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Matlab - Matlab support and info - UTS: FEIT Student Intranet UTS: FEIT Student Intranet login > Home > Course > Research > Support and Services > Extra Curricular > IT Services Matlab Extra Curricular FEIT IT Services Research Computing ARCLab Software Software Support FEA CFD Matlab MATLAB Standalone Facilities MyFEIT Welcome to the FEIT Student Intranet. Access to this website is available within the UTS network or by login if outside of UTS (Students must be enrolled in FEIT Course or Subject). Use your UTS ID Number to login. Quick Links My Student Admin UTS Timetable Planner UTS: Handbook UTSOnline UTS Webmail Important dates Library Exams Graduation CareerHub Home-use software Latest News and Events  More... Downloads / Forms STUDENT GUIDE Download HERE   Matlab This page needs review. Information in this page may no longer be correct. FEIT IT Services ▶ Research Computing ▶ Software Support ▶ Matlab MATLAB TAH License The MATLAB Enabled Campus - Anytime, Anywhere Access for Everyone   MATLAB is the high-level language and interactive environment used by millions of engineers and scientists worldwide. It lets you explore and visualise ideas and collaborate across disciplines including signal and image processing, communications, control systems, and computational finance.   ·         Available to all faculty, researchers, and students everywhere: at home and classroom, in lab and field research, and while travelling for academic and educational use.   ·         Covers all on-campus computing facilities, labs, classrooms, and research centers, as well as all faculty-owned and student-owned personal computers.   ·         Access MATLAB on iOS/Android devices (MATLAB Mobile) and web browser (MATLAB Online).   ·         Access to Cody Coursework for auto-grading MATLAB programming assignments.   ·         Free 2-hour MATLAB Onramp online training via MATLAB Academy.   ·         Users are covered by MathWorks technical and installation support.   ·         Download free hardware support packages for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Lego, and more.   Note: MATLAB Mobile, MATLAB Online, Cody Courserwork and MATLAB Academy requires user to use the standalone license version of the MATLAB TAH license. Users of the network concurrent version will not have access to these benefits.   The MATLAB TAH License includes,   MATLAB Simulink Stateflow Antenna Toolbox Bioinformatics Toolbox Control System Toolbox Curve Fitting Toolbox Data Acquisition Toolbox DSP System Toolbox Image Processing Toolbox Instrument Control Toolbox Optimization Toolbox Parallel Computing Toolbox Signal Processing Toolbox SimMechanics SimScape Simulink Control Design Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Symbolic Math Toolbox Aerospace Blockset Aerospace Toolbox Communications System Toolbox Computer Vision System Toolbox Database Toolbox Econometrics Toolbox Embedded Coder Financial Toolbox Fixed-Point Designer Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Global Optimization Toolbox Image Acquisition Toolbox Mapping Toolbox MATLAB Coder MATLAB Compiler SDK MATLAB Compiler Model Predictive Control Toolbox Neural Network Toolbox Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Simulink Desktop Real-Time RF Toolbox Robust Control Toolbox SimDriveline SimElectronics SimEvents SimPowerSystems SimRF Simulink 3D Animation Simulink Coder Simulink Real-Time System Identification Toolbox Wavelet Toolbox   Off Campus Installations User Self-Service to obtain MATLAB Standalone License   Please refer to the for instructions and activation keys below to obtain a standalone MATLAB license.   ·         Staff License Quick Start Guide   Staff License Activation Key: 17159-56546-39241-58238-71522   ·         Student License Quick Start Guide   Student License Activation Key: 49795-96952-13716-88246-72673   Note: These activation keys use UTS email address to verify your credentials.   MATLAB Digest Newsletter All Newsletters Available MATLAB Toolboxes Software Description Matlab The language of Technical Computing Simulink Design and simulate communication systems and components Aerospace Blockset Blocks for modeling and simulating aircraft, spacecraft, rocket, and propulsion systems, as well as unmanned airborne vehicles Aerospace Toolbox Provides reference standards, environmental models, and aerodynamic coefficient importing for performing advanced aerospace analysis to develop and evaluate your designs. Bionformatics Toolbox Prototype new algorithms, and build applications in drug research, genetic engineering, and other genomics and proteomics projects Communications Blockset Design and simulate communication systems and components Communications Toolbox Design and analyze communications algorithms Control System Toolbox Provides industry-standard algorithms and apps for systematically analyzing, designing, and tuning linear control systems. Curve Fitting Toolbox Provides graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and command-line functions for fitting curves and surfaces to data. Data Acquisition Toolbox Provides a complete set of tools for analog input, analog output, and digital I/O from a variety of PC-compatible data acquisition hardware. Database Toolbox Enables you to exchange data between MATLAB® and any ODBC/JDBC-compliant database Econometrics Toolbox Provides functions for modeling economic principles and behavior, with a focus on volatility modeling Embedded IDE Link CC Connects MATLAB® and Simulink® with the Code Composer Studio™ embedded software development environment from Texas Instruments (TI). Financial Toolbox Functions for mathematical and statistical analysis of financial data. Fixed-Point Toolbox Provides fixed-point data types and arithmetic in MATLAB® Filter Design Toolbox Is a collection of tools that provide advanced techniques for designing, simulating, and analyzing digital filters. Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Design and simulate fuzzy logic systems GARCH Toolbox Extends the Financial Toolbox with functions specific to volatility modeling Genetic Algorithms and Direct Search Toolbox Extends the optimization capabilities in MATLAB® and Optimization Toolbox™ products with tools for using genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and direct search. Global Optimization Global Optimization Toolbox provides methods that search for global solutions to problems that contain multiple maxima or minima. Genetic algorithm and pattern search solvers support algorithmic customization. HDL Coder HDL Coder generates VHDL and Verilog code for FPGA and ASIC designs. Image Processing Toolbox Acquire images and video from industry-standard hardware Image Acquisition Toolbox Acquire video and images from PC-compatible frame-grabber cards and video devices Instrument Control Toolbox Lets you communicate with instruments, such as oscilloscopes, function generators, and analytical instruments, directly from MATLAB®. Mapping Toolbox Provides tools and utilities for analyzing geographic data and creating map displays. Matlab Compiler Convert MATLAB applications into stand-alone C and C++ code Matlab Report Generator Automatically documents tasks that you perform in MATLAB Matlab Builder JA Enables you to create Java classes from your MATLAB programs.  Model Predictive Control Toolbox Provides MATLAB functions, a graphical user interface (GUI), and Simulink® blocks for designing and simulating model predictive controllers in MATLAB and Simulink. Neural Network Toolbox Design and simulate neural networks Optimization Toolbox Solve standard and large-scale optimization problems Parallel Toolbox Lets you solve computationally and data-intensive problems using MATLAB® and Simulink® on multicore and multiprocessor computers. Partial Differential Toolbox Solve and analyze partial differential equations Real-Time Workshop Generate optimized, portable, and customizable code from Simulink models Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Extends xPC Target™ software by providing a convenient deployment capability for running your system on cost-effective PC hardware. Real-Time Windows Target Provides a real-time engine for executing Simulink models on a Microsoft Windows PC and blocks that connect to a range of I/O boards. SimRF (RF Blockset) Extends Simulink® with a library of blocks to model the behavior of radio frequency (RF) filters, transmission lines, amplifiers, and mixers. RF Toolbox Extends the MATLAB® product with functions and a graphical user interface (GUI) for designing, modeling, analyzing, and visualizing networks of radio frequency (RF) components. Robust Control Toolbox Design robust controllers for plants with uncertain parameters and unmodeled dynamics (contains LMI Control and µ-Analysis snd Sythesis toolboxes) Signal Processing Blockset Design and simulate signal processing systems and devices Signal Processing Toolbox Perform signal processing, analysis, and algorithm development SimDriveline Model and simulate the mechanics of driveline (drivetrain) systems. SimElectronics Model and simulate electronic and electromechanical systems. SimEvents A discrete-event simulation software lets you simulate the transactions between components in a system architecture. SimHydraulics Extends Simscape software with tools for modeling and simulating hydraulic power and control systems. SimMechanics Model and simulate mechanical systems SimPowerSystems Model and simulate electrical power systems Simscape Model and simulate multidomain physical systems Simlink 3D Animation  Visualize dynamic system simulations in a 3D virtual reality environment Simlink Control Design Perform linear analysis for control system design Simulink Fixed Point Design control and signal processing systems that will be implemented using fixed-point arithmetic. Simulink Report Generator Automatically create documentation from Simulink® and Stateflow® models Spline Toolbox Algorithms for data fitting, interpolation, extrapolation, and visualization Spreadsheet Link EX Connects Excel® spreadsheet software with the MATLAB® workspace Stateflow Extends Simulink® with a design environment for developing state machines and flow charts Statistics Toolbox Apply statistical algorithms and probability models Symbolic Math Toolbox Perform computations using symbolic mathematics and variable-precision arithmetic System Identification Toolbox Create linear dynamic models from measured input-output data Video and Image Processing Blockset Provides algorithms and tools for the design and simulation of video processing, image processing, and computer vision systems. Virtual Reality Toolbox Animate and visualize Simulink systems in three dimensions Wavelet Toolbox Analyze and synthesize signals and images using wavelet techniques   Manuals MATLAB Manuals User Presentations Jeffrey Tsui's Fast Fourier Transforms in Matlab. Click here to download the zip file containing presentation in MS ppt format and the related matlab files. Brad Skinner's Messeage Passing Inerface Toolbox for Matlab. Click here to download. Peter Brady's Parallel Computing with Matlab using pMatlab. Click here to download. Links Main Matlab website. Matlab support website. File exchange and newsgroup access for the MATLAB & Simulink user community. Searchable newsgroup reader. Mathtools website with a collection of Matlab third party tools. Support Contacts Support and assistance is available for all registered MATLAB users with maintained licences.     Back to top Copyright © 2010-2022 UTS - CRICOS Provider Code: 00099F - Last Modified: 2022-04-10 Authorised by Annette Giles, FEIT - Developed by UTS:FEIT Technical Services Group (System Services) Disclaimer |  Copyright |  Privacy |  Web policy |  UTS