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progress report (2)                                                                          Page 1 of 14   
Progress Report – Development of A unique student learning aid (Also as 
“THE ITIOT V. 2.0”) 
RE:  Teaching and Learning Development Fund –2007 Improving Student Satisfaction at 
UWA (ISS) Scheme 
The School of Anatomy & Human Biology received $ 18,000 to design and develop a unique 
student learning aid known as “The ITIOT V. 2.0” 
The project was assigned a project leader (Guy Ben-Ary) and was initiated in August 2007. The 
implementation of the project was divided into 3 main parts: 
1. Performing a need analysis and writing up a design document describing various aspects 
(features specifications and technical issues) of the project. 
2. The implementation phase (coding and interface design) 
3. Testing & debugging. 
The first stage of the project was signed off at the beginning of 2008 and now moved to its 
second stage of coding. This stage is due to begin only at the end of February 2008 due to issues 
related to access to the appropriate programmers.  
It is planned that the second stage will end by June 2008. Then the testing phase will start and 
the final product will be delivered as scheduled by September 2008 
Please find attached to this document a copy of the design document that summarises the needs 
analysis process for this application. 
Guy Ben-Ary 
School of Anatomy & Human Biology 
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The re-developed ITIOT Specification 12/12/2007 
Investigated and Composed by 
Guy Ben-Ary & Nguyen Ly (CELLCentral) 
The Original ITIOT application was designed and developed 
by Dr. Lutz Slomianka 
General................................................................................................................................ 3 
Access to the ITIOT............................................................................................................ 3 
The Sign Up/Log In Features.............................................................................................. 4 
Units, Practices and topics .................................................................................................. 5 
The exam............................................................................................................................. 6 
Tracking function................................................................................................................ 6 
Managing the statements..................................................................................................... 7 
Description of the Structure of Knowledge Items used by the Itiot ................................... 8 
1. The Source .................................................................................................................. 9 
No Source.................................................................................................................... 9 
Special use of the source............................................................................................. 9 
The Source in the Knowledge Item .......................................................................... 10 
2. The Possible Correct Answers Array........................................................................ 10 
The Possible Correct Answers Array in the Knowledge Item.................................. 10 
3. The Question Type.................................................................................................... 11 
The Question Type in the Knowledge Item.............................................................. 11 
4. The Subject Area....................................................................................................... 11 
Special use of the subject area .................................................................................. 11 
The Subject Area in the Knowledge Item................................................................. 12 
5. The Absolute Drop Value ......................................................................................... 12 
The Absolute Drop Value in the Knowledge Item ................................................... 13 
6. The Non-Self Subject Area Permission Probability - short: Non-Self Permission .. 13 
The Non-Self Permission in the Knowledge Item .................................................... 14 
How does a "script-ready" knowledge item look like ?................................................ 14 
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The main purpose of this document is to describe in detail the required redevelopment of 
the ITIOT application.  
The ITIOT is a unique student learning aid that is used extensively in first year Human 
Biology and has features not found in any other commercial product. It was developed 
By Dr. Lutz Slomianka in 1999. Back then he developed the ITIOT using multiple static 
pages embedded with java scripts. Although the engine and technology (that this 
application is based on) needs to be replaced and re-assessed, the logic the application 
was based on is unique and the new application will duplicate it. 
The ITIOT allows students to learn through practicing multiple-choice questions. The 
uniqueness of this system resides in the way it generates multiple choice questions. In 
essence, the system uses statements rather questions as the core dataset. Each statement 
(or image) is considered to be a “Knowledge Item”.  Questions are constructed from a 
selection of statements based upon their characteristics – the knowledge item’s 
properties. These properties including subject categories which permits questions to be 
constructed where all the statements are appropriately inter-related. It also has the 
capacity to give prior probabilities for the use of statements, depended on weather the 
statement is the correct or incorrect answer. Statements can also have a graphics file 
associated with them that is displayed with the statement so, for example, laboratory-
based information can be easily in cooperated in the learning experience and computer 
based assessment. 
In general, the following enhancements are required to the current application: 
ƒ Re-writing the application as a window based software for robustness, efficiency 
of code, unity of usage etc. 
ƒ Develop a solid and well designed “technological back end” including a thorough 
administration interface.  
ƒ Adding feedback to the quiz questions 
ƒ Flexibility in the number of statements for each question 
ƒ Import statements 
ƒ Export quizzes 
ƒ Complexity in subject categorization 
Access to the ITIOT 
The old version of the ITIOT had 2 formats:  
1. Practice mode – the ITIOT runs under the web CT platform. The practices are 
unlimited due to the special structure of the ITIOT. All the student needs to do is 
to choose a practice and/or a sub practice and start the exercise.  
