CITS1220 - Installation Help PageCITS1220 Software Engineering
Installation help page
This installation help page is written for helping those students whowant to install EasyEclipse on their computers. I assume that you havesufficientknowledge about computers if you are interested in reading this page.Ifnothing said below makes any sense to you, then it is probably betterthat you use the software provided in the CSSE Lab for you. Pleasenote that installing software can take up some valuable time and thatyou mightbe better off spending the time on actually studying the coursematerials.
Du Huynh
Unit Coordinator of 2010.
Download links:
Easy Eclipse:
Violet UML:
Abbot/Costello (see lab sheet week 6):
Note that there are newer versions of Easy Eclipse that can bedownloaded from the web. However, the files supplied here had beentested by myself and they worked well together.
To download each file, just right click on the link and on the smallpopped-up window select
Save linktarget as... (or
Save link as... depending on theweb browser you are using). Put these filessomewhere on your desktop/laptop.
Installing Easy Eclipse:
- The installation is very straightforward. All you need todo is go to the directory where you saved the file, double-click to run the exe file. Just follow all the defaultoptions suggested along the way.
- If you follow the default options, then under your drive C, youshould now have a subdirectory called EasyEclipse Desktop Java 1.2.2under the C:\Program Filesdirectory. You might want to go to the directory C:\Program Files\EasyEclipse DesktopJava 1.2.2 directory, right click on the eclipse.exe file and select Create Shortcut. This willcreate a shortcut to EasyEclipse onyour desktop. So when you want to use EasyEclipse in the future,you can easily find it on your desktop.
Installing Violet UML:
- Installing Violet UML is also very straightforward. All you needtodo is copy and paste the file to the C:\ProgramFiles\EasyEclipse Desktop Java 1.2.2\plugins directory. Do notdouble-click on the jar file, as this would open the jar file and theoperation would attempt to extract all the class files from the jarfile. We don't need to extract the individual Java class files forinstalling Violet UML.
Note: A jar file is just a zip file that packs a bunch of Java classfiles together. - To check that you have installed Violet UML correctly:
- Start EasyEclipse (please see the lab sheet for week 2 forfurther details).
- On the EasyEclipse main window, select the menu File > New> Other... The new window that pops up should look somethinglike
If the Violet UML Editor wizard is not among the list of wizards thensomething is wrong in your installation.
Installing checkstyle:
- Assuming that you have started EasyEclipse, on the main window ofEasyEclipse, select Help >Software Updates > Find and Install...
- On the new window that pops up,
select Search for new features toinstall and then click Next> - On the new window that appears,click on the New Archived Site button. Youwillthen need to navigate to the directory that you saved theCheckStyle zip file. Select the zip file and then click the Open (or OK) button. You should come back tosomething that looks like this:
Make sure that the box Ignore features not applicable to thisenvironment is ticked. Click the Finish button. - The following window should appear:
- In the Updates window (shown above), click the + box to expand the contents ofthe zip file. Click the +box to expand the content of the CheckStylebox. Tick the box for "EclipseCheckstyle Plug-in...-final". Make surethe two boxes below it are unticked. Click Next>
- In the Install window, select Iacceptthe terms in the license agreements option. Click Next>
- The rest should be obvious. Click Finish.
- In the Verification window, click Install all
- Restart Easy Eclipse
- If you have done all the steps above correctly, then on the mainEasyEclipse window, when you select the menu item Window > Preferences..., youshould see CheckStyle amongthe list of items on the left hand panel of the Preferences window.
- Follow the instructions given in the lab sheet for week 2. You should download the style file that we use for CITS1220. Follow the instructions and makesure that this is the default file to be used by the CheckStyle pluginof EasyEclipse, as shown below:
Make sure that the green tick is next to the CITS1220 Beginnersfile. - Now follow the instructions given onlab sheet week 2 to create a new project and bring in a Java sourcefile (e.g., Experiment with Violet UML andCheckStyle.
Installing Abbot/Costello:
- Double-click the file that you have downloaded. Your desktop or laptop should havethe WinZip program or something similar that allows you to unzip thefile. The zip file contains mainly a directory named abbot-1.0.2and a bunch of files under it. Extract the directory abbot-1.0.2somewhere, e.g. on the root directory of drive C. Now you havethe folder C:\abbot-1.0.2.
- Go to that folder, right click on the abbot.bat file and select Create Shortcut to create ashort-cut on the desktop.
- For the lab sheet for week 6, you will use Abbot/Costello fortesting GUIs and for editing GUI scripts. To start the application,just double-click on the short-cut on the desktop.