
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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Also be aware of the timing and significance of both the HECS census date and the deadline for withdrawal without academic penalty.

Contact Hours

You are required to attend two lectures and a three-hour lab each week. Supervised labs run in Weeks 2-13. Also there is an optional workshop each week, mainly directed at those who are completely new to programming.

A six-point unit is a quarter of a full-time workload, so you are expected to commit 10-12 hours/week to CITS1200, averaged over the semester. Careful attention to time management will ensure that you are not overloaded when deadlines approach.

Lecture 1pm Mon GGGL:WOOL
Lecture 1pm Thu GGGL:WOOL
Labs variousvariousCSSE Lab 2.05
Workshop2pm Mon GGGL:WOOL

Check the for more details.