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2. When the students want to take the compulsory test, they need to do it via the 
computers in the Histology area.  
The ITIOT today is a collection of scripts they are distributed between multiple 
computers and servers. This fact poses severe maintenance problems. The new version 
will be depended on one central engine and the quizzes could be access via different 
security access in various locations. 
The Sign Up/Log In Features 
The idea here is to detach the ITIOT application from the central student administration 
of UWA. The ITIOT will deal with the registration of its users independently from other 
applications on campus.  
Students will be given the URL of the ITIOT and be asked to fill in the registration form. 
The fields for this form will be: 
1. Name 
2. Student Number 
3. E-mail 
Please note: Students might be enrolled to one or more practices. 
For each practice (Practice means a whole set of quizzes usually set per University Unit) 
the administrator could set up the type of registration: 
1. Open registration – Students just go and register without any need of confirmation 
2. Restricted registration - Students register and then a request is sent to the manager 
of the quiz to approve their registration 
3. Batch Registration - The student registration requests would be checked against a 
file that will be uploaded prior to student’s registration.  
a. This file will have the list of students allowed to use the ITIOT and will be 
formatted in a pre-defined format (Tab Delimited – see appendix for a 
sample of a file as such).  
b. The names of the students who do not appear in this file will be sent to the 
manager of the practice. These students will be asked to see the manager 
to sort the registration out..  
c. The manager of the practice will be able to add manually students if 
d. The file with the lists of students change on a weekly basis in the first 
couple of week of semester. Therefore the list will be replaced when a new 
one is generated. Once a new list is uploaded the old one can be deleted 
and the “new sign ins” will be checked according to the new list. There is 
no need to compare between the 2 lists and delete the students that 
dropped from the unit. The deletion of students from the registered 
students will always be done manually by the manager of a practice/unit 
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Units, Practices and topics 
Every Unit (IE – HB102, HB100) has multiple practices assigned to it (see chart below – 
the HB 100 route). When designing the ITIOT the practice manager could divide it to 
multiple topics and each topic could then be divided into subtopics. 
When in practice mode the student could choose if he/she would like to have a quiz 
covering all of the topics and/or one or more topics and/or one or more subtopics 
While taking the practice the ITIOT would indicate, immediately if the student answered 
the question correct. If he/she didn’t answer correctly the application would indicate what 
the correct answer is. 
Students could see only the practices that they are registered too. 
Sub topic 1 
Sub topic 2 
Sub topic 3 
Practice – 
Topic 1 
Practice – 
Topic 2 
Practice – 
Topic 3 
Practice – 
Practice – 
Practice – 
HB100 HB101 HB102 
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Item based feedback - In the new version of the ITIOT feedback will be given to the 
student why the answer to the question is wrong and why the correct one is correct. This 
will be achieved by adding a field- “feedback” to the Knowledge items. Which would be 
a non compulsory field and the practice manager could use it or not. 
Question type feedback – if the student got the answer wrong and when the question type 
allows it (correct/incorrect statements, true or false) the engine will generate another type 
of feedback – related to the question type – IE: “ please note that you are asked to choose 
The exam 
The exams would be available to be taken by all students between 2 dates. They would 
have to “hide” behind a special log in page. The students would be able to take the exams 
only in the histology lab – So a range of IP’s should be associated with the exams 
1. The students should get their marks as soon as they submitted the exam. 
2. Students should get an immediate feedback for the exams – show them which of 
their answers was wrong or right and why.  
3. The tests should have a question & time limit (15 questions and they are required 
to answer them in 15 minutes). 
4. An options of exporting Quizzes will be included in the management module – IE 
- 30 questions without repeats – forming a local quiz – Here there should be a 
work flow that will ask the use to input the desired number of questions for the 
quiz. Then define how many questions he/she wants from each topic/subtopic of 
the practice – 3 first questions from subject 1. 4 from subtopic 2.3 and so on. 
In the test we would like to allow the students to go back and edit their questions before 
they submit the test – review functions before submit 
Tracking function 
A tracking function will be needed for the ITIOT so that for every practice the 
administrators could get statistical data such as: 
ƒ What time each of the students  logged into the practice 
ƒ How long they spend working each of the sessions 
ƒ How many questions they tried to answer 
ƒ What time were they using it 
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Managing the statements 
Each practice (quiz) will be normally assigned to a University unit (I.E. HB102). Each 
Unit could have multiple practices - (I.E. HB102-2005, HB102-2006, HB102-
2006/Singapore etc...) 
