQL commands.
VARCHAR is a string data type which can contain a VARiable numberof CHARacters, up to the specified maximum.
DECIMAL is a data type for representing numbers, both with and withoutfractions. In this case we want a fixed-point number with four digitsbefore the decimal point (integer part), and zero digits after the decimalpoint (fraction part). If you were storing monetary values, you mightchoose a data type of DECIMAL(8,2) for example, allowing for 2 digitsof precision after the decimal point.
Oracle has a non-standard representation of DATE, which only accepts strings in the format of 'DD-MON-YYYY' where MON is a 3 character string representing the month eg: JAN = January.
You can use the Oracle-only TO_DATE() function to convert from a string in many date formats using a format string such as 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
The next step is to run the SQL statements. You can do this by pressing Right Mouse Button -> Execute All command.
You should also see a SQL Results window appear in the lower pane.
Note that for each command that was executed, you will get a status line and status panel showing relevant messages & results.
You can clear this by pressing Right Mouse Button -> Remove All to clear the results.
Any time you are in an SQL page you can test an individual SQL statement by highlighting (selecting) the relevant SQL statement and then using the Right Mouse Button -> Execute Selected Text. command
You can only use valid SQL commands here. Do not use SQL*PLUS or Mysql commands here (such as set autocommit on, password, describe addressbook etc).
The Data Source Explorer allows you explore your database. If you select your database connection folder, you can expand the folder to view the database tables
Note: You can filter the schemas displayed by using Right Mouse Button -> Properties -> Default Schema Filter. You can optionally turn off filters by selecting the Disable Filter checkbox as well.
Expanding this further you will see + tables, then your addressbook table.
The neat feature of Database Explorer is that you can drill down in further details (such as column definitions, indexes etc).
If you select table (eg: ADDRESSBOOK) and pressing Right Mouse Button -> Data you can:
Try adding, updating and deleting records from the addressbook table.
Finally, save the data by Extracting the records to a text file.
When you wish to disconnect from the database, switch to the Database Source Explorer window and select the connection.Press Right Mouse Button -> Disconnect