Each practice could be divided into topics and sub-topic (3-4 nodes of sub classifications) 
Each Unit and therefore subjected practices will have a manager assigned to it. The 
manager could access all the statements and all the admin tools.  
There would be multiple teachers each one of them in charge of 1 or more topics.  
The manager would be able to either “open a new practice” under a unit’s node and start 
from scratch: design the practice structure with topics and sub topics and assign them to 
teachers located in the Units Database. 
Or they could duplicate a practice I.E. HB102-2005/UWA to HB102-2006/Singapore the 
next years. In that case the manager could edit, after the duplication, details if necessary – 
I.E. new teachers or topics etc. 
If a new teacher is assigned to a new topic he/she would have to build it from scratch: add 
statements manually or write them as a text file and export them to the application. 
If it’s a topic that existed in previous years she could choose to use the “old statements” 
from previous years or input new statements. 
Teachers could see all the statements of other teachers in a certain Unit (multiple 
practices) and use them (or “borrow them”) if wanted. But the teachers won’t have access 
to other units and their attached practices. So units and practices will be assigned to a 
manager and statements and topics are assigned to teachers. 
The Upload facility - from text files with a predetermined structure – probably looks like 
that (the old format of the knowledge items): 
Knit("none", ["Natural selection is differential survival"], 1, -101, 1, 0); 
Knit("none", ["Natural selection always produces efficient organs"], 1, -101, 1, 0); 
Knit("none", ["Natural selection has foresight and purpose"], 1, -101, 1, 0); 
Knit("none", ["Natural selection always results in increased size"], 1, -101, 1, 0); 
Knit("none", ["Natural selection always results in increased complexity"], 1, -101, 1, 0); 
Knit("none", ["All evolution is due to Natural Selection"], 1, -101, 1, 0); 
Knit("none", ["Natural selection acts primarily for the good of a species"], 1, -101, 1, 0); 
Knit("none", ["Natural selection is the only evolutionary force"], 1, -101, 1, 0); 
The feedback would have to be added later and therefore some budget of this project 
should be kept for Data-entry activities especially of the feedback field of the knowledge 
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A “block edits” facility needs to be in place where after the practice manager makes a test 
for the students on a topic or multiple topics, the managers can block the access of the 
teachers to these topics and prevent them from changing the statements 
The manager could export statements so she could send them to teachers to be checked. 
The teachers could input individual or groups of statements. It is very important that the 
workflow will be as simple as possible such as –  
ƒ Do you want to input new statements 
ƒ Choose a subject meter 
ƒ Choose the type of question 
ƒ Input the statements and feedback 
ƒ Most of the values of properties should be set to default and the teachers could 
choose to change them if its required. 
A good search facility for statements will be integrated so te manager could find faulty 
statements with an ease. 
Description of the Structure of Knowledge Items used by the 
The following description was written by LUTZ and is describing in detail the logic of 
the ITIOT engine, this logic will be adopted in the redevelopment of the application. 
The itiot generates questions based on "knowledge items" and their properties. As far as 
the itiot is concerned, there are no questions and no ways to manipulate questions 
because a question "is only there" once the itiot is finished with its' job. The only thing 
the itiot really knows about are knowledge items. They are the itiot's design principle. 
The itiot is actually pretty flexible as long as it is allowed to follow this principle. 
What the itiot can do depends on which properties you give to the knowledge items. 
Currently, each knowledge item has 6 elements which define the properties of the 
knowledge item and the behavior of the itiot. 
Questions are set by selecting a "correct" knowledge item and pairing it with three 
"wrong" knowledge items - "wrong" only in the sense that they can not be the correct 
answer to the question associated with the "correct" knowledge item. Otherwise, each of 
the "wrong" knowledge items may be selected to provide the correct answer for a 
subsequent question. This means that each knowledge item used by the itiot must be the 
correct answer to a question. 
The six elements which define the properties of a knowledge item are: 
1. the source  
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2. the possible correct answers array  
3. the question type  
4. the subject area  
5. the absolute drop value  
6. the non-self permission probability  
These six elements are combined into just one line of simple text. This line can be pasted 
directly into the itiot script. Only a few other alterations of the script are likely to be 
required to adapt the itiot to a new set of knowledge items.  
1. The Source 
The source can but does not have to contain the directory path and filename of 
information associated with the knowledge item. It can be a picture or an html file. The 
information will be displayed in a utility window a few seconds after the question has 
appeared in the main window of the itiot. 
The itiot will assume that a question will be set in an html file if the source contains the 
sequence of letters "htm". In this case, the itiot will not display a question in the question 
field of the main window. "htm" should therefore not be part of the name of an image 
associated with the knowledge item. 
No Source 
If there is no information to be displayed, the source must contain the sequence of letters 
Special use of the source 
The source is also used to determine if a knowledge item has "recently" been used as the 
correct answer to a question. Knowledge items can share a source, but the fraction of 
unique sources among all sources must be greater than the value of the "norepeatsfrac" 
variable set in the declaration of variables of the itiot script. 
The "norepeatsfrac" variable determines the number of uniques knowledge items used as 
correct answers in a sequence of questions. If there are 100 knowledge items and the 
"norepeatsfrac" variable is set to 0.5, the idiot will use 50 different knowledge items as 
correct answers in any sequence of 50 questions. By making the selection dependent on 
the source it is possible to ask for the same correct answer twice or trice or ..., but only if 
the "source context" is different. This feature can be overridden by saving the same 
source content multiple times but with different file names. 
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If the fraction of unique sources is smaller than the "norepeatsfrac" value the itiot will 
eventually freeze the browser. The itiot will automatically add a unique identifier to the 
source if its value is "none". The itiot will not add a unique identifier if the value is e.g. 
"none4", "xnone", "nonebingo", "nun" etc. 
The Source in the Knowledge Item 
Knit ("source", ["possible correct answers", ....], question type, subject area, absolute 
drop value, "non-self" permission) ; 
2. The Possible Correct Answers Array 
The possible correct answers array contains the possible correct answers to the question 
(see 3) associated with the knowledge item. Only the first entry of the array will be used 
as the right answer. Other elements are used to exclude possible wrong answers. 
If the array looks like ["here"], "here" can be used as a right answer and anything 
different from "here" can be used as a wrong answer. 
If the array looks like ["there","here","everywhere"], "there" can be used as a right 
answer, but, in addition to "there", "here" and "everywhere" are excluded as possible 
wrong answers. 
Note that it is possible to construct 3 knowledge items which contain the following, 
functionally different correct answer arrays: 
["there", "here", "everywhere"] 
["here", "there", "everywhere"] 
["everywhere", "there", "here"] 
or any combination of any number of the possible correct answers - the itiot will behave 
Possible correct answers could also be letters, numbers, combinations thereof or a 
statement like "none of the other choices". 
The Possible Correct Answers Array in the Knowledge Item 
Knit ("source", ["possible correct answers", ....], question type, subject area, absolute 
drop value, "non-self" permission) ; 
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3. The Question Type 
The question type is an integer which assigns the knowledge item to a group. Wrong 
answers will only be drawn from knowledge items which belong to the same question 
type group as the knowledge item which supplied the right answer, i.e. the question type 
establishes an exclusive group of knowledge items. 
The question type value is also used to draw the "correct question" from the Qtype array 
of the itiot script. Note that it is the knowledge item which determines the question and 
not vice versa. 
Note that the same "written" question, e.g. "What is this?", can be associated with 
different question type values, e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc. and that multiple question types can be 
associated with a question type group if they are asked via html files. 
It is possible to create subgroups within the question type group (see 4). 
Each question type group must contain enough knowledge items to form a question, i.e. 
at the very least 4. The browser will sooner or later freeze if a question type group with 
less than 4 knowledge items exists. The minimum number of knowledge items necessary 
increases if the possible correct answers (see 2) of a knowledge item exclude other 
knowledge items as possible wrong answers. 
The Question Type in the Knowledge Item 
Knit ("source", ["possible correct answers", ....], question type, subject area, absolute 
drop value, non-self permission) ; 
4. The Subject Area 
The subject area is an integer which assigns the knowledge item to a subgroup of 
knowledge items within the question type group. How exclusive the knowledge item 
"behaves" depends on the "non-self permission" value (see 6). 
Special use of the subject area 
Question of the "Identify the correct/incorrect statement" type 
To identify this type of questions the itiot uses the sign of the subject area. If the itiot 
encounters a negative subject area value, it assumes that all knowledge items with the 
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same absolute value as the negative subject area value are assessed by this type of 
The sign of the subject area establishes exclusive sign groups of knowledge items within 
a given question type group. If the subject area value of the right answer is positive, the 
subject areas of all wrong answers must be negative and vice versa. 
If a knowledge item has the subject area value -4, the itiot will assume that all knowledge 
items with subject areas values of 4 or -4 are assessed by questions of the type "Identify 
the correct/incorrect statement". If the "non-self" permission value (see 6) is larger than 
0, knowledge items with a subject area value of 4 do not have to exist, but there must be 
at least three other knowledge items of the same question type with positive subject area 
values or the itiot will sooner or later freeze the browser. 
If a knowledge item has the subject area value -4 and there exists a knowledge item with 
the subject area value 4, there must be at least 2 additional knowledge items with 
negative subject area values or the itiot will sooner or later freeze the browser. 
A kowledge item with a subject area value of 7 can not be assessed by this type of 
question if there is no knowledge item with a subject area value of -7. 
It is possible to assign negative and positive values to different absolute values of the 
subject area, e.g. subject area values of -1, -2, -3, 4, 5, 6 etc. In this case knowledge items 
with positive subject areas must be assessible by a question different from the "Identify 
the correct/incorrect statement" type. Such a question will have to be asked using an 
external source of the question (see 1). 
Knowledge items with negative subject area values and items with subject areas of the 
same absolute value will behave similar to "ordinary" knowledge items with regard to the 
"non-self" permission value (see 6). 
The Subject Area in the Knowledge Item 
Knit ("source", ["possible correct answers", ....], question type, subject area, absolute 
drop value, non-self permission) ; 
5. The Absolute Drop Value 
The absolute drop value determines the likelihood with which the knowledge item is used 
if it is "hit" by the random number generated by the itiot. If the drop value is 0.1, the 
knowledge item will only be used one out of every ten times it is hit. 
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In the table used as an example below, there are two entries for "lynx". While it may be 
sensible to have those two entries it may not be sensible to ask for "lynx" twice as often 
as for any other animal or to have it appear twice as often as a wrong choice. The 
frequency of the use of "lynx" can be adjusted by setting its' absolute drop value to 0.5. 
The absolute drop value determines the frequency of the use of a knowledge item as a 
correct answer and as a wrong answer. Decreasing the absolute drop value to 0 therefore 
means that the item is never asked for and that it will never be a wrong answer. 
The Absolute Drop Value in the Knowledge Item 
Knit ("source", ["possible correct answers", ....], question type, subject area, absolute 
drop value, non-self permission) ; 
6. The Non-Self Subject Area Permission Probability - short: Non-Self 
The non-self permission is, together with the subject area, the thing that makes the idiot 
tick ... sort of. 
If this value is 0, a possible wrong answer must be a member of the same subgroup (see 
4) as the right answer. If this value is 0, the subgroup becomes an exclusive group as far 
as this knowledge item and only this knowledge item is concerned. The subgroup must 
therefore contain at least 4 knowledge items if one knowledge item of the subgroup has a 
non-self permission value of 0 (see 3). 
If this value is 1, a knowledge item will be accepted as a wrong answer regardless of its 
subject area. 
If the value of the 'non-self' permission is 0.33, the chance that any possible wrong 
answer belongs to a subject area different from the subject area of the right answer is 
0.33. Since there are three wrong answers, one of them will be likely to belong to a 
subject area different from the subject area of the right answer. 
non self 
permission comment 
tiger 1 0 wrong answers will always be carnivores (subject area 1) 
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lion 1 0 wrong answers will always be carnivores (subject area 1) 
cougar 1 0 wrong answers will always be carnivores (subject area 1) 
lynx 1 0.1 
wrong answers will almost always be carnivores (subject 
area 1) but other european animals (subject area 2) will 
appear with a likelihood of 10% (non-self permission 0.1) 
lynx 2 0.5 
a second entry for lynx - this time it is grouped with 
European animals (subject area 2), but other carnivores 
(subject area 1) may still be "good" wrong answers - their 
frequency is here set to 0.5 (non-self permission 0.5) 
hedgehog 2 1 
Well, a hedghog is sort of a carnivore and a European 
animal - free mix and match of all animals in the question 
(non-self permission 1) 
rabbit 2 0 wrong answers will always be European animals (subject area 2) 
deer 2 0 wrong answers will always be European animals (subject area 2) 
The Non-Self Permission in the Knowledge Item 
Knit ("source", ["possible correct answers", ....], question type, subject area, absolute 
drop value, non-self permission) ; 
How does a "script-ready" knowledge item look like ? 
Knit ("abc...", ["abc...", ....], integer, integer, value between 0 and 1, value between 0 and 
1) ; 
In this scheme, the elements of the knowledge item are placed like this: 
Knit ("source", ["possible correct answers", ....], question type, subject area, absolute 
drop value, "non-self" permission) ;